LoOk aT me I sAId tOXiCitY sO I knOw WHaT i aM tAlKinG aBouT.
This is not true at all, since when has anyone ever said, “I don’t like card games very much, but it has a nice community so I will keep playing the game.”
“I love this card game, but the community is too toxic so I am going to play another game I don’t like with a better community.”?
Bottom line is community toxicity doesn’t effect the state of the game at all, every poplar game is toxic, way more than hearthstone. Games such as:
But people still play them because they are FUN games.
If you don’t like the forums or think it’s too “toxic” fine. NO ONE is forcing anyone to post Anything on here. No one is making you to go on forums to play a game. It is every player’s own choice to contribute to the community by going to the forums in ways they see fit.
Subjects like Toxicity are subjective, it isn’t as simple as game mechanics. Who’s to say who is toxic and who is not? Some people may find me toxic, others might not. I don’t care, I like being a bit toxic and I don’t mind. If you don’t like toxicity and think the community is toxic that’s fine, it’s your own opinion. There are many others that also share your opinion, but you know what a majority of them do? They comment on the forums, get flamed, and then never comment on the forums again and enjoy the rest of their lives playing hearthstone without the forums. If you don’t like it you can just not use the forums. It is that easy.
You are not some crusader for truth and companison who can change the toxicity of the community of Hearthstone.
tl;dr in this thread guys? Spare a bit of happiness to your fellow Hearthstonians, trust me it goes a long way! Think before what you say, comment by comment this community can get better!
This is nonsense. The people you seem to be criticising are the ones who engage in constructive discussion and actively try to help other users. Some of them can also be combative with people who come on and angrily make false claims, spout conspiracy theories repeatedly, or have been using the forums long-term as either a place to simply vent bile at Blizzard or as their own personal blog.
Trying to paint the former group as trolls instead of the latter is really messed up.
Sure, regulars can sometimes be dismissive and abrupt, they can be cliquey, but humans aren’t perfect and I can’t think of many examples where such slight misbehaviours weren’t justified.
Prior to the new forums I’d racked up over 5000 posts. I was happiest here talking about deck archetypes, strategies, individual cards, the new player experience, the history of (and changes in) the game. My chief enthusiasm is meme decks. I very rarely created threads and when i did they were almost all about off-meta decks.
And yes, i also got involved in rows with people i perceived as ‘trolls’. I got frustrated when people posted flame bait, posted misleading and innacurate information, had a history of only highly negative posts, or spammed the forum with multiple threads on the same subject.
Sometimes I could have been more postive and less combative, but I don’t accept that I, or other regulars with even less patience, have ever been the problem with this forum.
I do agree that lack of moderation has always been problematic, though.
Only when drinking through a straw.
I thought that was basically all the topics in here (complaining about something). I feel that the OP felt that this issue needed to be addressed and in turn, created a topic addressing it. If he did not create a topic, where else would he post his thoughts?
Needs a bowel bowel disimpaction?
Do you not see how your comments are completely condescending?..
I get you’re upset that someone has something negative to say about this community. Truly. And funding tournaments and stuff is cool for people who do that sort of thing. Almost everyone has no idea, though. About the tournaments, or about you doing them. I know I didn’t. Only the regulars are going to know that. And honestly, I don’t think it matters. I don’t think funding a tournament earns the right to come into forums and be condescending to people. I think that really sucks.
When newer players come in and see how condescending these comments are, what are they supposed to think? And they hear them EVERY TIME they say something even slightly negative about this game or the community.
I don’t know man. You could say the same thing in a way that isn’t so belittling. There’s a constantly “i’m superior than thou” shoved in the face of more casual players from people who have been here for a long time, and it kinda sucks.
You’re essentially telling this man, “You don’t know anything. Think whatever you want, but you’re wrong and I’m great.”
How is that building the community? How is it helpful? It literally just comes off as bitterness and condescending.
And you’re generalizing everyone that has been here for a while as condescending.
We make and bump threads whenever we do tournaments from the initial announcement leading up to the final day of deck submissions.
Many of us offer assistance and perspective to newer/less informed players to help them get past challenges. Do you know how often plenty of us do that in as polite or informative of s manner as possible, only to be spat at in the face? Just because certain community members are more activd than others, or have been for a longer period of time, doesn’t mean you can just label them as the sole boogeymen of the forums.
Do you really not see the negativity inherent in your own approach to the issue? Couple that with what has essentially been you defending everyone’s right to take as terrible of an attitude as they want when critiquing others, but never receive anything in kind, and I’m sure you can see why some folks are getting irritated.
You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t I guess. If what you say is true, that means a lot of the older members have tried to help, got some nasty comments from trolls, and now decide to be bitter against anyone who says anything they disagree with.
I mean, call me negative if you want. I don’t know your history. But I don’t think your history matters in this case. (not that you don’t matter, but for this specific topic I don’t think how things used to be is relevant).
I’ve made an observation about toxicity in the forums. I decided to post here to express that and see what people said. A lot of people have had similar experiences to myself. So this isn’t an outlier opinion. It’s a relatively common one. I’m not saying that all older posters are negative, condescending jerks. I’m saying that the general attitude received feels that way.
There’s a clear disconnect. Older posters vibe with and prop up each others comments. They defend each other. That’s cool, that’s what community should be. But When that sentiment is just being condescending towards people who aren’t a part of that group? Well… I mean what are we supposed to think? And then I comment saying, “Hey, that kinda sucks,” and I get told, by older posters, that I’m just negative.
