New Card: Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron

20+ spells?

Yes it can. No it not does 90% of the time(even before nerf).
In general this card is a pre nerf yogg effect without any condition.

And sincerely…

It is past the time to people get over it and blizzard think again about what to do with yogg.

for those who think this card is complete garbage… you’ve clearly NEVER played during the pre-nerf Yogg era.

This card can swing the game completely, from an unwinnable situation to being ahead, which NO other card in the game can do.

Turns out that many random spell usually clears the board and will draw you many cards / spawn random minions like the animal companions, etc.

sure, sometimes it does more harm than good but you’ll be using this when you’re far behind as a game changer.

This is a very dangerous card to print.

Note that it should be able to recast itself, making it 20+ spells if not more.


They will probably change it so it doesn’t cast itself.

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IF this can cast itself it def is broken

This. Pre-nerf Yogg didn’t matter if he lived, it was the hail mary which would quite often clear the board, play a few secrets and draw a few cards (sometimes even building a board for you as well).

Dont underrate this card! Being capped at 10 is meh, game swinging Yoggs rarely got much above that anyway!

I largely agree with your post, but I want to respond to this in order to clarify for everyone here.

Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron cannot cast itself, as confirmed by Ryan Masterson:


Maybe for Summoner mage in wild?

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I think this is an auto “do not include” card but will get anyway cause spell generation. Kinda like warrior’s nullifier and rover.

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We can only hope, can’t we?

I hate cards like this crap.

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Very expensive, very RNG-heavy, and currently has to compete with the extremely well-balanced Conjurer’s Calling. Does this spell have powerful potential? Absolutely. Will it see play in the current Mage climate? I’m sure people will tinker with it and ultimately find that Mage is strong enough abusing Conjurer’s Calling on Mountain Giants. Maybe those decks sneak a copy of this in as a late-game Hail Mary play.

So Kripp and Trump both have vids saying this can cast itself. That makes it kinda bonkers doesnt it?

To quote from upthread (and indirectly link to the Twitter confirmation), no:

we were able to do pretty much this with deck of wonders +elekk or just 2 deck of wonders late game after playing FLJ

it was really fun

Yogg can cast it in Wild, and so could Deck of Wonders.

So Yogg could potentially cast 60+ spells now.

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At least this spell cannot “kill itself” and stop casting.

It will be meme worthy and I’m sure it will see plays to some extend.

Simply do the following with a friend. Run shudder with yogg. Use baron samedi with weasels and watch the crazyness begin.

I was looking forward to Zul’jin being rotated out and now Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron enters. More random stuff and less gameplay. Time to play more chess.


In Wild, this can cast Book of Wonders, which can then be drawn through another casted Spell like Arcane Intellect, which can fetch a Scroll that casts this again.

Mages routinely get the strongest stand alone cards. If its not Frost Queen Jaina its conjurers calling