Mercenaries Gets a Mythic Update

This is just the beginning, and there will be more depressing news to come.:fearful:

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The Mercenaries mode will forever be known as a cautionary tale to other developers that you canā€™t release a half-baked game mode and expect people to stay for the long haul, especially if it takes ages to address and fix issues. Itā€™s a shame, really, because the mode itself had a lot of potential.


Just do like sc2 ā€¦ Balance the dam game instead of throwing random merci our way.

You could add nonjew content and just focus on trying to balance as many merci possible and it would already make most of the Merc player happy.

Was very happy with new mercs added as ive still got like 80 unopened packs.
Was very sad to hear that the mercs mode is ending as i had much more fun with that than with the standard card game, mercenaries was the only thing that kept me coming back to hearthstone.

I was really on the fence of dropping the game entirely after the lich king set, but the new hero made me wanna play just a bit more.
Most likely wont be buying the mini-set as i cant remember the last time i actually had fun on casual as my meme decks would get facerolled by ranked decks.


I hope They will focus on balancing the Standard mode better insteadā€¦ there is much to doā€¦ the more randomness and hand manipulation they create, the more I become dissapointed reallyā€¦ Since they are creating these insane mechanicsā€¦ I feel it harder and harder to reach my already earned rank by hard work of monthsā€¦ I just meet more and more randomness in this game which are making us failed instantā€¦ and I donā€™t like that diraction at allā€¦ This is killing the game slowlyā€¦ :frowning:

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Speaking of which: yeah, now we can finally open those packs for portraits. :grinning:

That conclusion is a bitā€¦ premature, isnā€™t it? See also above.

One more thing: they could still do those time-limited events, since they were really successful and fun, as far as I can tell. Sure, nowadays, with four visitors at the camprife each day, itā€™s almost like a small event occasionally [1-3]ā€¦ almost.

[1] (Mercs) Ah, those random Visitor tasks
[2] Rend Normal with Eudora and Vanessa In Party
[3] Onyxia (Heroic) with Tyrande, Cairne and Varden

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I hope rhey finally fix the bug that some players cant enter the mode on mobile.


Remember Blizzard, you killed this game mode by your insatiable greed and ignoring player notes for a long time. The same way you killed Heroes of the Storm and tanked Warcraft Reforged.


Merc was always a dead gamemode, ppl need to understand it. Its fun for pve, thats it.
Iā€™d also like to se they delete wild too or make it a ā€œpick 3 exp to add cards in your deckā€ mode. I absolutely cannot believe how ppl even think that thousands of card can be balanced.

dont like it

dont play it

The whole point for me on D3 was the cosmetics- but I actually had to play to earn them. It bugs me that everything is all $$$.

fix the shop fix the shop

Hmm sad, I had hoped for more minion types like Blood elves or more Undead or Old God content and only old god content I got was man-made-horrors beyond comprehenssion. Truly sad I came back to Hearthstone only because of this new mod, recently. I hope Blizz and other game industries will finally come back one day to the real soul they were giving to their games instead looking for the big profits and getting constant pressure from their greedy money making people.

i just donā€™t know anymore what the actual hell devs are doing to this gameā€¦
I literally lost any motivation to even play any game mode, battlegrounds is the only thing that keeps me coming back to Hearthstone and even then i just feel empty playing it lately. I was so excited to see Death Knight included into the game but after that? Just the sameā€¦ How the greed killed this beautiful ip.

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Yeah, I feel like I wasted money on those same prerelease bundles on a game mode that was never meant to be. At least they could give us some packs? Shrug. Passing on non-f2p content now on.

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unfortunately I was right 15 days ago
25.2.2 Patch Notes - Community Discussion - Hearthstone Forums (
I enjoyed the game but to satisfy it would require a constant infusion of new content ā€“ namely an event with a new merc or new mercs in general. or a way to work toward portraits without spending money.
at least the mode/game got me away from WoW long enough to quit it for good this time. if anyone has f2p ideas Iā€™m all ears. Iā€™m currently playing DI but reached a wall and am only logging into it sporadically now too.

Companyā€™s official post: tries to put a postive face on ALL HANDS, ABANDON SHIP! REPEAT ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!

pro company poster: ::gather the band to play on desperately while the ship sinks::

killing the mode is ā€œgreat newsā€ā€¦I can see the spin is dialed to 11.

I t will also be the last major update to the Mercenaries modeā€¦
Six new Mercenaries are coming in Patch 25.4. This is our final planned infusion of new collectible Mercs into the modeā€¦
The final big system update to Mercenaries is the new and challenging Mythic Boss Rush end-game system.

Might as well call Patch 25.4 ā€œtombstone for mercstone.ā€


My only regret is that I only have one upvote to give.

corporate overlords being called out, pick a better, less sleazy, team.

You want a free game?

Try open source.

Honestly, i really enjoy the playmode and the depth there is to creating the most synergetic team. So i guess the implementation of new races, fractions and so on adds to that.
BUT the one thing that bugs me the most (lol) are, yes, the MANY existing bugs right now. Is there a way to actually write some devs, what bugs i encountered or something like that? It really annoys me.
That aside, i have fun playing Mercs, only Mode excluding a little Wild and Arena Gameplay i play rn.

Have a good one, everybody!

Uh oh, looks like someoneā€™s advertising!