Let me quote the first comment I got from Bowser here, response to me asking if there’s anything wrong with the message that we shouldn’t be toxic:
I mean, maybe my view of the community is negative, but what am I supposed to think when the most popular posters say things like “F@#$ your morals” in response to “hey, this place feels toxic.”?
There are ways to voice your help, address arguments, and have a laugh without trying to belittle others. It’s really not that difficult. And the resistance to that idea, predominantly from older posters, does very little to reassure anyone that this is, indeed, a place where people value diverse thought, newer players, and genuinely being helpful.
I’m 100% certain that most people commenting in the forums have at one time or another been helpful. To an extreme, you could probably say that Hitler at some point in his life helped an old lady or did something kind. That doesn’t mean the general attitude felt by everyone else is good. It’s not an excuse to be a jerk.
The overall attitude felt by newer players here is, typically, not a great one. And I tried to point out an example as to why it feels that way in my previous comment. Do with that what you will.
Edit: I would also like to add that I have specifically mentioned that people deserve respect “as long as they aren’t actively attacking other players specifically.” If someone is being really mean to you, they are in no way entitled to or deserving of your respect. But attacking the game, or having general complaints or criticisms, is not attacking other players specifically. There is a massive difference between saying “Hearthstone sucks because ____” and directly insulting another player.
How is ‘this community sucks’ not a personal attack on every single person who posts here? I would love to hear an explanation.
The general feeling in this community, at least in my own experience, is that GENERALLY it feels pretty toxic. And this sentiment appears to be shared by a significant number of other individuals.
It’s a negative comment, yes. It’s a criticism of the community. It’s entirely different than saying something like, “If you don’t understand how ‘this community sucks’ isn’t directed at everything you’ve ever done, you’re an idiot. I’m sure you NEED an explanation on a lot of things. I’m impressed you even know how to type.”
Very different. If I stated the fact that the the college Greek system sucks because it has resulted in the largest percentage of rapes for a consistent period of time, I’m not saying everyone in a frat or sorority sucks. I’m saying that rapes suck, and we should make it better.
You might feel personally attacked if you belong to a frat or sorority, but it’s in no way a personal attack on you. That’s a matter of being able to separate the two. I haven’t said “long term community members suck.” I haven’t said you suck. But I do think this community kinda sucks.
How do you propose to stop it. Both sides are a problem, people get offended too easily and people who “attack” or criticize. Honestly people just take offense to everything now and for that toxicity has gone up. Too many rules on language has made everyone weak minded towards simple comments.
Some people get offended too quickly. Some people say things that are worth getting offended over.
You probably can’t stop it. I guess you try to address the issue and move on, attempting to be better in the future.
Sometimes, people get of with a bad start… which leads to a misunderstanding.
If you look around abit more and give a statement again. Would you still say this community suck? with the same tone?
We all have our little/big flaws, and as long as we participate in here, we form THE COMMUNITY. With our flaws we bring abit of personality to this forum …a bit of flavor…that we can call our own.
While there are some posters that enjoy engaging in dispute, there are also posters that are peacemakers. We all have good and bad days. It may somehow affect our mood that day. (Even best friends can argue and insult each other)
But, if WE are willing to take a step back, practise abit more graciousness (to minor flaws), WE can find that this community is still not as bad as perceived.
TLDR: Sometimes, it’s just a misunderstanding. If we change our tone and approach abit, we may find some treasures.
long time posters are contained in the set of the entire community.
The only reason it isn’t ‘personal’ in the literal sense is because you insulted EVERYONE.
I’m not concerned with how many people agree, you are being hypocritical and inconsistent when you complain about people ‘personally insulting’ others when you are very willing to insult EVERYONE.
If bowser had said ‘you suck’ you would have qualified it as toxic behavior would you not?
If he said ‘you and fingrknitter suck’ that would still qualify.
So by induction insulting the entire community is the exact same thing you keep condemning (without arguing that it may in fact be even worse).
Let me say this again. Greek culture sucks because it results in an extremely high number of rapes.
Am I saying that everyone in a frat sucks?
No. I’m saying that the system is fundamentally flawed. If you personally feel attacked because you belong to a fraternity, that’s your decision. That’s you deciding to take a generalized comment about a larger issue personally. The psychologist in me says that’s because you have so strongly identified yourself as a member of that group that you have difficulty separating a comment about one from yourself. But they are different things, I promise you.
Toxicity hasn’t ruined gaming, complainers have. Calling someone stupid, OH MY GOD he called me stupid. Blizzard - permanent ban. Eventually “toxic” players are gone and all you’re left with is complainers and how the community still isn’t the way they want it to be. “Agree with my opinion or I’m reporting you for toxicity”
I don’t think games would be better if the reverse were true and you were only left with toxic people.
That’s not comparable to what you said in your title.
You would post in the frat community and say “this community sucks” with zero granularity. That’s how you made this thread. Only if they were ALL guilty of the crime you outlined that you correctly condemn would the statement be correct. I would say your title fits more closely to 4chan. Are we really comparable to that?
To match your analogy your post here would have to be “internet toxicity sucks” or “toxic posters suck”. I agree 100% with those titles, because your condemning statement is directly attributed to those who rightly deserve scorn. But there are so many posters who don’t deserve to be INSULTED because of your willingness to generalize and condemn them by association for simply being here.