Mini set live Sept 10th


Oh goodness… need more info on what Zeph does


Theres a video on the link but still too many questions.
Im getting Khadgar vibes oh boy, at least you have a choice more or less.

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I don’t understand the Brochure mechanic, does it switch to another Brochure card?

Looks like they switch spell schools and effects, but only between the 2 cards.

Dungar looks too slow to slot into many decks, kinda like a bad Elise. I suspect big mech warrior will play him if they are still playable

Zeph, I got no clue to be honest.

Imployee of the Month looks solid enough but not sure what archetype it slots into. Pain doesn’t want it, Fatiguelocks maybe, Insanitylock probably not. Rogue I don’t think plays it either.

Ungoro Brochure is just more broken draw for a class with broken ramp, yipee!!

Initially, I thought it would switch the text on the card, like older cards did. But then I realized that with the Un’Goro Brochure, it would just swap 2 with 2, effectively doing nothing.

Considering it also mentions changing Spell School, I wonder if it’s meant to be Tourist related? Maybe the Tourist classes switch this Brochure card between each other?

Why does everything about this expansion look so bland and uninteresting, this must be the most boring set in this game’s history.

At least imployee of the month might be worth using in drill rogue.

Edit: Also Dungar is comically bad what am I missing.

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He wasnt all that great as well the first time around.
Always among the first cards i would look to cut from a deck.

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that was because people didn’t ever use westfall. Card was legitimately very powerful when you got 5/5 + bonus effect on turn 3. Plaguelands was always bait and ironforge was a bit too slow for most metas

So, the Tours boil down to clears, expensive plays, and burn.
Honestly, the card seems weak.

In today’s game, it could probably just be a 2.2.2 and still be mediocre. What would I do with Antonidas or Mind Control? If I want burn, I likely already have burn that actually synergizes with my deck, without needing to float 3 to get random options. The same goes for clears.

It gives you 2 cards with a purpose, so that is pretty good value and with a game plan to boot, for 3 mana. That would make the card basically an auto include in most decks. The question is that bit that says you will not always get what you want. What does that mean and how often does that happen? That’s what will determine whether the card ends up being good or bad imo.

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Don’t worry. You can be rest assured Reno warriors will be running it


People are expecting Zeph and will get Khadgar lmao.
Oh boy here we go again.


Oh yeah for sure there will be complaints that zeph didn’t play the game for them

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that line is probably there so people will know they wont always get the best possible card

It seems I was too excited about the Tourist combination idea.

They appear to follow a specific pattern based on the initial text on the card, like “Draw two…” for Druid, and build from there. Other examples shown here are “Deal 3 and…” and “Give a minion…” followed by different effects.

I’m curious about what they’ll give Priest. Based on the card’s design, I expected the flipped version to grant ‘Divine Shield,’ but that’s also Holy. What could ‘Shadow,’ which I’m guessing will be the choice provide for a minion?

Maybe. As is the card is quite unintelligible, they could do a short q/a just about this card lol

I can only speak for me, but it sounds like more auto play garbage.

Mage will be: “draw nothing and automatically lose.”