Apprenticeship/Tutorial progression locked, incompletable

First, the missions were not completing and restarting would fix that, however now there are not any available Tavern Guide tasks available at my Apprenticeship level. Meaning I cannot essentially complete the tutorial of Hearthstone. I am locked at a level 11 towards 12.
The next quest is supposed to unlock when I reach apprentice 12, however all of the quests that give me apprenticeship XP are completed or locked, meaning I am locked at this level.
This can only be because of 1-2 possible issues; The developers miscalculated reward XP in the Tavern Guide/Apprenticeship questline tutorial or one of the quests/tasks did not reward me the XP to level up to the next apprenticeship level and even after restarting it does not grant me the XP.

(No, I will not skip apprenticeship.)


In case you didn’t try to check at the existing reports, there’s a massive progression bug in the current version of the game
Basically, quests and others will not update unless you close and reopen the game

At the start of my post you can see I said “First, the missions were not completing and restarting would fix that”

Restarting the game, even several times is not fixing it. Thanks though.
(Essentially the problem I’m having is probably caused by the same thing though is affecting the new apprenticeship tutorial they added and doesn’t seem to have a current work around like the problem causing players to have to restart).


I’m not familiar with the tutorial. Do you gain XP everytime you win/complete a matchup? Can you maybe slowly gain XP this way and get to the next level?

That’s what I was hoping, but you do not gain progress from matches played, only the tasks completed.
(If anyone else is curious; restarting several times, scan and repair, reinstall, and fully closing battlenet, signing in and out, does not fix the issue.)
It would appear that I’m just stuck here in apprentice and can’t play the actual game until this patch this issue. (That is if I want to receive the apprentice rewards, which I’d like to not miss out on.)

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Same problem. 11 lvl without quests.


I solved it. You actually get 100 exp for each win but you can’t see it. So for 150 exp you have to win 2 games and reboot the game.


I’ve been playing for several times and already reboot the game but still no progress to my character. It only happen to my US region, the Asia region face no problem

*I just start playing this game for 2 days


Restarting doesn’t work for me either. It did earlier, but since yesterday it no longer progresses the track nor hero XP which it did before. Stuck at 21 on the track - all the objective things are done and playing games doesn’t increase it so I just have to stop.


I have the same problem and it makes me unable to progress the game at all i have tried for 2 days but nothing seems to work. No quest progression or hero xp. Nothing works. I have tried scan and repair, relaunching, redownloading the game. Fun new player experience!


There will be a new patch this evening. Hopefully this problem will be fixed today.

Any idea of the time this patch will be out?

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Where I’m at it will be around 7 pm. I don’t know about other time zones.

I still get no xp or quest progression maybe they fix this in the next patch so new players can actually play the game.

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Same yester day i was stuck at LV 10 today it started working and now it stuck again at LV11 133xp and it hasent moved. quest stil arent completing iwas only able to gain xp for 2 games before it stopped working.

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same problem, repair please!!!

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I dont understand how the game has been out for years and its this bad. but yeah i would rather not play at all than skip the Apprentice track.


I wonder If they will fix the apprentice track before the in Game Event is over?

So far, they remain silent, and Show No signs of caring about fixing the Game.

It has been bugged since Wedensday at 12:00 UTC +1. (EU)

No Hero Level Progression, no Quest completion Tracking, No apprentice track leveling, and the Account creation Pack (Android), was Not rewarded. After creating the Account, the Pack disappeared.

It would appear, that Microsoft was Not the savior after all.

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Imagine being a new player and you can’t progress in the apprentice track, Blizzard is a small indie company after all.


The issue has not been resolved yet.