My threads keep getting flagged

So I asked for an investigation into who is flagging my threads and I want them banned from the forums.
Brigading is a COC violation.

Let’s hope Blizzard takes action against the forum Trolls (the regulars with multiple accounts.)

I have also asked that every troll who flagged my threads that were not in violation of the COC, receive a lifetime ban from the forums.


My husband was banned from the forums for 2 months (!!!).

All because he spoke the truth about things. It really is a shame some of the people on here abuse the reporting features and utilize multiple accounts to get people banned like that.

Select people on the forums would see his name and automatically report him, and laugh while doing it too. It was disgusting.

I’m so sorry it’s happening to you too :pensive:

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I will get to the bottom of it. I have opened tickets asking for an investigation.


This topic violates the Code of Conduct.

On the one hand, technically accurate. Discussion of moderation decisions is against the CoC.

On the other hand, your post is also in violation, per the same rule.

On the other other hand, so is my post here.

I haven’t flagged any posts in this thread, even though literally every post so far is in violation.

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i was banned for 6 months for calling the devs out and they didnt like being told the truth, so they cried and banned. But i honestly didnt care cause there are plenty of other games i play so wasnt a big deal to me. lol

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You get flaged probably because ppl fed up with all of your nonsense threads which start with EYE WIN… No matter how you beat certain cards until the game is full of resoruce generating and removers still make fail every slower decks… the game is unbalanced… like hell… doesn’t matter if you dodge an EYE win card… because the enemy can get plenty of it… Blame too much resource generating, all the 0 mana cost cheats and stupid removers…

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Let me give you an advice. You keep posting daily multiple threads calling out supposedly “I WIN” cards; you annoy people a lot doing that; some of them you annoy because you do it a lot and in a low quality way but others you annoy because it’s not even a technically accurate way to even start thinking about cards.

The balancing is done on decks; it is never done on cards because by that way of thinking Priest should be deleted since some of their cards steal and copy other cards (the MOST powerful thing if we don’t think “decks” and only think “cards”); start making “I WIN” DECKS threads at least.

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A lot of people may say something wrong. It doesn’t make them right. No card in this game can win a game on its own; it needs a DECK; start looking into overpowered decks.

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I win cards doesn’t exist nowdays… but there are just too many situation when only 1 card can make the enemy fail too easy… so it is almoast accurate to call them “I win” cards… Because after that, there is about 0 chance to win for the enemy.

Careful, your “genius” is showing.
By your own definition, Shudderwock is NOT an I WIN card. It cannot win you the game with one play. It has to be set up with multiple other cards before you play it.
As many people pointed out to you, it is the deck, not the card. On its own, the card is useless.
Many people have pointed this out to you, and you refuse to listen. Maybe that is why you are getting flagged.


You should threat the forums like you threat your toilet after a bad food. No one mediates this forums, they only ban based on the reports…You get reports you get banned…That’s why threat the forums like that.

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This is exactly the issue going on. This should not be happening when someone is being wrongfully targeted because someone arbitrarily doesn’t like the person or what they say even when they are on topic and talking about things that need to be talked about related to the game. Some people even utilize the free nature of the game and several accounts to artificially increase reports against people like SilentStorm, thus resulting in a wrongful and unjust ban. It is wrong and I agree that it needs to be brought to light and stopped before this becomes an echo chamber wasteland.

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Yes. They are gaming the system that Blizzard created for the forums.
Gaming the report system is a COC violation and this is what I am opening tickets about so it gets investigated.
Continually reporting non violations should be a lifetime ban from the forums.
In another situation I am aware of, moderators had to make some people immune to system reports because of “regulars” with multiple accounts abusing the system.

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How ironic.

Discussing the fact that people can be unjustly banned somehow violates Blizzard’s authoritarian Code of Conduct, and the mindless followers will just accept it without realizing what they’re supporting.

This directly parallels someone being punished for speaking out against authority, something humanity has fought against for centuries.

And here you are, promoting this backward thinking while having no actual connection to the authority figure. It’s like you’re furious at your neighbor for speaking out against the King and want them thrown into a dungeon to be tortured for it.

You are just appalling.


Impeccable reasoning.

You got banned because you refused to bow down to the parade and acknowledge them as infallible, almighty, and always right.

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This makes discussions difficult, because there’s two different sets of standards here. On the one hand we’ve got the standards set by Blizzard, told to us though a written document. On the other hand we’ve got what I think would be just and fair, the Code of Conduct I would write if I was in charge. These two things are the same at points but importantly different at many points as well.

For example:

Is it against the Blizzard code of conduct to stubbornly maintain a view that is considered wrong? The answer is: maybe. “Causing disturbances in forum threads” is explicitly against the rules, and that’s very vague. Theoretically, any form of disagreement could be considered “disturbing.”

Is it against my code of conduct? No. I don’t consider trolling to be immoral at all. I’ll flag a post if it’s trying to get around the language filter by replacing the i in a with a cuss word with a 1, I’ll flag a post for directly accusing another forumer of lying, because I consider these breaches of decorum. But getting a post removed because it expresses a contrary opinion seems counterproductive.

The like button is for agreement. The reply button is primarily for disagreement. We are here because we enjoy disagreeing with each other. Be honest, if you didn’t enjoy it, you wouldn’t be here. We should remember that and voluntarily choose not to enforce stupid rules that make disagreement a banable offense. Yes, even stubborn and/or stupid disagreement. Even if some of you insist on calling such behavior by the derogatory term of “trolling.” I don’t like that word.

Aren’t we here to debate? If you’re going to write rules for boxing, maybe include a rule about blows below the belt, but if you ban punching then you’re legislating away the very point of the activity.

The rules are written so pretty much anything can be removed at any time, if Blizzard so wishes. This is their house, they own the servers, so I respect their right to do so. But just because I respect your right to do what you want in your own house, doesn’t mean that I agree with it. Just because you can doesn’t mean that you should. We have some bootlickers in here who will never check Blizzard’s behavior, no matter how bad it could theoretically get.

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Blizzard isn’t the one hiding my threads.
It’s brigaders abusing the report system to get them hidden.
They know if they game the system, it will automatically hide the thread.
In your opinion, should people who do that be banned for life from the forums?
This is why I opened a ticket and demanded an investigation.
Brigading is a COC violation.
I think you are on my side when it comes to this.

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In my first post in this thread, I said that every post in the thread (at that point) was a violation of the CoC. That includes the opening post. It’s not even close, the CoC is very clear.

Of course, it was people flagging the post that was the actual mechanism getting it removed. I understand that some posts break the official rules and are not flagged or removed. But if every post that did break the official rules was flagged and removed, that’d be an even worse situation.

There are no violations in my posts.
Why isn’t your post then hidden?
You said your post violates the COC, so why didn’t it get mass reported and hidden if people are so concerned about the rules?

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