Nerf Hunter Quest

Except for the fact that it doesn’t need a nerf. People are calling for nerfs because of “feels”. Now IF a nerf is warranted, speed of quest completion might be used as a mean of adjustment depending on the spread of win rate vs different archetypes.

Ok… let me clarify. Timing of completion could be relevant if there’s a huge gap in win rates vs different archetypes. I’m not sure that’s the case here. See my post about Quest Rogue in one of the other nerf quest hunter thread.

I never said this. That’s not how I framed my argument at all. So stop it. I’ve said that nerfs that are based entirely on how people feel about (losing to) a deck are likely to be misguided. I used the colloquialism “feels bad man”. I said nothing about players being bad except in reference to myself. So stop trying to create some false narrative that I’m suggesting the people need to “shut up and git gud”. I’m not. So cut it out. Ok?

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