Nerf Hunter Quest

I am generally opposed to the rampant nerfing that is part of Hearthstone over the past few years. One card that needs nerfing is the Hunter quest card. It is just too easy to complete and once completed it has totally broken mechanics. Nerf simething that needs nerfing Blizzard.


You expect the balance team to actually balance anything? That’s adorable. But yeah I totally agree. Quests are one thing but to have them be so unbelievably easy to complete is another


I think they are still monitoring wild . . .

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They made it for that stupid player can win.

They may still can’t figuring how to nerf it but make stupid player can still win.


The hunter quest is fine IF theres a counter like Reno Jackson.

The problem is there isn’t. Most of the heals available suck and aren’t good enough to do anything.

Taunts do nothing since its all spell damage.

This is now how HS should be played, just chucking spells at opponents face until you win.


How would they nerf it though? Increase the number of spells needed? Make it so it had to be a per turn thing, or something else?

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the most reasonable nerf would be “your hero power cost 1”, like they did in the past with raza.

It would make the quest less oppressive, probably not tier 1, but it’s a possible nerf.
Increasing the number of spells by 1 like they did with pirate warrior won’t be enough (as pirate warrior showed us, they needed multiple nerfs).

If they cared enough about wild, that quest would have already been banned, or the demon seed would be unbanned.
After 6 months of “not playing ladder wild”, I have finally a lower star bonus: first game in ladder was against quest hunter, back to casual for another month I guess :joy:


I came to similar conclusions, but I couldn’t square a the ban part with they were going to rotate into wild (and seed coming back anyway) with banning it for a month at most.

I agree that 1 at least slows the rapid fire part significantly, without nerfing it into the ground. Only time will tell if they change anything though.

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by making it atleast 3-3-3 for the steps


hunter quest doesn’t show 100% win, I think it is balanced. have you tried it before complaining ? there are other decks which can beat it…

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Just because it’s not 100% win doesn’t mean it’s not unbalanced. Nearly every other quest now has a higher completion requirement to it, so going 2/3/3 would make sense.

You are right that there are plenty of ways to counter it, and I’ve played enough on both sides to know ways of dealing with both.

And of course, RNG is a cruel and fickle mistress anyways.


Hunters have a wide variety of damaging spells early game, arcane shot is 1 mana and can deal 2 damage. its inasne

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try these options

Finley/Grizzled Wizard combo

Blademaster Okani(delay tavish turn to be play and force opponent to consume more spells from hand)
Boompistol Bully…also force delay the drop from Tavish in

if you got bounce cards in hand and wizard you can also delay their turn to reduce hero power cost to 0…Grizzled Seance Grizzled…Grizzled…Youthful Pandaren…Grizzled…Zola on grizzled

you make them angry playing the delay tactic untill you get both finley and wizard
…if they’re hero power dont cost 0 you reduce their burst dmg greatly

well…assuming they dont opt in to summon leper early game you get a huge advantage
…thing is…i been the only one screwing with them so far…untill your in deeper rank you normally wont expect hunters to focus summoning the leper gnomes first over rushing the hero power to cost 0

game get significantly harder if you face a hunter that know what your up to and wont bait to deal with your bs…on this…enjoy abusing those hunter that are still not aware of the delay tactic XD

oh last thing…b4 you play delay tactic…make sure they,re at least on second part of the quest(if they’re still on the part that they upgrade to hero power targeting minions its not yet time to play delay tactic)…either 0/2 or 1/2 of the second upgrade

if they’re on 1/2 you can play wizard without bouncing it…but at 0/2 you gotta bounce it right away cause they can at least spare 1 spell to kill it without harming themselve…unless you got raise dead in hand then its wtv…if at 1/2 you can play the bounce next turn cause they wont wanna wreck themselve anyway

that tactic only work if they were trying to rush the hero power…if they went for leper summoning first the tactic wont work to delay tavish summoning…however you can use the tactic after tavish summoning to buy turns(if you got some way to survive(Reno//Mi’da)…other heavy healing forms

EDIT: well…unfortunetly that delay tactic with Wizard cant be use on Pirate warrior…they could use the same treatment that hunter get :3 bullying the questers hehe :smiley:

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So the fix would be to make a deck that counters only quest hunters ? Give this man a spot in the design team.

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work on more than just hunter lol
that card(boompistol) also a slap on pirate warrior,shudder shaman and other decks using battlecry as main win con//use a fair amount of battlecries

think i’d suggest it for no reason ?
also dont forget its 1 card out of 30…ya give it way too little credit…also why you think few decks run nerub ? while Nerub would be nice in a battlecry heavy deck you’d harm urself a lot too…not just opponent…boompistol bully may not last above 1 turn but it certainly buy you that 1 turn bonus you need

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Why? The current design puts Quest Hunter at a very reasonable 55% win rate, solidly in Tier 2 according to HSReplay. The difficulty or timing of quest completion doesn’t matter; what matters is how it translates to win rate.

Now if that win rate changes with the new expansion and we see a win rate far higher than the rest of the meta after a few weeks, then you might consider a nerf. Right now, the only reason you want it nerfed is because you feel bad. That’s a terrible basis for design decisions.

It seems they heard you but they confused nerf, with buff.

They legit gave quest hunter and hunter in general so much POWAH in Sunken City.

If they dont increase starting health soon its gonna be a very tilting year.

There’s plenty of counters. If you really hate this deck, try throwing Mutamix as soon as Tavish is built.

Don’t mistake “I won’t bother to consider possible counters available” or even “I won’t even look online for how to counter this deck” for the deck being broken. This sort of whine is spoken like somebody who has never tried to ladder with this deck, and then likely to come back and lie they say they have, even though it’s demonstrably not true.

To the guy above me first off if they’re good, they don’t leave tavish in their hand. I saw one guy with the legend card back leave tavish in the hand to get ratted by me, and I won, but it wasnt easy. Also Mutanas costs 7, tavish is down on turn 5 lots of times. Hard to play against it unless youre playing quest rogue or you highroll with shadow priest.

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You’re missing the point. Everything has right around a 50% won/loss rate. That doesn’t mean the deck itself is balanced. The game mechanic is still broken. Your win condition can be completed by turn 5 in most cases. Once they play Tavish, they’re going to win most of the time and there’s not much the opponent can do about it. They just sit back and watch or concede

That shouldn’t be a thing in a good CCG

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