Mercenaries with special animations

Some of the mercs have special animations when they enter the board (note: recently I’ve noticed that you’ve got to play them ‘manually’ in order to see it; the ‘auto-play’ feature skips the special animations and plays the generic ones for the merc’s respective role). This is an attempt to gather all of them (the list is being updated):

  • Cornelius Roame (with his second golden portrait)

  • Nefarian

  • Onyxia

  • Queen Azshara

  • Captain Hooktusk

  • Elise Starseeker (three different ones — depends on her portrait!)

  • Reno Jackson

  • Y’Shaarj

  • Yogg-Saron

  • N’Zoth

  • Edwin, Defias Kingpin (third portrait)

  • Deathwing (diamond portrait)

    After patch 24.0:

  • Ragnaros

  • Kazakus, Golem Shaper

  • Brann Bronzebeard

  • Uther Lightbringer

  • The Lich King (different for the ‘paladin’ portrait according to a Reddit post, but I’ve not tested it, since I don’t own it)

  • Long’xin

  • Brightwing

  • Lady Anacondra

  • Guff Runetotem

  • Zar’jira, the Sea With

  • Lady Vashj

  • Maestra

  • Varden Dawngrasp

  • Kurtrus Ashfallen

  • Illidan Stormrage

  • Maiev Shadowsong

  • King Krush

  • Morgl the Oracle

  • Drek’Thar

  • Sir Finley

  • C’Thun (portrait-dependent)

    After patch 24.2:

  • Balinda Stonehearth

  • Scabbs Cutterbutter (a different one for his leftmost portait )

  • Tamsin Roame

  • Wrathion (not entirely sure about the exact patch when it was imlemented)

Am I missing something?

After patch 24.4 (WIP):

  • Genn Greymane
  • Tess Greymane
  • Aranna Starseeker
  • Murloc Holmes
  • Garona Halforcen
  • Korrak the Bloodrager
  • Bwonsamdi
  • Prince Malchezaar
  • Onyxia (with the ‘raid boss’ portrait — others no longer animated)

After patch 25.0:

  • Chromie


Alright, one thing I’ve not realised: Elise has different animations depending on her portrait (yes, you can still learn something new every now and then). Her basic one depicts plants, the ‘Baroness’ version (the red one, you can get it from the achievement) has the animation with that map to the Golden Monkey… What does her other portrait, which I don’t own as of yet, do? [UPD] Apparently, there are three different ones!

[UPD 2]
With the patch 24.0 out, a few mercenaries (actually, quite many) have got animations as well. So far, I’ve spotted them for Ragnaros and Kazakus. Oh, and Brann finally got his signature one (from the old days), too… And so on — as said, the list is being updated.

[UPD 3]
More animations with 24.2, apparently, the list is being updated. Also seen one for Edwin’s special portrait online, but can’t test it, neither can I do so for Deathwing’s diamond portrait.

[UPD 4] With 24.4, a batch of new mercenaries have received new animations — WIP. However, Onyxia’s entrance animation has disappeared (tested with the golden version of her ‘default’ portrait).

I’ll also add some other sources for reference:

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Azshara, Elise, and Reno also have special ones.

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Yeah, I’ve remembered Azshara myself, but I do not recall the other two. I’ll check it out, thanks!
I don’t know how I’ve missed Elise’s animation, which is rather sweet if you ask me, and Reno’s is not at all that impressive or flashy, but it is a custom one indeed.
[Upd. 2]
Actually, I’ve just noticed that N’Zoth has one as well. Have they been adding any recently?

Oh just remembered, Onyxia and Nefarian also have custom ones.

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Oh yes, Onyxia, of course, with a flashy and memorable effect, and as for Nefarian… it is remarkable how you sometimes do not pay attention and miss things in front of your very eyes. Your contribution to this topic is much appreciated!

N’zoth got cheated! His is so lackluster. They treated the others far better T.T

You mean the others of the animated bunch or the others with tentacles? Well… I suppose he is the weakest of them lore-wise, so… :grinning: As for all of them, I would say Reno is the least impressive… or dazzling, I should say :grinning: , right now.

For me personally Cornelius is a very special one amongst them all, since he’s been unique in that regard for some time and the effect is related to a particular portrait, which is also a bit uncommon.

LOL! :laughing: That was a good one. To clarify, yes out of the other Old gods.

N’zoth needs a redo

Considering how so many actually nice and pretty mercenaries, as opposed to the tentacled ones, do not have any special animations at all, I would much rather see those animated first, but this is highly subjective.