MMR matches are [not really] broken

Punishes high MMR people who purposefully tried to abuse the system to get to High Legend on new accounts so as to try to enter tournaments easier?


Punishes people who had high MMR, quit the game for 5+ months, lost all their star bonuses and want to get back into the game and expect to beat up on new players with low MMR so they can get all their star bonuses back real fast?


As it should.

Thus, the change.

And if you haven’t played in months, and you start back up, and you do TERRIBLY, then your MMR drops…and before you know it, you’re placed exactly where you should be. So if you are returning, and struggling to get out of Gold, it’s because you belong at Gold at that point in time.

Next month you will get to Gold fast, then you can work on getting to Diamond.

What’s the problem?


No, I’s literally say that you’re purposefully violating the point of the matchmaker by smurfing and that any resulting negative experiences are your fault and not Blizzard’s.

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Sounds like it’s working properly.

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Except everyone I’m playing is ranked higher than me, meaning it will take nearly impossible amounts of games to climb.

That’s not how any of this is supposed to work.

Rank isn’t used in matchmaking anymore, so why do you care?

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This is called playtest btw and it failed this time.

He have already answered that he cares for the monthly rewards and that makes perfect sense to me.

I’ll myself will get everything on my main account and only 1 pack or so on that test account like if two different people would’ve played.

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You deliberately broke it, it didn’t fail.

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IF you stopped playing for literally months on end and decided to just start playing again.

If you think about it, your argument is that it will take more games because you are no longer able to beat up on low MMR people.

That’s all the change stopped you from doing.

“I left the game and have no bonus stars but want to come back and get back to legend real quick…but I can’t now because now I am no longer able to face people with low MMR and have to face people of my skill”

I have no sympathy here. You have to work your way back up with win streaks just like a new player would have to.

You come back half a year later, you get treated like a new player in that you have to grind the same as they have to grind.

New players have to face people of their skill with no bonus stars.
Good players who come back after half a year have to face people of their skill with no bonus stars.

Bonus stars are only awarded to people who are playing continuously to help get them to the rank they want to be at for faster rewards. You stopped playing so you don’t get the continuous rewards.

Tons of games operate this way.

Like I said, literally the ONLY change here is that you are no longer able to beat up on low end MMR new players.

Imagine a new player struggling like you are claiming you are struggling right now but have to do it against people who are super high legend players? Their experience was worse than anything you are having an issue with now. It changed that.


No kidding. You’re fixated on a number that literally doesn’t matter.

This is THE WHOLE POINT of matchmaking. You are not entitled to Legend rewards, you have to earn them. Apparently, your plat 10 result is as good as you actually deserve.

Why should you get higher if you can’t beat harder opponents?


You are not titled to become your college champion until you beat Usain Bolt.

That’s how it works now.

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I haven’t stopped.

Sure, go there and move all the goalposts now that you’ve lost.

Never left. This is not anything to do with this discussion.

The ladder used to reward you for improving by letting you get higher ranks.

The current ladder “rewards” your success by making it harder to get higher ranks each month.

Great system, huh?


Should each player have to do the same things to earn them? Because it’s no longer that way. The ladder isn’t the same for every player.

I’m playing harder opponents for less rewards, though, that’s the point.

Do me a favor, please.

Take your situation you are in right now. How miserable you think it is. It’s not fair in your eyes.

Now act as if you are a new player in B5 with no stars in the older system you want back.

Show me what a complain from that B5 new player looks like.
It’s the same argument you are making here, but 100x worse because that new player has to face people like you and me at Bronze 5.

And you think it’s unfair now for you.

Like come on man. This had to change or else the game would be dead to new players.

Not to mention all the other high mmr players who were literally cheating with new accounts to get to high legend faster.

If you really care about ranking in standard for reward, just get your star bonuses and never worry about it.


Ya, sure, they win six games in a row and they’re playing you and me for the rest of the ladder now. Forever.

And when they finally conquer silver, their matches are now even harder.

The new systems sucks.

I think it’s unfair for everyone who doesn’t already have 10+ stars and it’s probably also unfair for people at 11 stars, tbh.

All this because blizzard can’t solve a bot problem. They pretty much cut off their nose to spite their face here.

And it never has been ever since star bonus was introduced. You always got stars based on your MMR, with a floor basd on your rank. If you are a regular Legend player and in a particular month only played a handful of high-MMR games and ended at silver 3, you could still get 10 bonus stars despite your rank guaranteeing only 3. An actual silver 3 player will only get those 3 stars, and have an “impossible climb” to legend. That’s GOOD. Because they would need to drastically, drastically improve to deserve Legend rank.

That you fail to read how the system works is not a problem with the system, but with you.

If you are hovering at a 50% win rate, then the ladder is working. Sulking that you think you deserve more toys and stamping your feet won’t change your results.

In short: git gud.

No, you aren’t.

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You have no clue.

You just fully do not understand what I’m saying here because apparently you can’t see if from your house.

Yes, the game is now literally designed to prevent anyone from changing their current ranking.

I am literally playing against people at diamond ranking while in platinum and zero bonus stars.

I already clearly said I am playing against people who are getting more rewards than I am for the same matches, and my ability to climb to diamond is not the same as the people who got there because they were grandfathered bonus stars.

Reset everyone’s mmr and lets see how many people are livid about this update.

Completely not at all true, an actual newbie would lose a ton and their MMR would tank until they’re fighting appropriate opponents.

Why do you think that wouldn’t happen, and that the’d be stuck losing against Legend players forever? Be specific.

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The only way you change rank, long-term, is by getting better. That’s the point of ladders.


How many times do you have to be told that display rank doesn’t matter?

They have the same MMR you do.

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I’m sorry, but this just plainly wrong.

If you have 10 or 11 stars, every game you play is against legend players so no matter when you try to hit legend, it’s gonna be a grind

It takes me 40-60 games every month to hit legend because my games are against people of equal strength (90-100 with less stars) and everyone with 11 stars has gotten used to grinding every month

You’re literally just crying because you can’t cruise effortlessly into legend on the back of hardstuck diamond players who struggle against bots. It’s not just sad, it’s despicable.


As you win and your MMR climbs your opponents become more difficult, right?

MMR goes up faster than it goes down, right? We’ve been told this clearly. They even have floors as to how much you can drop it in a month to prevent intentionally de-ranking, right?

You follow how the games needed to reach a given rank is directly related to win rate? I linked a chart previously that shows how sensitive win rate and games needed are.

If you drop the winrate down as close to 50% as you can with the match, you’ve now dramatically increased the difficulty of the climb for everyone by artificially manipulating their matches that used to be rank-based.

You are not following the point here.

I didn’t dispute that.

I am saying that the grind is longer for everyone not on 10 stars now.