MMR matches are [not really] broken

And you’re wrong.

Your MMR is your position. You’re not a MMR of 100 fighting some 10,000 MMR person. This would be like saying you get to Legend 20,000 rank and you have to fight Rank 3 Legend just to get to 19,500.

Completely wrong.

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i made legend for the first time ever today! yay me! in wild. i am happy. sorry for posting non relevant information or maybe it is relevant lol. been playing since beta got my golden mekkatorque and pandaria back


Look, I’ve friended few people - those were all D5+ and my current rank is silver 4.

How is that non-relevant? And how is that supposed to be the correct way for the system to work?

Gz, MurGhoul. :slight_smile:

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You’ve missed the point here.

My opponents, and I friended three of them this morning to check, are getting diamond or legend rewards at the end of the month. I am sitting at platinum 10 right now with a win rate hovering around 50% and no stars.

I am getting screwed by the change.

I am not. I am complaining that the changed the system that is tied to rewards in such a way as to dramatically disadvantage the players who aren’t already at a given level of rewards.

This is so silly as to be comically off the mark. It’s more in line with the lack of humanity I expect form Scrotie.

The fact is about degrees of difficulty and you should see that self evidently.

The ladder is no longer a linear process when you are matched by MMR without bonus stars because you’re playing matches of a difficulty that should give you greater rewards for less.

Great, we’re going to put MLB pitchers in little league so long as the little league hitter get a few hits in a row. It’s the same, right?

The previous rank system made it “are you better than the person next to you at your rank” and the new system says you don’t get any rewards until you grind an unreasonable amount of games to climb, but the people that are already there are grandfathered into their spot.

It’s absolutely unfair.

The should have reset EVERYONE’s MMR and made EVERYONE earn it the same.

And the fact that the game is actively trying to stop everyone from climbing above their current level before they’ve reached the legend ladder and the corresponding rewards.

That’s what they’ve done.


That’s what the devs have said, I don’t believe a word of it because it’s simply not true.

Yes, you’ve completely missed the point.

I don’t mind hard matches when we’re all at the same rank and reward level

Same, but platinum 10.

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Because you are confusing rank with MMR. That’s how it isn’t relevant.

Your current rank means absolutely positively diddly squat about how good you really are or what your current MMR is.

Once you understand that concept, you will understand how you can be at Bronze 5 and face high rank legend players.

Stop confusing current rank and MMR.

Once you do that, apply MMR to a race position. Stop acting like your “race position” is your current rank.


Stop acting like monthly rewards in the game aren’t tied to rank instead of MMR.

But it is. MMR = your skill ranking or your ranking to play against people of similar skill.

That’s how it works in virtually every game there is that has an MMR.

The fact that you don’t believe it is another thing.


I didn’t I never mentioned monthly rewards in any of my analogies. I’m explaining MMR, not rank.


I don’t believe that rank and MMR are as highly correlated as they say they are.

We have a couple of examples in this thread of how they are wrong.

I know I’m not a unicorn.

Why do you think people are upset here?

Do you not understand how much longer this will make legend grind anyone who isn’t grandfathered into the star bonus?

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They aren’t correlated at all. That’s the point.

I just said that above.


Rank means squat. Nothing. Other than what you get at the end of the month. They mean nothing other than that, which I never brought up because it’s meaningless when talking about MMR.

And once you read you’re own words you will understand why someone is pissed that they have to grind all the way from Bronze 5 with legend opponents the entire way simply because they didn’t already have bonus stars when the change happened.

MMR is absolutely clear to me but my point which I try to shout out in this thread is that I’m going to get silver 5 rewards while people I fight with will get diamond 5 rewards and that’s where this new system is flawed.

They may want to make ladder flat just like at WoW. Hope I’m clear now. :slight_smile:

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Exactly this. You have to grind that 52% winrate all the way up the ladder. Get on a good streak? Ha, now your climb is even harder until we knock you back down and you just yo-yo.

Look, let’s say someone trys to grind as high as they can and they get to legend 4000, right? They level out and win as much as they lose for the rest of the month because you are matched by MMR instead of ranking. But in this new system, everyone is in exactly this same scenario at every rank for the entire month, making the grind ridiculously more difficult for anyone not already there.

Is this fair? Can you take your self out of the scenario and look at it from the perspective of someone who may not want to grind like that every month to get their basic reward?

Now factor in the safeguards that make MMR rise faster than it falls and prevents tanking. People are screwed.

If you had 10 bonus stars and an MMR of 1000 your grind from B5 - D5 will be exactly the same as it was before patch.

If you have 0 bonus stars right now and an MMR of 1000 your grind from B5-D5 will be…exactly the same as it was before had you had 10 bonus stars.

Are you not aware of that?


Yes, this is you.

100% false.

It will take literally hundreds more matches to climb that it did before.

It’s not false. I think this is why you are confused.

You seem to be completely unaware that B5-D5 with 10 bonus star climb before NEVER faced you against people of your same rank and it was ALWAYS based on MMR.

You could be B5 facing legend players. In fact, that’s exactly what happened.


Schyla is right. Sorry.

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It will be the same as with star bonus except for there’s no star bonus and every lose keeps the player back.

Again how is having 1 star and 10 stars for a win makes no difference? You are still losing one stars in both cases but their weight for the progress is different.

Previously lower ranks have been matched against the same ranks which lead to frequent winstreaks, now it is different and feels unfair.

If you’re trying to say that a grind from B5-D5 will take longer with NO STAR BONUS as opposed to 10 STAR BONUS then you are RIGHT…it’s ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY. It was not changed with this new match making change.

Now, BEFORE this change if you had ZERO BONUS STARS, you would face people of the same rank…meaning if you were a really good player and just didn’t play for several months, you could be beating up on new players in B5. But the first month you get bonus stars, that immediately stops.

The only people who can possibly dislike the change are higher MMR people who are mad they can’t beat up on low MMR people at lower ranks because they stopped playing for many months so they have no star bonus.


Ok, so do we finally agree that the system actually punishes such people? I’m glad we’ve come to conclusion here tbh as this was never intended to be a fight topic but a discussion.

Question remains - what’s their fault in such case and why’d they have to pay for simply not playing some time. I’d say in long term we all may see such people leaving the game and that’s what making me worried.

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