New daily quests

I kinda agree. They should be a little tougher to complete, but imo should reward more gold. It’s stupid you can just enter a game, get below 15 hp, quit and you’re done. Quest complete. ??? Blizzard is getting desperate if you ask me so they try to at least keep the slower ones around. Liked your bit about participation trophies, I imagine why some wouldn’t :smiley:


Do you even know what “quests” are? They arent a “competition”. They are tasks aka, “do this, and get this”. And its not for free. It promotes playing the game. Exactly how quests should be.


Looks like you have some beta male complexes. Not everything in life has to be a competition. Darwins survival of the fittest, makes for an incredibly cutthroat society. One of the reasons as to why America has such a huge gap in wealth. Wich creates poverty, ghettos, crime, and poor education. A society can only function optimally, if the unit as a whole, helps the wounded soldiers, and reaps the benefits from such a basic humane menality. As a country, you are infact a unit. And helping the less fortunate, giving them a better chance to make it in life, makes for a stronger unit. Shame someone has to tell you this.


All you have to do is play them now and I still can’t be bothered.

Do you have any data about how common participation trophies are or if they even have any negative impact? You’re going really hard on this point and I suspect that you’re just basing it on your feelings.


I just miss the 100g ones

People are going against Kingofpain but, I already completed my quests doing auto-loss afk style.

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Its really hell when you are playing to lose and so is your opponent.

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As much as I wonder about Kingofpain, what motivates you to play (or not play) hearthstone? It sounds like you are only starting the game to go afk. Why even bother?

h ttp s:/ /i.imgur . com/y h8pJfS .p ng

The Penguin meme ;o

Well, I never tried my dinomancies, certainly, they suck in Ranked and I lost this match, but casual is other story.

The marvelous unicorn and the winged pink dinossaur and until same the Jaina’s sheep had their moments leading me to the victory!

Maybe bring back the win quests and leave the play ones in but give more gold for the win ones.


Change all quests to draw/take turns.

See, THAT’S a better idea. Make 60 gold the “lowest” quest tier (no more 50), with the “Play games as X” and “Win 2 games as X”. Then 80 g, “Win 3 games as X” and 100 g “Win 5 games as X”. So you are rewarded with more gold for winning, but you can still complete other lower tier quests by playing to try to win.


I feel this thread is showcasing the biggest problem of gamification. People are “playing” the game to get their cheese at the end of the maze and nothing more. If you are completing these quests by afk losing take a long examination of why you play this game and why you think it’s fun.

If you don’t enjoy playing a match for the sake of playing a match then I’m afraid to break it to you but you are addicted and I suggest you quit for your health.


Thanks for the assessment, but since you are not a practicing physician or psychiatrist you have nothing to base your opinion on other than what you think. The fact is that Blizzard added new quests that many players enjoy and that really bothers you . That you felt it was necessary to complain about your perception of other players getting something for free says far more about your frame of mind than it does anyone else…

I don’t know who you are or what you base your opinions on, but conflating a video game with the State of Our Nation is a ludicrous stretch by the most generous of assessments. So called “participation trophies” aren’t what is wrong with Our Nation or Our planet. Unmitigated greed is, and anyone who cannot see that is turning a blind eye to the fact that unregulated corporatism and consumerism are going to do just that: Consume everything. Meanwhile; you are clutching your pearls over a video game’s decision to be more flexible in it’s quest system.
Seems to me you could find a better outlet for your activism.


how do you know what my profession is. I might be a mental health professional how do you know. I just experienced someone quitting on turn one and I got credit for playing the game and didn’t play a single card or had a turn yet… that isn’t fun either. these new quests are bad for the game IMNSHO

I could be Rihanna, but I’m not.
The State of Our Nation has nothing to do with this game and your dissatisfaction with it. Glad to see your last reply dropped that comparison


Anyone having issues with these stupid quests where it doesn’t count games played towards the quest?? Happens to me almost every day

Yes, I played a game today with an alternate Hunter deck I had just created and it didn’t count toward the quest. Then I went back to my original Hunter deck and each one counted, so I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it.