Nerfs and Buffs incoming (Zilliax, Lamplighter...)

If that’s your “friendly” we can only imagine what your “I demand to speak to your manager” looks like

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The culprit of creating a whole Elemental deck through its mere existence.

The nice way of saying “I reported you.” xD

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Even if he didn’t directly, he absolutely has enough influence in this forum that at least one person will be convinced to do so by his post

Fair enough, but still a poor one at that. I’d argue the fault is more on the 3 mana ‘deal 6+ damage’ card that is so good it alone managed to make all elemental decks competitive. The battlecry is so good even mage runs 2 brewmasters to bounce it.

The “friendly heads-up” to put weight on the matter so people actually report it. xD

Doesnt it have to be the worst card in standard though? At the core of it its a stat cheat card… and if you can cheat out the stats early enough to where no one can remove it then it just becomes an ‘i win’ card… and then it needs to be nerfed and if it gets nerfed then whatever it does just gets destroyed by yogg/reno/twisting nether/insert board clear here.

It seems like a mind boggling card to try and make work because it can never work… They should have changed that 2/4 taunt to summon a copy if its drawn rather than put a copy in the hand… or changed char to do 8+ damage so it can kill a giant. Instead they decided to mess with a card that I dont think they can ever get right and let slip an opportunity to charge up some unused archetypes

Will be interesting to see what changes they make. Will it be just the lil mana cost change or pull a sneaky n do something more significant?

Take it like you want i had no ill intent, you were the one going on about unwarranted leaves of absence.

I much rather have you around than not unlike some others that love to abuse the system and then accuse other of abusing it , i dont even engage with those outside memes.

One has to wonder what they were thinking when they printed essentially the same effect on a 7-mana class-specific Legendary, only to follow it up with a 2-mana neutral version.


I agree, those guys are the worst. :rage:

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hydration station was not the issue, just the payoff card. Chemical Spill shoulda been bumped to 6 mana.

Ticking Module (now costs 20 mana);

seriously, maybe we take a look at the other modules?

good riddance

good riddance, though I suspect they’ll just “go to 4 mana” and Concierge Druid will be perfectly fine

We thinking buff revert? or to 5 mana?

I would not play this card for three mana, its’ gonna need a really big buff.

hey this makes my unpacking not so bad, too bad I don’t play druid/warrior out of principle.

The class gets away with using alot of things it has no business with. You should check out wild.
Anyone who says Rogues don’t get favoritism isn’t looking at all for it.


All the standard buffs are likely simple mana reductions, except for Tsunami which may summon an additional water elemental.

Ticking Module - Goes to 6 mana
Dr. Boom and Hydration Station - Now Specify DIFFERENT taunt minions.
Lamplighter - Goes to 4 or 5 mana
Concierge - Gets the “But not less than (1) tag”,
Chia Drake - Goes to 5 mana

This is exactly why it should be an elusive nerf instead. It kills the elemental rogue deck people complain about because it’s feels bad play pattern and doesn’t affect the other elemental decks. Perfect nerf.

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They are also favoured by far in terms of getting nerfs, and that only counting class cards.

Rogues are many things but they arent boring and they are not the class right now on top of the meta that by some miracle avoided any nerfs…

Theres much to say about the core Rogue set but i dont remember the class at the top of the meta and the dev team ignoring it .

Take another peak at the top tier decks if you want a crystal clear example of a “favorite”, and spoiler alert its not Rogue.

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Pray tell me then what rogue should be playing this expansion? Please dont say excavate


It should have been a burgle Rogue, but they refused to buff Maestra. Maestra should be like 4 mana. Rogue can’t afford to play 6 mana do nothing. It’s just too much to ask from Rogue.


It’s almost a nerf at 7 mana! …because the silly Casino of Yogg at 8 when you finally launch Galactic Projection Orb, it’s better to have a flamestrike or fire portal at 7 and Tsunami in the 8 slot! But you’re right it will go to 7 :confused:

I would be happy to be proven wrong tomorow but i dont think they put in the required thought process to do buffs outside 1 mana down.