MISSING 5 packs + 8 cards (Season Rewards)

Same Problem it just skipped the Reward Chest for me and I also finnished December Twist Higher than any other Mode in January.


Same here.
Got legend in wild but since i was at a higher legend mark for the December twist ranked i got no rewards


The same issue, I was Diamond 8 or smth in Standart, and no reward on Feburary 1
I was Diamond 1 Twist in December


I have the same issue. I reached Gold 4 in Twist in December (I think I dropped back down to Gold 5 by the end) and then I reached Gold 4 in wild in January (I definitely dropped back down to Gold 5 by the end). I got 5 stars for both Twist and Wild this month but no popups and no rewards.

  • [Added Feb 1 - Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that some players didn’t receive their monthly rewards. It appears this happened to players who had a higher carry-over rank in Twist while it was unavailable for the month than they achieved in Standard or Wild.

SAME here. Was legend twist + D5 at std and wild. Americas. No rewards just star bonuses. Daily quest did pop up. Nothing else.


Same Problem. Got dia 5 in December Twist an now dia 10 in january wild


Same problem on my account today, I reached diamond 1, today when login I had all the rewards showing up but they were not in my collection and the packs were not there to open either. I restarted, it did not help, please help
Battle tag is WarPig#1660 I play on server Europe
Thanks for your support

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I hope they also help the boomers without twitter. :wink:


battletag: Praetorian #1432 received no packs/rewards - hit legend on twist other month, D5 for std + wild this month.

battletag: IIImeJlb #2231
I didn’t get any sets/awards - I got into legend on twist in another month, diamond 3 for standard this month. server europe

By “reply to this thread” RidiculousHat meant for people affected by this to reply to his Twitter thread (not my forum thread).

If you’re not on Twitter you could ask a friend to reach out on your behalf? I did, and then he did.

They really thougt this hiatus thing through I can tell :slight_smile:

I reached Legend in January Wild, got 10 stars for this month but no rewards. EU server.

Same things. Legend in a twist. Diamond 3 as standard. There are no awards for January…

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Add me to this list of unrewarded ranked ladders.

aris91#2276 - Europe
No rewards received for January. In December I hit Legend on Twist and finished Diamond on Standard. In January I only got to Diamond in Standard. My “highest” displayed rank in January was Legend on Twist and it showed that I would receive the Legend reward chest, although I had not reached Legend.

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[Ridiculous Hat]

  • hey all - thanks for your patience here. we’ve identified the root cause of this issue and have a fix in testing. don’t worry, we will be retroactively issuing rewards for anyone who missed out. everyone will get their stuff, we promise! sorry for the trouble so far

https:/ /x.com/RidiculousHat/status/1753540821826077107?s=20

  • [Updated Feb 2 - Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that some players didn’t receive their monthly rewards. It appears this happened to players who had a higher carry-over rank in Twist while it was unavailable for the month than they achieved in Standard or Wild. Update: The team has determined the cause of the issue and is working on a fix. Affected players will be granted their missing rewards in an update, soon.

[Updated Feb 5 - Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that some players didn’t receive their monthly rewards. It appears this happened to players who had a higher carry-over rank in Twist while it was unavailable for the month than they achieved in Standard or Wild. Update: We have started rolling out the rewards for affected players.


Update correction: we have rolled out the fix to the issue causing this problem. The reward compensation will roll out in another update.