NERF the Spectral Cutlass already!

Stop with this card and nerf it once and for all. Terribly OP weapon. Just NERF IT.

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Phen… why do you want them to nerf every single card in the game? You don’t even state what the issue with the card is. But let me help you figure out how to counter it… put a viper in your deck if you’re running highlander, or 2 if you’re not higlander.

And you have more options in wild because you can use a Swamp ooze as well.

Every Reno deck in wild mode has a minion that steals the opponent’s weapon!! No need to nerf!!

Rustrot Viper is a Common Core card. Play it if you have trouble with opposing weapons.

False. Just the cards they lose to a few minutes before jumping on the forums to call for a nerf because they lost to it/them.

Every single card in the game that counters them they call for a nerf. Every time. And it’s a different card each time lol .

Leo i think the best way to counter this deck is to run weapon removal andf maybe some neutral freeze minions or if your mage just freeze spels…

I feel weapon decks have alot of counterplay to them.

Out of all the cards to nerf you picked Spectral Cutlass? I admire you

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I made this same joke a week ago leo. Get your own material