Nerf Hunter Quest

No (with a lot of “o” on the end). If you had read my interactions here, I’m fairly dispassionate on the whole matter. I’m merely offering a take as someone who doesn’t care either way: I can happily blast away when playing as hunter, or easily enjoy beating them when playing against if they get nerfed.

The discussion is about how to nerf it, and you’ll note my original question was how it could be nerfed, since it works a bit differently than other class quests like it, and the conversation went from there.

It does, just ask pirate warrior. Hence the reason a similar discussion is taking place about quest hunter, and if a similar nerf is needed, and if/how it could be done (again, where I came into the conversation).

If you want to contribute to a discussion, try adding more subtance than “mad cuz bad.”


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Except for the fact that it doesn’t need a nerf. People are calling for nerfs because of “feels”. Now IF a nerf is warranted, speed of quest completion might be used as a mean of adjustment depending on the spread of win rate vs different archetypes.

Ok… let me clarify. Timing of completion could be relevant if there’s a huge gap in win rates vs different archetypes. I’m not sure that’s the case here. See my post about Quest Rogue in one of the other nerf quest hunter thread.

I never said this. That’s not how I framed my argument at all. So stop it. I’ve said that nerfs that are based entirely on how people feel about (losing to) a deck are likely to be misguided. I used the colloquialism “feels bad man”. I said nothing about players being bad except in reference to myself. So stop trying to create some false narrative that I’m suggesting the people need to “shut up and git gud”. I’m not. So cut it out. Ok?

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But is it fun to deal with quest hunters? The answer is no and majority of us are fustrated dealing with this quest deck and doesn’t care about win rate percentages Quest hunter are at. New hunter’s legendary card is going make quest hunter even more broken and going to anger lot of people and if were team 5, I would look into nerfing some of the hunter’s cards.

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Actually, maybe it’s not fun for you. That doesn’t apply universally.

Oh? Please share the extensive polling data you’ve collected to be able to make such a definitive claim.

Broken? It seems to work fine. It has a reasonable win rate, solidly in the middle of tier 2. Nothing is broken. Until the overall win rate is significantly higher than the rest of the meta (or if the win rate is highly polarized against different archetypes), how you feel about the deck ought not drive a balance change.

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Quest mage was nerfed because it was able to complete on turn 5-6 consistently and had a LOWER winrate than quest hunter by 2-3% so you are completely wrong. Quest hunter is broken NOW and will soon be 20% more broken with the new set cards. How you cant see the problem I simply cant fathom, as no one can be THAT dense.

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… wasn’t broken either.

You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Quest Hunter is a Tier 2 deck. It annoys you. Oh well. Nerfing a Tier 2 deck because you are annoyed by it would be a poor design decision.

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Congrats; your opinion has been noted. If this were a poll, you would be vastly in the minority on this. Now before you go “BANDWAGON FALLACY!” I’m pointing out by the sheer number of people saying there’s an issue with it, it should at least be looked at, as opposed to…well, the couple people saying “nah, it’ll be fine.”

Congrats, you now arrived at the same place everyone else did, except you’re so late, you get to turn out the lights.

This is why I love telling people to “scroll up” and reminding them the quote function exists:

Now, you’ll try and weasel out of this and claim the “feeling” means something different, and wrote an entire paragraph about it. But it doesn’t wash. Everyone knows what you meant, and your:

And miles protestations only show the accusation was right on the nose. If it wasn’t an indrect “mad cause bad” there wouldn’t have been some slam on peoples’ “feelings.”

So how about YOU

And yet the devs know less than you, because they nerfed it. Maybe you should apply tp run the game, since you know more than EVERYONE, including the people who actually run it.



its really busted. I played control priest and had 25 health left and this quest hunter was able to OTK me after finishing its quest. Its stupid how a hunter had so much bust damage it can do to you. Its going get nerf whatever you like it or not.


The opponent can always try and beat them before they complete the quest. And if they can’t, then they can politely say gg, concede and move on to the next game without any hard feelings.

That’s not for you to decide.

before turn 6 without an aggro deck? :thinking:

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That’s also for you NOT to decide.

This “quit and feed people wins” has to be the dumbest idea ever. If everyone did this, what do you think would happen to the stats on your decks you don’t want the devs to even look at?

That’s right: their win rates would drastically shoot up. WAY up. And they would get mega nerfed, harder than anyone here is talking about.


That depends. Blizzard can see in their data that quest hunter has a huge winrate because the majority of players refuse to play against it.
Whether hunter gets mega nerfed or not is entirely up to Blizzard to decide based on their business objectives.

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If they don’t have an aggro deck, then they can go for the second option and concede and save themselves some time.

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Which tells them something about the quest, the need for it to be looked at, and people not playing against it.

