I’ll be that guy and say yes, all of it. Don’t preach your moral principles on this “sucky community” and say we aren’t doing our jobs as posters.
There is one set of standards I need to follow in order to post here, and it’s not the fairyland concept you preach above where we all hold hand singing merrily under a rainbow surrounded by unicorns. It’s the code of conduct.
I understand where your coming from…but you gotta have thick skin on the internet. Your gonna get a few solid replys and your gonna get some people who hit ya with the venom. Its best just to ignore those guys and have a convo with the ones who are trying to.
I mean some people just get on forums to go off on people…i like to get my sarcasm on from time to time.
You just cant let things like that get to you! Armor up!
I agree. As I mentioned in the OP, this community seems to me to be particularly terrible as far as forums go, so I decided to say something about it. I’m not scrolling through a facebook comments section. I’m scrolling through a community of people who care about a game. And I care about this game, which means I care about the people here, even if they piss me off sometimes.
I really just wanted to find out of other people share my sentiments of this community. I don’t really intend to keep commenting in the forums, they’ve not been a pleasant experience for me.
Maybe everyone disagrees with me and things are great. But it really doesn’t feel that way to me. I’m trying to guage how other people view it.
Very rarely does the highly upvoted snarky comment target someone who is not worthy.
There are a lot of people with a reputation for incompetence here; the snarky comment is in part a warning to other newer people or people looking for information from google that this person has zero credence. Most of the time it is self evident from every single post of theirs, which is why I go through the trouble most of the time to point out what is wrong with someone’s post before condemning it. I know a lot of other people here do the same.
I googled “hearthstone community” to try to figure out if it’s just me or not. Idk, seems like a widespread enough issue that I feel comments about the toxicity here are justified. In any event, it’s definitely not just me. I’m glad that those of you have found enjoyment in it, but it’s not a place for new players to learn about the game, at the very least. I think it definitely SHOULD be. That’s a huge section of what most forums are.
Anyways, thanks for those of you offering some wisdom. I appreciate the invite to the discord server. I don’t really plan on sticking around. I have plenty of faults with hearthstone as a game, and when seeking the forums for advice or whatever else, i’ve had a pretty negative experience. Seems like a cool game, doesn’t really seem like a place for me overall. Peace
E: Also, as you mentioned Callie, my feedback on when to start collapsing quotes in the nest would probably be at around 5. After that it starts to look a bit dodgy on mobile.
Heck, I’d go for two. Just include names after two nested quotes since with this, we can showthide what else we want to see with arrows on the quoted messages.
OP what ur getting at - “Be polite to others”
Add in “Use examples supporting your point”
See writing a thread (which you did not do) that says “hey all, you suck, I don’t, I’m smart, you’re not” is totally toxic. Not-using examples to support your complaint or claim the game is just-fine, whichever it may be, is also just as criminal.
Examples are what we SHOULD have to go off of to debate or clear things up. Posts that “complain” without an example are just as bad as…posts that “defend” without an example either.
Example of a post i’d make:
“HS sucks big time holler at ur boy!”
Nozdormu is so-cool and costs like…2k mana.
So stopping right here.
I provided a clear-example above of why I don’t like HS.
If someone want’s to chime in…they have that (awesome, and reassuring) reason to go off for comments. A direction.
They be like: “Yo Thor, Noz is just-fine what u smoking?”
Or they be like: “Yo Thor, imma holla atchu u down for hoops tonight?”
I be like: “C’mon man…ya’ll know I can’t ball after an 0-3 arena…”
They be like: “Spectate Wardrum…word is he/she is the arena-GOD!”
And I be like: “Ooo I kno Wardum, he’s ILLL! Off-the-chain 12-wins on the regular…can I get a backstage-pass to party with Drum after the show!?”
Something like that.
Or they could be like “Noz is fine at 2k mana bc xyz”.
Either way works. See my point about examples?