Mini set live Sept 10th

Who said they do? Point them out

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You literally typed. “They have more Hero Cards”

Edit: I’m guessing you are talking about wild. I am strictly speaking in standard.

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See what happens when you assume

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I was referring to secret mage in standard during the past rotation. It mostly revolved around consistently getting objection and counterspells up to lock the opponent out of play while throwing out stats. The wild pool of secrets is far more diluted so it’s a far less toxic deck than what it was in standard.

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due to the PiP rogue legendary
every shaman hero card is in standard
in fact the discover is most likely going to show a shaman hero due to this

It has always been. Just more or less.

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idk why anyone would excited for mini set when you know its going to make the game even worse.

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They follow up on this more on the podcast too referring to other decks that people like to play despite the results the decks are producing. Also about the clear desire people have to play some kind of control deck (kinda all the reno decks played reflecting that desire)

I liked the point they made about supporting decks that people enjoy instead of trying to force ideas that arent as desirable

I see people talk alot about “the counter exists people just dont play it” . If people dont like playing whatever deck is “the counter” it shouldn’t be forced on them. A game is first and foremost about having fun. People show they care more about fun than competitiveness when they ignore decks like Zarimi priest to play other options.

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This was clarified on Twitter.

New Zephrys does not read the board state.

You pick between cards that deal damage, spend Mana, or impact the board, and you get 2 random cards that have those kinds of effects.

It does not try to make them good for you, you are just discovering the flavor of your random generation.

They could be what you need, they might not be.

Overall, this card is an excellent example of a badly written card effect box.

It should be written as:

Battlecry: discover a type of card, get two random cards of that type.


And this is why i in favor of cards banning in general.

The whole Idea that nerfs make the experience better is dumb.
A New player enters , get frustrated with those cards , either quit or start playing then themselves perpetuating things.

When It isn’t about powerlevel. It isn’t about powerlevel so there isn’t a “acceptable powerlevel”.

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In that case the only factor that is left to know is what cards are in each pool. With that framework the card could be quite good actually, but it all depends on what’s on each pool. With the right pool this card could be a staple in a lot of decks.

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I don’t think card banning is a desirable thing, I just think they need to know better. They just look at the data and say: ‘See? People LOVE cards like Boomboss!’. And the reality is, when you make a card that is toxic to the game and enrages people, a lot of people are going to play it because people like griefing, but that doesn’t mean the card is good for the game. A lot of people are going to hate this griefing and stop having fun as a consequence. If the fun of a card for one player is inversely proportional to the fun of another player the card is toxic and simply should not be printed. Boomboss should just not exist.

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And you create a barrier that stop anyone else to start playing.

Also i not saying to not print disruption.

Just that if this is the case and it is. To welcome then as part of competitive hearthstone instead of some bogeyman meme made to haunt new players out of the game.

One example:
Why sunken city did not bring one low cost reverse dredge card?
It is simple and fun.

No. They had to bring one super frustrating BS that isn’t even playable in competitive setup to start with.

Based on what showed in the real video, it’s probably the old Zephrys cards from the legacy card pool.

Just now with no logic behind what you get beyond “please give me something like this!”

Board clears are probably a safe pick, as is damage if near lethal.

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They probably use weighted odds now making more likely to get something on the lines of what you asked but not 100%.

More chance to give big cards for example.

Gotcha. Secret mage in standard seems like a lost cause to me. Team 5 hasn’t given it real support for a while imo.

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good point here, it’s like how many people will have a desire to play burgle rogue and still play it even though it doesn’t have a good win rate!


You’ll always get what you ask for. If you ask for something expensive, you’ll get two expensive cards. If you ask for board interaction, you’ll get board interaction.

New Zeph just isn’t going to try to make it a good card for spending all your Mana (in the reveal vid he gave antonidas and mind control, where old zeph would usually give Tirion in a similar situation).

This one isn’t actually trying to make it fit your curve or be relevant to the board state. You are just picking what kind of random cards you get. They MIGHT be perfect, I’m sure the pools probably aren’t huge, but it’ll be a roll of the dice.

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I would like to know what the random cards are from…

like whats in the pool of cards? like how we know what cards khadgar can play.

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If you ask me, this is where it all goes to pieces. Team 5 has leaned more and more into the slot machine mentality. Less agency means a dumber game, imo