Meet the Mercenaries

I am only one nonbinary trans person. I cannot say why langauage evolves the way it does.


No problem lets just file their complaint and send it up for the CEO of Nonbinary-ness to see, I’m sure they’ll get right on it :wink:


To try to get back on the supposed topic of this thread, Bru’kan is the best mercenary. I like the crazy old troll, and I hope he gathers a small army of murlocs at some point.


It’s nice to see some extra characterization for the mercenaries. I always liked the sort of lore snippets from previous expansions like the Witchwood, and it’s nice to see them come back for more long standing characters. I also like the little nod back to Scholomance they did for Tamsin, and how she looks like she was once the Judicious Junior from the set.

And of course it’s nice to see some trans/NB representation played so nonchalantly! No sense to go in-depth about Varden’s identity as if that’s the one defining factor about them, just say “yeah, they use they/them, anyway heres the real fun stuff!” Good path towards LGBTQ+ identity being normalized and not the core of every fictional character who identifies as such.


I wish that scholomance uniform was a transmog option in WoW, I’d like to wear it on my mage… or my warlock :wink:

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In order not to discriminate against ethnicity or class, HS decided to include all of them disporportionately to the demomgraphic playing. SO there has to be a black, chinese, espanic, indian, gay, trasentual, etc character so that the fandom can identify with them.


Follow the Star trek modo, aliens and creature that disassociate with any humans types. Its not about indentify the races rather creating a group of mystical heros people identify with.

If you want them to make the characters reflect the player demographic then a huge percentage of them are going to need to be Chinese or Korean.

Also, probably much fewer characters will be supermodels and body builders sporting six packs haha


Exactly. Growing up, Varden wasn’t interested in the fancy clothes and hair and makeup of the little High Elf girls. But they also weren’t interested in the different fancy clothes and hair and makeup of the little High Elf boys. Varden was interested in completely different fancy clothes and hair and makeup outside the traditional High Elf gender binary. And that’s okay :heart: :elf:

If a person says “I prefer to use the pronoun ‘they’,” it is polite to do as they wish.

If a Blood Elf frost mage says “I prefer to use the pronoun ‘they’,” it is polite to do so, and it is also prudent. You don’t want to go out of your way to insult a Blood Elf.

Varden is gonna frost bolt your butt if you don’t show them proper respect


she looks like a boy to me

Any free skins, cards, packs if we play the story?

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One class pack per story chapter if you finish, same as Book of Heroes. No word on rewards for playing the new Mercenaries mode, whenever that starts up.

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I agree with you and your frustrations. I dislike that if I refer to a non-binary person as ‘they’ it can sound to someone else like I just don’t know their gender. However if you’re learning english, this is just another part of english to learn now. And it’s not just an american definition, sorry to give that impression. Why not use a better word though? To answer your question, go back and read Kritanakom’s comment and you’ll see that people mocked and resisted that.


That’s absolutely true, representation is important to non-binary people. Yeah, Blizzard is being non-direct about this and it’s basically a token representation. They could do more. Though I also agree with Inquisitor’s comment after yours, that’s it’s nice how casual they are about this, Vardan being non-binary isn’t actually made out to be a big deal.

World of Warcraft has been quietly adding gay minor characters for years. It’s nothing bold or brave on Blizzard’s part, but it’s nice.

Magic the Gathering recently introduced a non-binary character too. Ignoring the unpopular design, if you read the article ‘Creating Niko Aris’ it’s nice to see that once again being non-binary is only a portion of the character’s identity, and they’re not forcing the topic down everyone’s throats. It’s representation for the people who need it, and just a regular character for everyone else.


I like synonym on bagels only. :grinning:

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The reward is the fun you have on the way?

Can you fix the game before adding content please?

Karens AND KENS you sexist! Men can be offended too (sorry, couldn’t resist) :stuck_out_tongue:



I want a refund

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They, them still work in a plural context as well. No one is saying they/them is only for non binary people. Personally, I greet people with ‘Ya’ll’

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They didn’t push any agenda, they literally just refered to a character as “they”. People in these comments are losing their freaking minds over it as if this one nod to something out of their norms is being forced down their throats. You would think they were being forced to be trans themselves based on some of these reactions.