Wait, how is a situation unwinnable if you’re holding a card that can get you out of it? Do you have to disregard the card in question? If so, I can think of plenty “unwinnable” situations that can be turned around by single cards.
you’re wrong. Unwinnable situations means NOTHING in the game can save you.
For example, you are at 1hp against a mage, he has a full board of 8/8’s, nothing in your deck can fully clear the board AND give you some health.
At this point it’s unwinnable… unless you run a card like this that could potentially twisting nether everything, give you some health and draw you cards AND summon some minions.
This card, interestingly enough is a small Mana Cyclone nerf (it’s basically Glacial Mysteries bad in most situations).
I’m not sure if it’s a Kalecgos buff. Sure it’s a desperation card if you’re losing badly, but it dilutes the pool a little further where you really want to be digging for Blizzard or Frost Nova.
Yogg is a different meta. Anyone who’s memed with Deck of Wonders and Augmented Elekk knows how rarely it actually swings games.
Might want to look up what the word “nothing” means, because a card that can do all that is about as far from “nothing” as you can get. “Unwinnable means NOTHING can save you, as long as you ignore this card you’re holding that can save you!”
This card can be better than Yogg Saron sometimes.
It gives you 10 guaranteed Spells and it can’t kill itself unlike Yogg Saron.
But it’s far away from an auto include card.
Uhh, if you’re predicting how the card will perform, then you’re describing scenarios that take place after the card is released. Even if that distinction was relevant though, you still haven’t said anything beyond “you can imagine an unwinnable scenario that becomes winnable if you have this card [and RNG falls in your favor]”. That’s true for other cards in their own scenarios as well, ones that can often do it more reliably. That doesn’t mean they saved you in an unwinnable situation; the situation wasn’t unwinnable because you had and used a card that saved you. It doesn’t make the card special, and the Puzzle Box isn’t unique for being able to do it either.
To get ahead of this one, I know what you’re getting at; you’re just ranting about it being a Hail Mary effect the same way Yogg was. I’m only pressing the matter anyway because I kinda want to untangle the complete nonsense logic behind your way of phrasing it. “No other card can do this” even though several similar cards have been printed in the past, and the things you’re saying it can do are well within the capabilities of other cards just because the criteria is so open-ended.
Currently no standard can do this and Yogg was nerfed and ain’t as powerful as he used to be.
This card potentially allows you to clear a full board of sticky deathrattle minions and heal you massively at the same time.
What I meant is unwinnable situation unless you have only THAT specific card because it allows you to pull multiple needed effects at the same time in order to come back. No card in standard can play 50 mana worth of removals and healing at once (granted this is RNG and won’t always work)
What would the average outcome be? Blizzard probably did roll this 1 million times+ during testing. If mage spells have a bonus change over other spells then this card is definitely good I think. All the secrets,the spells that summon minions,card draw and board clears (and this spell itself lol) are to your advantage.
The issue is kinda that it is very unreliable,you could end up overdrawing,not clearing enemy board. When would you want to play this card, Would you play this starting your turn with an empty board? Would you play this when you are behind and hoping it will turn around or are the better and more reliable ways to get a comeback. if spells from all classes have equal chance then the options that a spell is detrimental increases I think. Say 7 spells to your advantage and 3 spells against you. That’s a net gain of 4 random spells casted to your advantage for 10 mana. That is a bit borderline situation but its probably better. More like 8 good and 2 bad or even 9 to 1. Giving 6-8 net random spells which would be a sort of fair value I guess. But the range of potential outcomes is very wide.
If it casts a spell with twinspell, does it add it to your hand?
Seems like a good panic button card. Maybe a big spell mage build would actually include it.
Kinda a wash for cyclone mage, usually they want the cheap freeze spells, so getting this could hurt their early game, which I think is necessary for balance so all for it.
I wouldn’t say it’s good just because it can clear the field and heal you to full. A card that says “flip 10 coins, if all of them are heads you automatically win the game” would never ever be used, and that’s pretty much the same probability.
Of course, I know this is better because it can still do good things if you don’t succeed all the “virtual coin flips”, but it can also do very bad things: there’s a good reason people didn’t like Deck of Wonders, and would’ve disliked it even if it costed 0 mana.