Matchmaking doesn’t work?

So I got a small streak. Got up to Platinum 7 with 2 stars. Then lost back down to platinum 8 with one star. My last loss I just felt entirely outmatched so I friend requested him to maybe get some tips. Dude is only 1 win away from ranking up to legendary.

How is this fair matchmaking?

What’s your usual rank? Do you still have a star bonus?

Yes, the MM is unfair… We all know that. I was 1 win away from Legend multipple times this month and the game just don’t want to let me rank up… But already had it and 10 bonus stars are not help to get Legend again if you got D5 anyway in 7 days every month… as I do usually… Managed to reach Legend last month… didn’t help much… Reached D5 in 3 days this month not 5-7 like usually… it really does not help to reach it again… only if you are in the top 500… which is only for the no life… no thx… I have family and full time job. Not worth the time that plus 1 card pack… mainly when I have 20 k dust and 12 k gold… I am not even making myself upset on this unfair game again… My health worth more than that. Until I can reach my success with my self made decks, I have my fun and play… but not meta usually… I just enjoy to create my own decks and see them win with my play.

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I’ve been floundering between platinum 10 and Platinum 7.

No more bonus.

uh i dont get it

why would you expect the game to match you vs easier opponent at that rank?

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Got from Almost rank 5 back to rank 10. Literally every game I lost the RNG was in my opponent favor.

Worst game ever, but hey, my fault from playing this idiotic game …


It is not about beeing easier… it is about fair… but it is not… it is giving impossible matches at that time so your only hope is the enemy making mistake and lose or having huge luck… if you are not playing one of the most OP decks currently… and this has nothing to do with skills… this is simple unbalance… But I don’t care about it anymore… like I said… Until I have my fun with my decks, I play… thats all.

are you really expecting to find off meta decks when you are so close to reaching legend ?


Does the opponent’s rank really matter? You’ll have to face legend-worthy decks at some point to become legend. Why does it matter when you start facing them?

Whole game is broken and unbalanced and you expect matchmaking to work. Good luck with that…


but it works we get matched every single time

in case you didnt notice OP is complaining about playing vs players with competitive decks…at high ranks!


Platinum is not a high rank and matchmaking should always place you within 5 ranks at most before legendary.

I’m using a legendary ranked deck from a site. The decks aren’t the issue. The issue is I’m playing people WAY ABOVE my skill level which means that matchmaking doesn’t work.

90% of the players use meta decks. That’s not my issue.

Once again you twist what people say to fit your narrative. The sad part is I literally mentioned nothing about decks in OP only ranks so you are trolling.

Why? Because you want the easiest matches before hitting Legend?

You do realize even when you start all over, you are playing people of the same mmr, too, right? If somehow someone hits legend in less than an hour, you have a chance to see them IF your mmr lines up. It’s about fair matchmaking, not a mid version of it.

How does it feel to be so stuck on a game you will defend it without even comparing it to other games. The matchmaking doesn’t work. Do I need to screenshot the matches to show you? Late in season a Platinum 8 is facing a person almost legendary 1?

Makes zero sense.

The elitist white knights is why the game is dying and Blizz consistently pulls funding from it. It’s not like it’s all fabricated.

Yes, it matters because the game is giving you Legend opponents from D4 when it wants… and that is disgusting… You face opponents who have nothing to lose… while you just try to reach Legend… But that is just for the ranks… Perfect counter is another thing… which should not even exist…

I don’t understand why Rank would be a better indication of skill over MMR though. That guy you played against was in Platinum at some point also last month. The same thing would happen when you’re paired against better players as they progress to their usual ranks.

This is a better argument IMO, but still has some flaws because of how the system is set up. For one, in my experience the rank floors offer a similar “nothing to lose” mindset. I certainly use them to mess around a bit. While it’s true they have nothing to lose, this can also work in the opponents favor as the Legend player may be playing poorly or using a very under tuned list.

If this is about you thinking the game is rigged I won’t bother arguing. If this is about poor card design and you thinking no deck should ever have perfect counters existing at all I disagree entirely.

Regardless I don’t hate the current Ladder system, but I don’t think it’s great either. The legend rank is simultaneously easy to reach and also put a pedestal as peak Hearthstone. I would be far more in favor of system that doesn’t involve monthly resets.

On the flip side I have NEVER been higher than Platinum 5. So…. Legendary? Don’t seem right.

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Sure. It would be interesting as you can’t see the rank of your opponent unless your legend rank. And it’s certainly possible; please see my previous comment for explanation. If the Plat 8 player is within the same mmr level as the legend 1 player, then they could face each other. It’s how mmr matchmaking works, and it would be working correctly.

And I’m no Blizz white knight. I’m simply debating the topic.

You can see the rank of anyone you friend I’m not sure what you mean. If they are your friend and they are online you can see their rank.


If you friend after the match, you can see their rank, as well

I guess I don’t see how this supports your original argument, tho