Mobile continuously disconnecting

I’ve been playing hearthstone for a long time. A couple of weeks ago or whenever the most recent nerf and buff patch came through, the game has become unplayable.

I play on iPhone 7 Plus and my internet is fine; yet when I play the game lags many times and disconnects and reconnects me randomly. It’s costing in me missing entire plays and attacks due to the lag and making it so I can’t enjoy or play the game. Very frustrating.

What can I do to optimize or fix this? Is this a problem from a patch? I’ve never had this problem before but it is consistent for the last two weeks.


Yeah, that’s the problem from 17.2 patch with 2 new characters for bg. Game is unplayable for 3 weeks now, devs don’t care - so do I. I recommend trying new mobile games: apparently other guys can write a decent code that doesn’t break the game after patches

Only workaround that I have found is to not download assets.

Actually, not downloading assets doesn’t really help that much either.
Elaborate animations usually crash the game as well on iOS.

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