My observations on the community as a whole

I love Blizzard. I love Overwatch, I like WoW, I’ve had a lot of fun in Hearthstone. They’re well-made games, i like the art style and lore, overall I have really enjoyed the things put forth by the company.

Now, I’m pretty new to the forums. I dont’ comment here much. So maybe I’ve just been exposed to a small part of the community here, and my sample size is too small to make any kind of judgement. But I’ve read a decent amount of posts because almost everytime I google something about Hearthstone, Google takes me here.


Similar to the other communities I’ve run into in Blizzard games, namely Overwatch, this community is ridiculously toxic. Pretty much every post you click on has someone, for absolutely no reason, initiating some kind of fight or personal attack on someone who disagrees with them. It’s ridiculous.

“Zaxo, that’s just the internet.” No, not really. There’s always trolls, sure. But this is a community. I’ve been playing games online since the early days of Runescape. I’ve visited forums for dozens of games (along with several designed for music lovers/traders) and fully immersed myself in countless gaming communities, from small to large games. And this community is by far one of the worst, right next to Overwatch.

If someone is frustrated with the game and comes to comment to vent their frustrations, they are not met with people genuinely trying to help them have a better experience. And before you say anything, remember, that’s exactly what the forums are for. Forums are here to share information and have players help each other out. That isn’t even half of what goes on in these posts.

New players are criticized for not knowing certain things. People who don’t like certain things about the new updates are told it’s because they suck at the game. The list goes on and on. The forums are here for people who are having difficulties to find support. If everything is going great, you don’t need to make a forum post. If you’re posting in the forums, 90% of the time it’s because there is some kind of problem that you’d like to be addressed.

As other commentors, it is our job to help address these problems TO HELP people, not to attack them. And this community is absolutely horrible at this. People are condescending, toxic, and constantly trying to prove that they’re the master of all matters regarding Hearthstone. I’ve seen a handful of decent conversations compared to hundreds of toxic comments.

I honestly don’t think most people in this game are capable of not being condescending. A lot of people here seem to be completely unable of comprehending a different perspective, or they literally just don’t care to because they’re more concerned about inflating their own ego.

In any case, stop commenting if you’re going to be condescending, backhanded, toxic, insulting, whatever else. Just go back to playing the game. Stop bringing the community down to your level. If you can’t comment on someone’s post without throwing an insult in there, implying they suck at the game, etc., don’t comment. Just leave the forums or create your own post.

It’s not that hard, and you’re making the community a worse place. Maybe that’s what you want. Maybe you want to surround yourself with toxic, condescending jerks who just look down on anyone who isn’t “as godly at this game as them.” If that’s what you want, by all means, go ahead and continue as you are. But the rest of us would appreciate it if you just stop. Just go back to proving how much of a god you are in the game, not in the forums. Literally no one cares here. You’re just causing problems for your own ego.

Even as I type this, I can see the comments that are going to come in. I can’t even say “don’t be toxic” without people coming in to try to justify that the reasons they’re being toxic are validated (i’ve done it on other posts). Maybe people literally can’t even comprehend the fact that they’re being toxic, idk.

In any case, there’s the rant. I’ve read too many unhelpful, aggressive posts, and decided to make this one to see how many people agree with this sentiment. I care about having a good community. A good community can make a bad game awesome, and a bad community can make a great game terrible. The choice is yours, every time you post (or have the self control not to).

Edit: The toxicity I’m referring to here is explicitly the kind of player-on-player attacks. People will have a lot of aggressive things to say about the game sometimes. But that’s the game, not other people. I think the forums are largely where those aggressive posts about the game should be directed. As long as players aren’t attacking other players, I think they deserve to be met with respect and a genuinely helpful spirit.

[Moderator’s note: Title edited to be less inflammatory, the post itself is generally respectful, keep it positive in replies, please.]


Of the four(edit) communities I’ve actually spent time on the boards while playing the games (MtG:A [granted Reddit here], HotS, LoL, D3HC, Shadowbane) I would probably say that, on average, HotS and HS were kind of the most contentious (toxic, I suppose) of those forums.

In general though I wonder if many of the online forums have just generally degraded over time as the communities in games where there is chat has seemed to decline from ‘ye olden days’ so… I kind of had an assumption that while Blizzard’s appear to be the worst at times HotS and HS I am/was a lot more engaged with so it might be my bias.


Yeah, it can get kind of rough around here and in my opinion, the overall community on here has been heading slowly downhill over the past two years or so. Still, I enjoy many of the interactions I have on here and haven’t completely given up on it yet lol.

If you’re interested in a smaller, considerably nicer (and a lot wierder) Hearthstone community, feel free to join our Discord. It was created by people who got sick of a lot of the nonsense on the forums since we can actually moderate it ourselves, and Lykotic and I are the admins.


I never joined back in the day because of hailfall.

Is he or any of the other numpty’s still in there?

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Believe it or not, 99% of the time Hail was super chill on the discord. Like a completely different person. Saw a few messages from him on RoS launch then that was about it, I don’t think he plays much anymore.

Obviously we get folks with differing views in things, but as long as people can remain civil with each other we don’t really get involved.

Basically, just don’t be a douche.

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OP I’m gonna go pretty far an say you’re a toxic individual. Look at you with that wall telling everyone how bad the forum boards are.

Discussions are made with A LOT of differing opinions. You’re gonna take notice of whos truly helpful in this community an whos out just to rile people up. Thats part of LIFE dude. Some people start off amazing an end up going downwards unforuntaly, an very rare have I watched people I used to downvote I nowadays give them likes.

I personally love the trash talkers because this game isn’t perfect an I can admire a nicely timed rage post from people like n25phily lmao. Some people have been forever positive like Phobeter, Zee (before they left) Teo etc.

