Late to this party…
Just a sharing on this community, from personal experience.
- Understand this Community
Is this community really toxic? Similar to the real world we live in, there is multiple personalities with different education, background, agenda, etc. Some people like to be caring, some like to argue, some will preach all day, some just jokes around, etc. Each have his/her own uniqueness.
If you had been with the forum for sometime, there are some prominent posters that we can have a good understanding of them. We are not perfect. We have our own bias and believe, and personalities and way of “speaking”.
- Understand the Culture
Culture can be described as the general way of conduct accepted by the community as a collective whole. The current culture of “negativity” is the one we accepted as a collective whole.
The only way to change this culture is to change the mentality of individual. However, mentality seldom change as it is what made us our self, thus an identity.
On the next level, we can only provide “opportunities” where changes can take place. As mentioned, many of my thread does not gain any traction, but it all targets at providing “opportunities” for individuals to participate, and away from the “negative” thread as mentioned. Without it, then there is left with only 1 option.
- Understand the limitation of Communication
Many a times, miscommunication happens.
I misinterpret you. You misunderstood me. Drama unfolds.
How many times do we re-read a poster’s post? Do we read “behind” the message and see the intention? etc, etc
Did we start off on a bad start for a discussion?
Conclusion (TLDR)
BE the community WE want.
Be selective on what we say and what posts we participate. Be selective to who we response and how we response. Want a better community, be a better individual.
I really wanted to see just how long it could go on, but after seeing how obnoxious it looked on mobile it got to the point where it was best just to pass on feedback to the forum devs so it can (hopefully) be fixed.
That made my eyes hurt scrolling down on mobile lol
Going back to the op’s point, I’d say that my big issue with the forums is people just coming here to vent. Making angry, belligerent posts and often stating huge innacuracues as fact. Kind of like your Bomb Warrior post, op…
Like sure, it’s logical that the official forums would be the place they’d come to vent but often that just makes this place unbearable to visit. For me, anyway.
It is indeed. It’s usually the forum regulars that do this sort of thing. So you’ll almost always run into them. As they are in just about every thread. Even worse is that Blizzard condones this behavior. Otherwise reports would have some impact. Blizzard clearly wants toxicity to be part of their forum.
Trust me, it’s never going to stop. This has gone on for years now. Blizzard has no interest in doing anything about the problem.
One of the reasons I quit is because I can’t figure out how to get better. The primary responses I get to asking questions are generic answers like, “play a meta deck” or simply trolling like “if you don’t know how to win you should just uninstall.”
No, that’s the internet. Not life. In life, I can tell people to “shut up” and “go away”. Alternately, I can walk away and talk to someone else. On these forums? You can’t get away. You can’t make people go away. Here, people just trash talk endlessly.
Except that you don’t take the time to actually prove anything. You people say things like, “The best players in the world have no problem with that deck. Therefore it’s not overpowered.”
You might as well say, “hahaha you suck!” Because it’s about as helpful.
This is a typical post, from a typical HS forum user.
How is it “unbearable” that other people express their anger? I would think that you could simply look past that thread. Not click on it. Not comment on it.
…but that’s not what you want. Like most of the people that replied here, you’re looking for an excuse to troll.
People that are frustrated might have a low skill level, and that might be their whole problem. Trolling them won’t change that, or make them go away. It certainly won’t help them improve.
Don’t want to see these topics? Perhaps you could stop trolling them?
You might want to provide your definition of “trolling” here, because it’s unclear why me making a (IMO, entirely warranted) point suddenly makes me a troll.
Is it my avatar? You know I’m not literally a troll, right?
There have been numerous threads over the last week of folks requesting help, with others chiming in with anything from advice to offers to spectate. The thing is, those threads don’t often stick around because once the OP is satisfied that they’ve gotten some more resources to help them improve, the leave it alone and go back to just playing.
I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” and it holds quite true on here as well. Yes, there will always be jerks who don’t intend to contribute anything positive to threads, but you also see people who are just sick and tired of folks who open up their thread swinging hard, assuming that they’re God’s gift to Hearthstone and there’s no possible way that their losses are their own fault, or that [deck X] is completely unbestable and needs to be nerfed, when that simply isn’t the case.
It’s understandable to get frustrated - it happens to all of us, myself included, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have to put out what you want to get back. Just recently, Gwyneth posted looking for some help playing Token Druud, and while after some helpful posts, some idiot started flaming her for playing the deck in the first place, that person was shut down hard and Gwyneth actually wound up getting some of the help she was looking for and was able to move forward.
People need to keep in mind that this is a Discussion forum. If you intend to simply drop a point that you want to make on the front page, expect it to be discussed from multiple points of view by people equally passionate about the game.
This is an incredibly helpful community. We are also a no nonsense community. And its not “toxic” to shut down misinformation, lies, and trolls who only want to trash on the game we are passionate about all day.
That in no way justifies trolling people that are frustrated. That won’t improve the situation.
Also, people being angry doesn’t mean you should try to anger them further. It makes no sense, but you act like trolling is the only possible response. That only nice people should get nice replies.
How do you expect the forums to improve, or people to stop being angry? Especially when a horde of forum regulars look to make fun of those people 24/7. You only keep angry people angered when you troll them. It won’t get you anything you want… Unless your purpose is trolling.
Almost every response I’ve gotten on these forums has been trolling, poking fun at me, or just rude replies.
The few people that claimed to want to help… Didn’t help. Their advice didn’t produce any tangible results. Most of the time, I would lose even more. Leading me to the conclusion that 100% of replies to my problems are trolling.
People that go out of their way to read opinions they know they won’t like are looking for excuses to troll. Nothing more, nothing less.
Ive never seen a post from you asking any such thing.
Perhaps it was buried under all the insane posts screaming about “broken cards”, “blizzard forced losses”, and how toxic we all are?
edit: i am curious if you actually do want help still. Thats unlikely to be the intent here, but i have a lot of fun doing that. So we can totally highjack this thread if you have some questions
I agree that anger over anger only begets more anger. However, you seem to have conflated disagreement with trolling. I’ve seen perfectly sound advice given to you many times over the years. If you find yourself unable to properly implement it (not judging, everyone plays differently) then the best bet would be having someone spectate and coach you through some matches. I’m working today, but should have some free time in the afternoon (CST) if I’m able to get most of my stuff done early and the plant is running well, if you would like some help.
Otherwise, there may be others on here willing to jump on and give you a hand in-game.
I’m not saying this forum is perfect - far from it, there’s a reason we have a discord now - but it isn’t as bad as it’s being made out to be.
With this, if someone is going to spread blatant falsehoods about the game that a new player could come on here, read, and mistakenly believe, do you not think the correct (and often, far more hopeful) information should be presented?
As I said before, it’s understandable to get frustrated but asserting that people should be able to conduct themselves however they want out of frustration while being entirely immune to the social ramifications of such conduct is absurd and just asking to “rage with immunity”.
So you’ve quit the game, and this community is toxic… and yet you’re still reading these forums? That seems like rather strange behavior. If I quit a game, and thought that the community from that game was horrible and toxic and full of nothing but ne’er-do-well trolls, the very last thing I would do is read their forums. Let alone post on them to interact with this horrible community for this game I don’t play anymore.