Apprentice progress stuck

I recently downloaded the game, but I already knew it, I still decided to follow the apprentice path so as to get back a little carried away, too bad that, the games in “Standard Apprentice Rank” do not make me progress in the “Innkeeper Guide” missions, for example the first aggro mission where I have to play all the mana for 5 consecutive turns (mission for paladin and demon hunter) does not work, Although I have played multiple games with the paladin where I play all my mana consecutively for 5 turns and even more, it does not give me the achievement of the mission. I also noticed that at the end of the games the experience bar of the
The Heroes no longer fills up, I no longer gain experience after winning or losing, is it a graphical error? Same problems here: No experience is awarded in any form; Apprentice Track not Progressing, NO It's not a Visual Bug; Apprentice track progression broken; Apprenticeship/Tutorial progression locked, incompletable; Apprentice track not progressing


Yes, I have the same problem. Support is silent, and people in chats are hearing about this for the first time.

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I hope they can do something as soon as possible.

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This is part of the Known Issues:

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