MISSING 5 packs + 8 cards (Season Rewards)

The rewards were supposed to go out today. Some people got them, some didn’t. Let them know if you still didn’t:


Nothing yet atm. We’ll see tonight.

I have got it. Thank you!

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I might have gotten them, no packs but they may have poured the packs directly into the collection? I think (am not certain) that there were 2 epics I didn’t have before.

Still nothing, nope, thanks for your support WarPig#1660, Eu

Nothing yet
Leon#2251, EU
Restarted client

I have got 4x packs and 1100 dust (for Dia 1). It showed up in main menu when i logged in.

not for me…
Was legend and have 5 packs and cards to get

I got my 5 packs today and 1100 dust.

Got then today. 5 packs and 1100 dust

I got my rewards today too :smile:

Still nothing here guys, I reached dimaond5 in standard last season, I had the rewards popping up on end of seaons but after the animations, the packs were not there to open and I don’t think the cards were there either WarPig#1660 EU server, thanks for your support guys :slight_smile:

Didn’t get my season reward as well i’ve gotten to legend last season Gilles #2252 EU Server