Your post also insults people like Reaver who has the balls to try an start positive conversations all over if you look around. But guess what? Those threads dont get much traction because everyone wants to argue in the rage threads. Or the very popular (This deck mechanic is BROKEN!) An the same song an dance group goes to prove them wrong but the OP never even cares.

Zaxo step up an contribute more to what you wanna see on here if you want some respect. Otherwise why complain about something you, yourself wont try to change.


That’s just it, he spent his time on these forums trolling.

Don’t matter to me if he stops the act on discord, I just don’t want to associate with someone like that lol.

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Like I said, haven’t seen more than a couple posts on expansion launches for several months.

The discord has a pretty wide variety of non-HS subchannels as well, you should give it a look.

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That’s literally it. They’re not fun to play or play against. I’ve played at least 3 games in the past 2 hours where by turn 7 someone has 4 bombs in my deck and 6 “i die and deal 1-4 damage to everything you love” minions. Zero skill or strategy you have to play around. Just drop your bombs and be off.

If you don’t have a way to constantly maintain an entirely full board of minions out there by turn 7, good dealing with that. Bleck. What’s even worse is with the damage modifiers, it’s all LUCK BASED. Who wants to play a luck based game? Just give me a minion that does 1-30 damage directly to the enemy hero as a battlecry. DoEsN’t ThAt SoUnD fUn?

  • insert forum warriors to guard their game b/c someone criticized it

Look at that garbage YOU started also on the front page, complaining just like the forums are used for. Give me a break Zaxo you clown.


I was just wondering is this the same guy who as whining the other day


In no way have I personally attacked anyone. I have addressed something that I believe to be a problem. If that’s insulting to you I apologize, truly.

As I said in the OP, I have tried commenting on other posts to call out name calling and aggressive behavior in other posts. It has come back to haunt me, as even those posts are met with toxicity.

I shouldn’t have to earn your respect. New people will be coming to the forums all the time. This isn’t a place for the elite to sit there and look down on other players. It’s not a place where I should feel I have to earn anything from you. Simply being a player who has concerns about the game should be good enough, as long as they aren’t being a jerk to people.

I sincerely am not trying to cause tensions or flame. I’m sorry if this post has been interpreted that way. I simply care about the quality of responses, and I have seen enough negative ones that I thought it was worth addressing.

If it’s toxic to say that, I mean, I don’t know what I’m supposed to say about it, honestly. I should be able to criticize the community and the game. I’m glad you’ve had positive experiences with a handful of people over time. That’s great. For myself, and a lot of other people that I’ve seen posting, this has not been the case. I don’t believe saying that should be considered toxic at all.

Edit: As for the specific post you mentioned, I also was not attacking anyone individually. Complaining about an aspect of the game and attacking individuals is a very different thing. We’re SUPPOSED to criticize the game in the forums. That specific post was meant to be comically over-the-top. Reading it through again, I can see how it might not be interpreted that way and that’s my fault for the wording. But still, attacking people vs. attacking the game is a big distinction.


If you care about quality of responses, you should similarly be concerned with the quality of topics.

Posting hyperbolic threads complaining about something is not a quality topic. So why are you holding responses to that topic to a different standard?


That’s true, I could have done a better job there. But it’s not just my posts that I’m talking about. I have maybe three OPs. I see it all over the place.

Even if you disagree with anything I’ve ever said anywhere else in the forums, even if I’ve been completely, flabergastingly wrong before, is anything I’ve said here worth arguing against?

Don’t attack players. Too many people do, and it’s made my experience worse. That’s the message. I don’t think it’s one that should really be fought against.


There’s a pretty big difference between disagreeing with someone and outright attacking them. I’m not saying the latter doesn’t happen here, but I’d be cautious not to lump them together.


We get some bad posts true…some whinning ,no doubt. But we also have some good posts on here too. You gotta take the good with the bad…heck ive actually come to like the knee jerk reaction post we get frequently,i mean i had the joy of reading a nerf Ooze thread😍
The truth is you can wade through the junk and find some gems.


I’m aware of that. I have literally no problem with people coming in with a solid opinion that’s different than mine. See my last comment for proof of that.


That thread is so precious, I hope it sticks around lol

Fair enough. Keep in mind that we’ve also had tons of people who will post a complaint/rant about something then follow up with “this is just my opinion. Don’t like it, go read another thread” and honestly, that really isn’t conducive to any form of discussion whatsoever, it’s just searching for an emotionally-validating echo chamber.

I’m not saying that your post is that, but with a bit of context and the reflection of said post that youve shown in your other thread, you can probably understand how some folks might interpret it as such.

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I really don’t know what is considered a health happy non-toxic community to gamer’s these days. Really thinking about it I find myself thinking about LAN tournaments and how fun that was.


I do not intend to justify that other post much. I thought it was funny, until reading it later, I see how easily it could be interpretted differently. I’m probably going to delete it. After the OP, there was one commentor who had a genuine comment, and I had a genuine reply. Go read the comment after that.

Admittedly, after that comment, I got pretty annoyed because it’s exactly the kind of thing I’ve seen too much of in these forums.

Someone assumed everything about me as a person, as a player, and all of those things were negative. And that comment, as I’ve seen so many other times, was one that was liked the most. The aggressive, vile, hate-filled attacking of other players over and over is the most liked one by the community. So after that, yes, I had some less than ideal comments, but still, none of those were really attacking another person.

And that’s what I want to focus on. That mindless attacking of other players is really bad for the community. Even if it is justified against me, it’s not against a LOT of other players who come to the forums to say “This is so frustrating! I practically want to quit!” or something like that.


I bet it sucks when people do that.