With flat ladder that would be true - just like at WoW when 2800 team will grant huge amount of MMR and CR to 1500 team.
But this is not relevant here with just one star gathered for any win be it a bot or a D5 player or legend player.
If star bonus was based on rank difference that would’ve made much more sense and the system would’ve become more fair.
That could’ve been the next step for this new system, why not?
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No, I’m not.
I never once said anything about cruising effortlessly into anything.
I said I am at zero stars playing Diamond and above players while I am in platinum and other players are playing easier games for the same rewards.
I am saying that everyone’s winrates below Diamond have been pushed down now, which will increase the difficulty for everyone not already at that level.
It’s a plain fact and disputing it means you don’t understand the math.
Very few people ever drop MMR longterm. Long absences, a radical change in deck types, that can do it. But only the abusers trying to game the system run into the guardrails. An actually bad player, firstly, simply won’t have the hypothetical win streak you base your complaint on, and their natural losses will drop their MMR rapidly.
I have no doubt that the anti-smurfing tools look at things like game duration and number of cards played, to see if a game really was a legitimate loss or an intentional throw. They, obviously, don’t go into details on how those systems work.
But maybe stop pretending to care about the little guy who plays ten games and quits, and own up to just being salty that you can’t exploit the system anymore.
This is not true. If everyone is matched based on their MMR, then everyone is playing against opponents of equal relative strength
For a hardstuck diamond, a diamond player is worthy opponent.
For a legend in platinum, legend is worthy opponent.
It’s only fair.
You’re ignoring the concept of equal relative strength, which is literally what MMR is all about.
If you take a Diamond account, hand it to a Bronze player, they will floor at Diamond 5 rapidly. But their MMR will keep going down, at least until you hit the anti-smurfing guardrails. We don’t have details on those, for good reason. But their final MMR will be well below Diamond 5, and they’ll end up slowly reducing their star bonus over the course of months until they settle out im Bronze forever. Well, Silver, since you can’t lose stars at Bronze.
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Srars do not matter yet I’ll get completely different rewards on two different accounts playing against similar opponents.
Again - it’ll make sense with some additions and with flat ladder but HS system is flat only after legend and have bonuses based on those stars (which mean nothing, we got your point).
You really miss the fact that it holds down FTP players and there are a lot of them around.
No it doesn’t, this is just a “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” fallacy trying to make you seem more sympathetic.
The actual low-rank players will never notice the change. The only people it affects are those who try to exploit the system. And they shouldn’t profit from it.
When the lunatic frog is the voice of reason you know humanity is done…
I haven’t exploited anything, though. I’m not trying to either.
How about you actually think about the points being made instead of just being your usual confrontational self?
All of you are ignoring that this month people got bonus stars from when they weren’t matched by MMR to get that rank.
All of you are ignoring the fact that your original climb was easier than everyone else’s will be going forward.
They don’t want to care and at this point will never admit that they are wrong.
It’s all about circles and moving goalposts now.
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Ah, but they WERE!
Matching has always been by MMR while you had bonus stars.
The only change is that you are now also matched by MMR once you don’t have bonus stars.
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So, um, when you ran out of bonus stars and you had to grind those last five ranks to return to your previous month ceiling, were you playing matched by rank or by MMR? Because nearly everyone who was below 10 stars was matched by rank, not MMR.
And no one here wants to see that as a massive change, but it is. It’s a huge change.
But don’t believe me? Let’s look HSReplay win rate stats for lower ranks over the next month or two and see if they start squishing towards the D5 ranks… because they should if the match is working properly.
Everyone’s climb is getting harder except for the 10 star crowd.
Only for the smurfs who abused the system to get a different rank from what is correlated with their MMR.
Explain this prediction in more detail, please - do you mean that you expect the different ranks to have similar matchup win rates, in contrast to what we have now where certain decks fare better or worse at different ranges of the ladder?
Because the actual skill involved will still be different, because of the difference in MMR. And deck performance does depend on the skill of those playing it.
I look forward to this actually testable claim that you have put forth. I’m quite certain there will be little to no effect, but it will be fun to see who’s right.
It appears that you think that all players will eventually end up at D5. That’s just mathematically not possible.
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Ranking system where ranking doesn’t affect the matchmaker’s decisions. xD
Seriously, how can anyone defend this new system? Just eliminate ranks altogether since it’s all about MMR. What was the point of this change?
There is no difference in MMR anymore.
You won’t see 60% winrate in paladin at silver and 55% at diamond because everyone’s matches are being forced to normalize to 50% when ranking doesn’t matter in the data.
They can’t see this part. They are all just brushing past this like it doesn’t matter while they focus on bonus stars and what not.
It’s a complete redesign of the system that is fundamentally different than the previous one. It literally punishes players for winning more as they climb without stars.
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Dude. Come on. This is just a false statement.
Top 10 legend and rank 10000 legend don’t have the same MMR. And they’ve always used MMR for matching.
I don’t understand why this concept is so difficult for you to get.
You are playing people matched by MMR the whole ladder now. If you go on a streak, you will be punished by the match now instead of rewarded by getting farther up the ladder.
This will absolutely squish the win rates of decks at lower levels.
I still can’t understand what the point of the change was.
Doesn’t this mean that one can tank their MMR while still on Bonus Stars and just make the push to Legend from D5 easier?
Bonus Stars with sole MMR matchmaking sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Also, it means that a push of any sort will now depend on getting a lucky win streak to get to the next checkpoint. After all, you are being matched against people to force you to a 50% win rate. Only luck streaks can break that.
My understanding was that it was supposed to help stop people matching with bots when matched by rank. The comments I read suggest that the devs believe rank and MMR are so close as to be indistinguishable in real players, so they don’t see this as a huge change.
It doesn’t seem like that would work because of the guard rails to stop MMR tanking. I can’t say one way or the other in practive if this would be an effective strategy, but my inclination is that it wouldn’t.
We had that before. What bothers me is that players are going to yo-yo more because MMR goes up faster than it goes down.
So you might have a good run of ten games, then get 15 that feel like “rigged” because you’re suddenly matching a different caliber player after your success when matched without stars. *
We will have to see what it does, but right now it feels pretty crappy to be sitting ten to fifteen ranks below your opponents and going no where simply because they started the month with stars they earned in a different system.
(*I don’t think the game is rigged, I’m saying many players are going to complain because of the sudden changes after streaks.)
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So why wasn’t this a problem in Legend before?
And why do you assume the MMR gain/loss algorithm forgets that win streaks happen?
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