New Card: Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron

Expansion DOA

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I guess it’s neat if you’re in a goofball mood, but all I see is a completely wasted Epic slot for Mage.


I mean people called Pre Nerf Yogg a meme and it turn out to be a pretty competitive card. This is like being able to have 2 Pre Nerfed Yogg in your deck that always kill themselves. It kind of works with Cyclone Mage shell and Standard has a number of good spells this can hit. With a Kalecgos its like have a 4/12 Yogg.


It casts enough random spells that it might be good overall in the way pre-nerf yogg was.

First mage needs a deck that reliably gets to turn 10 with the space for 1 though.


The fact they printed this means they learned nothing from yogg. It looks my visits to magic arena will be permanent if new expansion is a bust.

They probably printed this for kalecgos.

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I think they printed this to brick spell generation for mage.


Welcome back Yogg Casino Mage.
You weren’t missed.
At least Druid doesn’t get you.

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That is the question

I love quests but hate this… I guess good > bad so far.

Another completely useless Mage card.

This is what happens when your Class identity = Clown Fiesta.

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It’s funny how half the people here think it will be useless and the other half think it will be broken af. Personally I think this card has a lot of potential, it seems like a great “oh sh*t!” button if you discover it from a cyclone or something.

I don’t know if people will sacrifice spots from their normal decklist though when they are already pretty tight and you already skip cards like blizzard which tend to be almost always useful. Then again we don’t know what new archetypes the new expansion will bring.

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Kalecgos and Mana Cyclone just got a lot more spicy.

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It’s probably a (very) good card.

But the reason why Yogg-Saron is nerfed is completely ignored with this card.

It can win you from nowhere, but it can also lose you from a good position (very unlikely, because most spells do positive things)


Pretty neat with Grand Archivist.

I will totally craft this card. I LOVED Yogg.

This, paired with Kalecgos, is as close to a prenerf Yogg as you’re gonna get.


Time for a 2 box, yogg, and 2 deck of wonders deck. All the RNG all the time.


Wins award for “Randomly Generated Spell Most Likely to Tilt People”
Almost no one is going to intentionally run this in their deck, and yet its going to win so many games.


Love this card. It’s great to see what is relatively an unnerfed yogg in Standard, and you can get 2 of them! Even more with card generation effects. Gonna be a bunch of fun in Wild as well.

Well Yogg was a powerful card, and often you would drop Yogg with 10 or less spells already cast and it would be a strong play, so i can definitely see this being included in serious decks.

Spells generally work out positively for the caster and this has the obvious use as a panic button, is it reliably worth 10 mana when not in panic mode? possibly, and if it is I can see this getting lots of play, that’s going to be annoying!

Yogg was busted because it could cast 20+ spells and completely turn a game. This casts 10 so half as busted which might still be busted because yogg prenerf was that good. Overall its going to see play no matter what because of cyclone generation and it will win games you are not supposed to win. So yah its going to become one of the most requests nerf call cards even though its mostly meh you watch.

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Imagine losing to this card in a professional tournament mode with a cash prize stake while you’re winning a game. That would be really depressing.