My observations on the community as a whole

It’s due to terrible moderation. Simple as that. There are probably less than a dozen or so obnoxious know-it-all-and-must-comment-on-every-thread people on here. If they’d just ban them, the entire board would be much better.

You can identify them by the fact that they have hundreds of posts already. You don’t get that many unless you think you know everything and always have to insist everyone else knows it also.

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I dare say, perhaps even rolling in it.

I perfer to think of myself as the bowl tab you place in the tank to help disinfect it. It doesnt work, of course. You’d never drink the stuff. But you try.

There’s 11 posters with three-digit post counts in this thread alone.


Most of the actual community here has “hundreds of posts”. Its really not a big deal, this board has been here plenty long enough for it.

Its only the random trolling few who don’t at this point.

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I was curious about this, so I went back to the archived forums. The last posts there are from February 27, which means the new forums have been active almost two months. I didn’t realize it had been that long.

About 50 days of the forums being up. To have 200+ (plural hundred) posts at this point means they’ve posted at least 4 times EVERY SINGLE DAY since the forums came up. Some people have 3-4 times that. So 12+ posts a day.

That indicates either a tendency to argue, thus spamming multiple posts into a small number of threads. Or a tendency to think one’s opinion needs to be heard on pretty much every subject.

Neither one is in my opinion a huge plus for a forum. I’m sure there are a few exceptions, but I’ll stick with my initial theory on the topic. If that offends some people with hundreds of posts, I’m sure they’ll spam the thread endlessly to debate the topic, thus proving my point.

I on the other hand am done talking about it. Made a point. Defended it one time. More than that is just “must have the last word spamming”.


Or, you know, its indicative of an active forum (community) member. 4 posts a day is the lowest I’d expect from an active member of a forum community. In short, those of us who post 4+ times per day are the community.

You are welcome to your theory, but keep in mind that 3 of us with 500+ posts have done quite a bit to build the community. I dont see you arranging any community tournaments, funding prizes out of your own pocket. It sure is easy to criticise though :man_shrugging:


All i know is…

Without the discord crew there would be no community. Just trolls spewing hate all day.

That group, of which most have hundreds of posts, are the ones who pitch in to coach, to help, to test, and to do anything even remotely community related.

Moreso, in fact, than Blizzard has ever done here. (Which, is fine. They have higher level things to deal with and larger scope playerbase tournaments and stuff to do)

We could easily do without people who manage to do nothing but trash on actual contributing members.


For what its worth, i couldnt care less if people use hard language.

But…Blizzard does have to curate that stuff because they want the game accessible to everyone and foul language is a barrier to some.

This platform is wide access. It has to be a lot tamer than, say, discord does as a result. I can respect the need to keep it clean here. I suspect you could too.

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Oh, another thing i forgot to mention. This is NOT a community. A community is connected by emotion, not common interest. This is the internet where strangers meet. This is so far away from the actual definition of community… seriously, look it up.

That is, to out it politely, a very idiosyncratic definition of “community.”


Umm, I think its you that needs to look it up, you have literally described one of the definitions of community then said its not one:

The condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.


I am simply waiting for the dawn of hearthstone to be flushed into oblivion. Suffer huge financial losses and fall into the pit of redundancy it deserves.

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Im fairly sure you dont know what that word means.

As much as I understand you need to look up what a glottis is on google. I want to deeply apologize to those who do not obtain further education or a degree.

Im fairly sure me googling words isn’t going to help you use other words correctly.

Like, at all.

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Like is not used correctly in the sentence you provide. That is for the correction on my grammar.

Keep being a pester, insignificant bug.

Sure it was. The punctuation was not standard, but the usage is perfectly well established in literature so every reader understands intent.

Which is irrelevant to word use; a different problem entirely.


I’m glad you’re so honest about yourself and creative in expressing it.

The word toxic needs to be nerfed…to OP.