Mercenaries Bwonsamdi + Leeroy Hysteria

I was playing the Moroes non-heroic, and was down to my last 3 hunter green color mercs, Leeroy, Bwonsamdi, and Garona. And also Cookie was on the bench. Cookie also had the “spawn two of the useless minions” treasure.
I had the Hysteria treasure reward with Bwonsamdi, so I thought it would be easy game at the boss, just use Leeroy’s ability to become immune while attacking, then next turn play hysteria and the game should have been won, even if Leeroy was my only minion left alive. I even wisely used the Irrefusable Deal that alters the speed of abilities next turn, so next turn the enemies speed was all 6 or higher I think, and my hysteria was at 5 speed. I was able to attack with both Garona at 3 speed, Leeroy at 2 speed that increases his attack, then used Hysteria AND IT DIDN’T CLEAR!!!
It lasted until one of my minions died (Garona that had deal damage deathrattle) and then Leeroy stopped attacking!?

Leeroy was killed, but I managed to finish off the last two, boss and the one red add with Cookie and Bwonsamdi, but it’s frustrating when things don’t work right.

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They’re not that useless, in fact, they can be quite useful… to you.


Yes, I know very well they can be used in competing tasks. I meant in combat their effects are pretty useless, and they have too much health to be finished off easily when the damage would be much better off used on the opposing team or boss.
If they are only to help complete tasks, why does it get worse with the higher ranks? The aoe fish destroys the other ones which defeats the purpose of using it for tasks. There is also a problem with the fish that buffs your team.

What? Thank you for mocking my frustration, very helpful.

Yes I understand Blizzard is small indie company. That doesn’t justify fewer than 10 attacks, or a number of attacks that doesn’t even come close to the “To the death” treasure that works just fine.

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You’re always welcome, especially with a typing style that would befit — an ironic coincidence — Leeroy Jenkins (REACH LEVEL 30!!!).

You would have done well to specify the number of attacks in the first place. If it’s that few, then there might indeed be yet another problem with treasures…

On other matters, a bit off-topic:

Nope. Among others things, they used to be amazing in PvP (with Diablo’s Fire Stomp in particular). In fact, one can still use them creatively even against bosses such as heroic Snowclaw.

Oh, they’re not that useless, especially when cleared by AoE attacks such as Baron Geddon’s Inferno. Nowadays, though, I don’t like to rely on treasures for completing bounties, but it can be a bonus (or occasionally otherwise if they really mess up with positioning or something like that) if Cookie happens to be on the bench.

Well we can’t all be as perfect as you. And I’ll have you know Leeroy is one of the best mercs in terms of atmosphere and humor, I could tell they put in a bit of extra attention which he deserves, even if he isn’t meta for pve from what I can see.

For their information to reference if Blizzard ever decides to fix it, sure. Although if I’m on the forums complaining about it, it should be a given that it didn’t accomplish much. And if it doesn’t do what the spell tooltip says it will do, it’s still pointless if they only “fix” it to attack for a specific number of times.

That’s news to me, I haven’t bothered playing any pvp.

Sure, but I like to do more than just play fire comp that has the best aoe and the best AOE on the first turn as well. Most of the time I’m trying to manage with a team based on what mercs I have with tasks. Unless I’m trying to do heroics or something specific.

Dunno if that was an enlightening eye-opener, but if you like him — good for you, I’m all for people having fun with their favourite mercenaries.

No special entry animation, though.

There’s no such thing as ‘meta’ in PvE — mor or less by definition of the ‘meta’. As for productive uses for Leeroy, he’s fun against (heroic) Ahune, alongside the ‘usual’ (at least for me) duo of Velen and Anduin, for example (although there might be potential for failure here, on second thought), with Ninja-Looting for some extra hilarity — by the end of the fight that’ll be some of the biggest Leeroys you’ll see. You could also use him as a finisher (maybe with an Even Bigger Sword) against N’Zoth, alongside Tyrande (with Verdant Recurve to clear out those tentacles), to come in from the bench after a Mindgrasp for a decisive finisher. Come to think of it, he might have some potential against (heroic) Kazakus, although I’ve not tested it… But this discussion probably belongs elsewhere.

As for PvP, I used him a lot, all the way up to top ranks, before the latest big patch, quite successfully, although it’s not what’s been fashionable amongst all those netdeckers. I still beleive, however, that his last ability is potentially problematic, just like the infamous card from the original HS (Leeroy the mercenary, though, is not as irritating, in my opinion).

Apparently, they do monitor forums, although the progress on many issues has been… rather slow. Admittedly, treasures are probably some of the least-used and least-tested parts of the game mode, and thus probably a lower priority as well, but without these reports, they might not even find out that something’s wrong.

A hard cap of some kind is needed, or else there’ll be infinite loops.

Something like the fire team comes in handy when carrying 2-3 mercs for tasks while still doing somewhat meaningful heroic bounties at the same time.

PS As for Moroes — Heroic or not — I see no point in trying to fight him ‘fair’ when you can bring in Yu’lon (the beast equipment would be the Jadefire Spear) with more or less anything else you want, provided that it can reach the boss, and beat the encounter easily.