New Card: Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron

Okay that criteria makes more sense, if a little arbitrary. If you set aside wild (which I don’t really like to do when discussing cards because it means ignoring most of the cards in the game), and set the goalposts specifically at “clear an indefinitely resillient board and heal your hero with a single card” (so you can’t just kill the enemy hero to sidestep the need for any of that), then yes - no other single standard card can do that. Just as long as RNG is in your favor, and circumstances are stacked against you enough to forbid a Shudderwock or Zul’jin from doing it, but not so much that the enemy has capped off their overwhelming advantage with a Counterspell.

But I still think the dream scenario rarely means much for a card. Yogg did this from time to time, but he was Neutral, and could be brought along with pretty much any deck. He could also have his Battlecry doubled with stuff like Brann + Conceal or 2x Innervate. Also since then, Standard Mages have lost their guarantee of late-game survival against an “unwinnable” board, Ice Block. I think the dream is going to be a lot less common this time around.

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This card looks really un-fun to have it played against you. Ten spells is a lot, and since it doesn’t have Yogg’s limitations of needing to have cast spells first and not being killed or silenced by his effect, Puzzle Box is actually better than current Yogg. This will probably be the new Conjurer’s Calling, because people are going to whine and complain about losing to this card on the forums for the next three months.

This card isnt a mana cyclone nerf. It gives u total gas at turn 10 to turn a lost game completely around. This card is going to rekt ppl. This card is going to eclipse all other standard cards for nerf calls you watch…remember yogg…i do

I wouldn’t say it’s good just because it can clear the field and heal you to full. A card that says “flip 10 coins, if all of them are heads you automatically win the game” would never ever be used, and that’s pretty much the same probability.

Well how about a card that flips 10 coins and if all are heads you win instantly. if 6 out of 10 flips are head you win with 90% certainty if 2 out of 10 are heads you are equall and if 0 out of 10 are heads you are 30%. such a card would definitely see play lol but we don’t know these odds. The coin itself is weighted as well with a preference for “heads”. This card will definitely see play and this card will be complained about a lot if mage itself is remotely viable.

Some players hate cards like this,for some other players cards like this are the best change to win a game.

I agree. I think the most important thing about this card is that, it require no set up. Hold it, play it. Zuljin limit the spell pool you wanna put it a deck, Nzoth need good deathrattle card, even the old yogg need you to keep playing spells but this? Nothing, all it need is top deck it and pray to god (old god) and let RNG decide your fate.

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the card pooll we have now isnt the same as what we had back then

PPL are sleeping on this card if they think its bad. Its one of the best cards cyclone mage could hope to generate as long as he doesnt get too many. If all else fails just play this on turn 10 and proceeed to maybe win when u had 0 chance without it.

I just uninstalled hearthstone cause i lost 2 games in a row with my opponent at sub 5 hp and my board being almost full both the times. This kind of crap can be “funny” in ranked but is too infuriating in arena. I have had enough of these crappy cards for 3 years. MTG here I come.