Molten Giant Disenchant Bug

I just disenchanted Molten Giant expecting 800 dust but it only gave 200 dust

I don’t think the patch is out yet

They posted the patch

The notes, yes, but the patch is live in 6 min xD

The patch is not live

Yeah, for some reason it’s late

The notes came at :00, so this is unexpected

It’s okay, I will speak to support to get my proper molten giant dust refund

Ain’t no way you’re pulling that off

It’s not their fault you’ve been impatient and forgot there’s usually a 1 hour between patch notes and the patch itself

They did the last time this happened, admitted it was their mistake and gave me full dust refund, I’m not worried

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Idk what you are talking about shameless? Sorry

Also no it isn’t live I just checked

Ofc you don’t xD If you knew, you wouldn’t be shameless

Yes, it is. You need to close battlenet and open it again.

Idk what insult or praise you are trying to give me but I don’t get it, sorry.

No it isn’t also hearthstone is an app you don’t go through battle net the update is not out yet

Mobiles updates often hit at a different time after the PC version

Bro you’re very stubborn for no reason

Yeah, usually you don’t have to, but this time it works that way. Close the battlenet and open it again, or suffer the old patch until you realize you don’t have anybody to queue into again cuz they all did it.

Bro How am I stubborn? Lol

I did that, the patch is not out yet, don’t spread misinformation or else others might make dust disenchant error on Blizz fault too

According to this, I am not

Idk why you think I would click on that link. I have my own devices and internet and the update isn’t out

It’s a screenshot from the giants costing 22 mana, lol

Well, suit yourself bro

There is literally a screenshot of giant costing 22 mana on the patch notes lol

Yeah sorry but you have proven highly untrustworthy bro

If you opened a screenshot, you would see it’s not from there, it’s a page with all the giants

You’re literally trolling at this point

Considering how all your posts are trolls seeking attention, you are now put on ignore. Enjoy waiting 10 minutes to find a game