People getting insta wins isn’t good from a business perspective, because then everyone starts playing it and not other decks. This isn’t that hard.

Thanks. And your opinion is also noted.

Oh? Please share this poll. I’d be curious to see the results. They may not be what you expect. Until then, you are merely speculating.

Actually… I do NOT think a nerf is warranted. All I said was that IF a nerf were warranted, one of the means of nerfing it would be speed of completion.

No. I was never suggesting that anyone was bad. I was suggesting that losing to a deck (or even merely playing against a deck) that you find annoying ought not be sufficient cause for a nerf. It has nothing to do with how good or bad a player is.

I didn’t slam people because of their feelings. Everyone’s feeling are valid. I simply said that feelings should not be the primary driver of design decisions.

I’m aware of the nerf. And I disagree with the design philosophy.

I’m all for looking at any deck for issues. I just think that nerfs ought not be based primarily on how people feel about the deck.

IF this (the thread) were a poll. Try reading the proverbial room, because those results that you think

literally have you in the minority.

Laughable denial of reality is laughable. But pretend you have some invisible majority with you here if it helps. I call “infinite I win” already though, since you went there.

And guess where everyone else was in in the conversation days earlier. Again, congrats for arriving at a conclusion that people reached days, if not a full week ahead of you. Hence, what I posted the last time. Maybe in a week, you’ll arrive there too.

Bad attempt at deflection is till bad. If you had meant this, you would have said it.

Again, right there. Of course you meant it all touchy feely and as a positive comment on everyone who was talking about the nerf. Naturally.
That was sarcasm.

Good thing no one needs your approval to change the game, because your feelings didn’t factor into their equation. You know, because that would be a terrible way to design the game.

Except this one, for some strange reason, because you’re strawmanning everyone so hard you probably need to go to the doctor for the sprain you have for reaching this hard insisting EVERYONE is calling for this to be looked at based on “muh feels” because you can’t actually come up with a better counter point.

I just think that being opposed to nerfs ought not be based primarily on how a person feels about the deck, and their lack of cogent arguments on the subject.

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It’s not. It’s a thread called Nerf Hunter Quest. Of course it’s going to be mostly filled with people who agree with that sentiment. Not that I take issue with the thread, even if it’s just cathartic for people to vent their frustrations with others who feel similarly.

Not in this thread, obviously. But I’m not certain the vast majority of the player base would agree that Hunter Quest needs a nerf. Now things may change in a couple of weeks after the expansion has dropped and when the meta has settled and there’s a good amount a data collected. We’ll see.

Again, you are misunderstanding what I’m saying. People here are arguing that the deck needs a nerf. I disagree with that notion.

It’s exactly what I meant. I’m pretty consistent on the issue.

No. I simply meant it to be descriptive. It’s perfectly fine to feel bad. There are plenty of matches where I feel bad after the game. Right now, the win rate for Quest Hunter is not a problem. The only reasons people want it nerfed is because they feel bad when they play against it.

Come on, man. Of course the devs don’t need my approval. How absurd! They don’t need anyone’s approval. This is feedback. This is players sharing their opinions on the state of the game and suggestions to improve it. We can disagree on those issues and still share a civil conversation. I really don’t understand why you’re raising the temperature on this.

Including this one! The devs absolutely can look at it. But my opinion is that if the win rate is reasonable, they ought to leave it be.

If you feel the deck needs a nerf, what are your reasons that are unrelated to how you feel about playing it? Are there any objective reasons why you think the deck needs a nerf?

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Now pretends to not to be able to follow the question chain you started.

Ah, the appeal to the silent majority.

Finally some honesty.

Terrible strawman is still terrible. Try coming back when you have some actual facts and logic for your position.

In. Your. Opinion.

ftfy with a hard stop.

I’m pointing out your lack of facts and actual opinion on this, and your repeated “muh feels” as the sole criteria for opposing this. The only one who came into a civil discussion and “raised the temperature” was YOU.

And there it is. An opinion. If it wasn’t an issue, supported by more than “muh feels” then it wouldn’t be the subject of of so many discussions, like the mage, and warlock before it.

This is where your objectivity has been blinded by your desire to troll people. I literally answered this question before you asked it (as well as several others in this thread), and you missed it because you were too busy spamming “muh feels” nonsense.

I mean this in all civility: stop posting, re-read the thread and come back when you can post more than this “muh feels” nonsense.

The problem with Q hunter is that there is a lack of healing to counter it and the fact that if you play any minions against it you lose. It is a solitaire deck and those should not exist at all.


Come on people, according to hsreplay Quest Hunter is a Tier 2 deck. It should not be nerfed. Just because some people play decks that are bad against it, doesn´t mean it´s too strong.