Mini set live Sept 10th

If hunter gets pally, I’d worry more about spell hunter.

Giving the swarm of beasts +1/+1 from bananas is one thing, but now they get get divine shields.

Or having them use grillmaster or even service ace (buffed with bananas) to enable big beasts. Or forget the big beasts. Just tutor Mukla or Titan. That guy alone won and lost me so many games :shake fist:

Ok, one play where I worry less than Sanc’Azel would be Chatty Macaw with pally power spike, but boy would I love to see somebody pull off a win or combo with that :joy:

Or maybe either class playing sea shanty seriously :joy:

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In the great tradition of stupid OTK ideas after card reveals… Turn 4 play that naga that reduces spells to reduce the 7 mana arcane handbuff spell to 5… Turn 5 play the arcane buff… turn 6 play shudderblock… turn 7 play the 2 hunter parrots that recast spells (dont use the mini)… turn 8 play al akir… and then turn 9 play the shudderblock mini and the recast all cards parrot from hunter to get 3 turbocharged al’akirs (which if my math is right should have 13 attack)

Only recasts spells that target an enemy

As found out with cheese, parrot recasts base card so it would be 3 unbuffed Al’akirs

Dreams dashed… Oh well. Far less fun of a set than it could have been.

The way to work squak is to hard cast wish, then play squak. Going shudder then wish then squak should let wish cast 3 times.

But the same thing can be done now with hagahta drawing wish and turning it into a minion.

This is where whynotboth.jpg meme comes in. Not sure if you want to be that greedy, or maybe having more buffs than you need means you can use one of the piece for something else.

There are other uses for squak though. Repeating a turn 6 titan maybe?

Yes, I do worry about all that as well. Also, the Sanc’Azel buff after giving it bananas onto a minion with this:

Rare · Spell · TITANS · Give a minion +2 Attack and

Is a little frightening. ABJ is just a few support cards away from becoming a thing again, and those are likely the cards to do it.

Now they can stack the buff inside the location and just wait.

I was going to say Hunter might get Mage tourist, because the pattern follows that…but Paladin could be a likely route because all those cards support Hunter.

in case yall missed the facebook post

heres 2 more brochures

2 mana
give a minion immune this turn and +2/+2 (flips each turn)

2 mana
Deal 3 damage to a minion and freeze its neighbors (flips each turn)

Isnt it basically like the cards we had in earlier expansions? Like the druid spell that said “gain 2 attack and 4 armor” and if you kept it in hand next tuen it would sat “gain 4 attack and 2 armor”. We also have had minions that swap stats and effects while in hand from turn to turn before.

Yes, but these look better because it’s an entirely different effect instead of 2 sides of the same coin.

Being able to tutor 2 minions or spells and discount or buff is pretty huge. The variation likely allows it to see play.

And that Shaman one with 3 damage and freeze 2 neighbors for 2 mana is nuts. That would see play by itself even without the flip.

So far, even with power creep, they have failed to nerf previous archetypes and so this set has been pretty much nearly identical to the last set, with hand buff Paladin and fatigue Warlock dominating the game, and copious amounts of dragon greed druids in various flavours (really it’s not hard to build a dragon druid deck, stick in Marin, and you got 9/10 of your win conditions.)

Since they refused to address the stale meta problem, while simultaneously allowing power creep to stay at 11, I don’t think there’s much point releasing anything. It’s either not going to affect the meta, or take it to a much worse place than it currently is.

Here’s a tip Blizzard: fix your game before you keep dumping more money grabs.

I think they’ve made it abundantly clear by now that the power level that exists is exactly the power level they want.

I’ve pretty much accepted that. But the thing that annoys the hell out of me is the sheer amount of players playing decks of old.

It’s loaded with Reno decks which people refuse to stop playing no matter how bad they are.

I don’t mind playing them since I beat them quite often, but it’s just annoying at this point. Reno Warrior, for example, is a Tier 3 near Tier 4 deck. Yet if you look at the popularity of it from all ranks aside from Top1K legend, it’s like the 3rd most played deck at all the rank floors.

So people get to the area they want, and then they immediately play these Reno decks because that’s what is “fun” to them.

This is the fault of the devs for not creating more “fun” style decks to play in the eyes of the players.

It’s just like VS said. People will not let it go and it doesn’t make sense. It’s like these people WANT to lose as long as they can play Boomboss just 1 time and get some weird high.

For example, if you look at VS last data from D4-D1.
Reno Warrior is the 4th most popular deck.
People are STILL playing this deck in some weird attempt to get to Legend with it.

Reno Warrior is stubbornly holding on to a sizeable play rate, despite proving to be a garbage deck last week. At top legend, there is a greater awareness of how bad it is, so it doesn’t see much play

…but players adore Reno Warrior. Unfortunately for them, Reno Warrior is a terrible deck.

Here’s my stats on my DK deck just for this season since 9-1. You can see I have a great win rate, but I have way too many Warrior players…and all of those except for 1 player is a Reno Warrior. The other is an Odyn Warrior

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It’s always the same with these kind of toxic cards. People just get a kick out of being the bully (even if that means losing most of the time). Reno Boomboss, Plague DK, Tickatus, Secret mage past rotation… all abysmally bad decks with a completely disproportionate play rate.

My theory is that when people are frustrated with the game they decide to flush all the salt out of their system by making some people miserable for a while running the most toxic stuff they know of. The more tilting to the opponent the better. Winning is not their objective, but pure sadistic joy. Vengeance is a powerful driver.

Edit: I actually kind of get it because I hate control decks with such a passion that one of my favorite toxic decks to play is mill decks. Or ramp druid. Anything that bullies control decks actually brings me joy regardless of my personal wr. I am gilty of this too.

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I think you’re right. That’s why I see a lot of these at rank floors possibly. And as soon as you hit Legend, if you aren’t at high Legend, these Reno Warriors go nuts.

I’ll run into Pure Greed Plague DK as well. We’re talking Yodeler, 2 mana reborn giving minion, etc. By turn 8 they’ve shuffled in like 20 plagues but have zero defense. They are just hoping to RNGesus that you hit frost plagues that make it so you can’t play the game.

I’d rather fight all the new aggro decks, evolve shaman, razzle dazzler dk than fight another Dragon Reno Druid or Reno Warrior or Insanity Warlock.


Late to thread, but come on man, ya cant imagine them doing that? :slight_smile:

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and the other version /side ?

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they didnt show the other side

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I play Secret Mage, and I win with it. I don’t play it because I get some sort of weird pleasure from beating the opponent. I play it because it is as close to a linear spell deck as I can get, and still win more than I lose in Wild.
No minion is complicated. So is Sif.
Elemental is linear, but it’s boring to me, like a pally deck.
Secret mage is fun for me. If I draw well, I can flood secrets and drop zero cost 5/6’s or zero cost 6/6’s. (Though I would far rather have burn spells that were zero cost from Secrets.)
Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Either way, it’s fast and it’s fairly simple to play.
Perfect for me, except for the early game nerf they crippled it with.

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Shaman getting justice for being given a garbage Excavate reward.

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They already have the most hero cards

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Shaman has no hero cards in standard.

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