Proving you wrong isn’t exactly a challenge…
Ikr. People who hate shadowstep so much should play a deck with shadowstep in it for a while to actually understand the pros AND cons of the card. All the hate it gets comes from people when they lose to it and dont even realize how many times they won when shadowstep was a dead card in hand or not relevant enough to make a difference
Same for all the preparation hate. You have to use deck slots to play these cards that do nothing by themselves
Paladin gets better treatment as well, but take a good look at Wild.
Rogue has more viable decks than any other class.
That isn’t an accident.
Eudora is really fun as well. They always (besides excavate) make the same mistake with burgle cards. They make them too slow xD. Rogue just dies if it cant make decent tempo plays
When you put it that way, I guess I see your point. It’s a little overkill for the rogues tho. Elemental mage is actually quite good and popular at lower levels of play and can use a bit of a tap as well. At 4 mana rogues can still do some shenanigans with the mana cheat pirate, even though the deck would be garbage.
Omg I forgot they didn’t buff maestra holy… The fact that card costs 6 mana boggles the mind. It’s like they have decided all rogue cards need to be grossly overcosted so people stop complaining about rogues.
Truer words have seldom been written on this forum
It’s an interesting development with nerfs and buffs in the game these days. You have to go back to the moment they decided to introduce massive amounts of mana cheat and card draw to the game. You cannot balance cards any longer due to rarity and mana change on cards is mostly irrelevant.
The designers are still under this illusion that changing a cards cost is the perfect fix all the time. Sometimes it can be but for the most part it does nothing. It’s the same with a card being legendary. It used to be a tricky thing to find that ONE card in your deck without some luck. Now it’s inevitable it will be in play or in hand.
They’re going to get themselves in trouble with these nerfs… They create these boring predictable linear decks that have 1 or 2 card win conditions every expansion… people play them to death because they require little thought but they’re dreadfully boring to play against so they get that ‘sentiment nerf’. One would have to imagine the playerbase is going to get tired of their little simple decks getting destroyed all the time.
Why did they split the BGs buffs and nerfs into 2 images? they easily could have have them as one… Is there something Im missing as to why it is 2 images?
Edit nevermind, i see the first image is of heroes and the 2nd is of minions. I dont think it needed to be 2 images still lol. oh well.
Edit: Edit: How are they gonna further nerf Ghoulacabra? It already only triggers after the death of a deathrattle minion… not the deathrattle itself anymore… only thing i can think of is if they reduce it to +1/+1 proc or if they limit the times per turn. If the latter it wont even be worth picking anymore…
then you are happy about all the nerfs we had so far
people often demand blizzard to “make this card unplayable” or "destroy this deck " and they dont do it
for example the warrior reno decks !
theyve been avoiding that type of changes as much as possible
sometimes they dont have a choice like the jailer deck but is good they avoid doing this as much as theyve done in these last years
nice to find someone else who is agaisnt nerfs destroying decks!
No nerf to the shudderblock incindius combo? That damage is insane.
Could be +1/+1 but that would kill the card. I am betting on them lowering it’s health so you can get a chance to snipe it early before it starts the train rolling. Could also reword to “Your OTHER Minions”. Making the Ghoul more like a Titus minion.
We haven’t seen all the minions that are rotating yet and which ones are coming in. Not to mention we haven’t seen the class trinkets yet just the neutrals. The neutrals are already pretty nutty so i assume the specific ones are even more powerful. It might not be as good in the new season if the build for it isn’t really there.
Out of the cards being nerfed, Chia Drake surprises me the most. It’s definitely a good card, but not at the top of my list of guesses. I definitely don’t mind that Concierge got hit alongside another Combo Druid card. I’m so sick of Combo Druid (going back to last expac).
I figured Lamplighter was going to get hit because of the Rogue shenanigans, but I never felt like that deck was some kind of meta tyrant. It definitely had a feelsbadman vibe when you lost to it, but other stuff triggered me way more. I also get Lamplighter was good in Mage and Shaman, but it’s taken so much work to make Elemental Mage and Elemental Shaman even playable. I’m hoping those decks can remain decent with this nerf.
Being run off the board by never-ending unkilliaxes looks to soon be a thing of the past. It really had a way of shutting down the game with little counterplay once the unkilliax hit the board. The only Zilliax play-pattern more toxic than the Virus Module rez garbage was Ticking/Pylon in all the aggro decks. Nothing says healthy meta like being punished for playing minions to counteract your opponent’s minions. I really hope Ticking gets fixed to read that only friendly minions discount your Zilliax. As much hate as unkilliax rightfully gets, Ticking/Pylon enables so many more aggro decks that go for that Turn 5 lethal and is hands down the strongest version of Zilliax currently in Standard.
If they hit it with 4 mana, then… I’ll be at a loss for words. There was literally entire rogue archetypes built around using the discount pirate + sonya + cover artist (which is at 4 mana) to build OTK decks around. It should be obvious that 4 mana is not a safe mana cost to leave any minion if you want to stop rogue from abusing it. That said… I really don’t have much confidence in the balance choices, given they haven’t touched paladin or shaman, so you might very well be right. In which case… well no comment, I’ve had posts deleted for saying less about the dev team’s adeptness, or lack thereof.
When I first say this card being released, I was like this is got to be a joke. The value and flexibility of this card is unparalleled, and if you hit it with wand, its an extra free turn (9 mana). Considering one of tempo druid’s (circa meta pre this set) strongest plays was playing Marin → Wand → Eonar → 2 free turns, nearly as strong as the dragon priest payoff (minus the ability to attack twice.) If this ever happens in a game usually meant a won game, now its nearly 3x more likely to happen off of wand.
I believe tempo druid is the strongest non-aggro deck in the format right now, nothing else is even close, and this is probably the main reason why.
With the meta being what it is, this card is not nearly as strong as it could be. If or when the meta slows down, this card is going to take off. Its absolutely game-winning in slow matchups. It’s run by priests (not 100% on this one) and warriors as well, so I think those 3 classes will dominate once meta slows down.
Ghoulacabra? Wanna bet?
This game is dying. Bad expansion sadly.
Hunter dont need no buffs these nerfs will indirectly buff them the cards in question are the reason why hunter sees no play.
Its actualy strong right now but warrior us pretty much single handedly taking hunter out of the meta. Mage is part of it but its mostly warrior. Warrior needs more changes still. The amlunt of amor is can get on one turn is beyond out of control.
It’s MUCH stronger in faster matchups, provided they survive long enough to play it. Vs my sludgelock, if Druid or Warrior get to play the card, I’m done with.
Drawing 2 cards and gaining 10 armor to survive one more turn is devastating against aggro decks, even more so if the cards they drew are the ones they needed so they refresh 6 mana crystals and get to play them.
If you’re not hitting ramp, you should be hitting draw/survivability…definitely not the dmg. With ramp and survivability untouched, the dmg will come over time from anywhere.
Besides, you just took dmg from Mage, a class without ramp, without survivability, and now, without damage. Way to go!
So nothing against Paladin though? That’s going to be fun.