3 Things that makes forums suck

Three reasons:

  1. Daily post count. About a year ago I hit the daily post count. I dislike it, it makes people like me who have a lot of spare time on their hands suffer from forums withdrawal.

  2. All the forums users are dead. I could go on for ages about forums users with 1000+ posts that left us. Here are some examples, Toe, and fingrknitter.

  3. People HATING logical complaints but falling for BOLD outright WRONG PREDICTIONS like this one about Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron:

How many of these topics are you going to make? I’ll be in every one but I just need to know how much of my schedule to clear up.

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Your girlfriend must be proud of you! LOOOL

God why am I reminded about this rng clownfiesta card so often.

1- INeedHelpNow
2- INeedHelpNow
3- INeedHelpNows mom

Enough to get themselves banned.

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