Matchmaking doesn’t work?

50% winrate patented technology and your deck determine enemy deck pool…this is it

Why do you think the ranks of opponents were removed?
They simply needed to pick an opponent with a certain deck regardless of his rank

What do you mean? It’s unfair. I’m forced to play people well beyond my skill level. You don’t see why this is a contributing factor to the declining playerbase?

It’s not fun to lose ALL the time. Is that a simpler way to put it? My W/L ratio is no where near 50% anymore. Maybe 25% Wins.

Your W/R is matching with higher level players. You are playing against players of your caliber until you start winning or losing. It’s fair.

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Doesn’t make any sense…

Yes, agree with what you are saying here.

Yes, the system has a flaw, rigged or predetermined match making or the system looks at your rank, or cards, or whatever it is doing - I keep experiencing it - again and again, like laterally every month on the way to legend, it repeats!

Today, playing a Treat Druid deck started at Diamond 10, win rate 100% not one loss. I need one more game to get to Diamond 5. I get a Taunt warrior, every card they play is a Taunt card, how is this possible did the system knew? or random? That match up for me is unwinnable unless I get the nuts, and I did get nuts but somehow that deck was also running a brawl? Now I am stuck at 6, and the system will be doing that for a while and then, the system - just lets me in, to diamond 5. LOL. It repeats every month in the same way.

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This thread has truths in both sides of the fence. On one side it’s kinda naive to not know what is going on after diamond-5; it is GUARANTEED A MUCH HARDER GAME by design exactly at that rank onwards; this is because YOU DON’T GET THE STREAK BONUS anymore hence you only rely on winning >50% exclusively (the streak bonus lets you rank even if you lose more than half of the time!).

Now the truth on the other side is that the game is an imbalanced unfair mess when we get to the decks; e.g. last patch I would go on with a Paladin easily up to Diamond ~3 without having much experience in the game (I did many mistakes and I barely knew how this game is played lol…); right after they dropped the patch with the nerfs and the spam of excavation-rogues or druids etc. destroying everyone: the class almost immediately was almost impossible to win reliably anything above ~diamond-5 so this patch: unless you are the most OP class (or the most pay-to-win deck I guess on a new account): better just quit after that rank and don’t feel bad unless you really want the challenge.

No it doesn’t.

Still waiting on that data you’ll never produce because it’s simply a matter of you’re losing and refuse to accept losses happen.

matchmaking only works that it favors blizzard since it is improved for those who pay, that is, if you play for free you will have matchmaking value -x if you pay instead you will have an improvement in the algorithm based on how much you pay +x

I can ask you the same thing. “Still waiting on that data you’ll never produce” can you produce the code so we can both see how the game actually work.

Refuse to accept losses … I do lose and more than the average player. I want to enjoy this game. Some days I just play on mobile and I lose a lot but it does not matter in the end, I still get there. Amount of games is more important that the skill or what every people call “skill”.

Now at Diamond 5, the system has once again followed its previous pattern. It gates you at a specific level, and then it just lets you advance. My play style remains unchanged; I acquired a Treant deck at level 10, reset the deck tracker and for eight consecutive games NOT a single loss, and was just one star away from Diamond 5. The system knows that I am 1 star away now I am facing matchups I can’t win. I face the choice of dedicating the entire day to try harding my way to Diamond 5 or simply waiting until the next day, the system just lets me in. Now I am diamond 5.

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It isn’t. Or, it is, as we are all always being pushed towards 50%. But yeah. There’s a reason they took away being able to see ranks…and it wasn’t to benefit the players

Matchmaking is a problem. Keeping it secretive makes it a bigger problem. Taking away seeing the rank of your opponent was hiding the problem. Show us the rank of our opponent, so we can see for ourselves who we are playing.

Figured I’d get this response. Typical of conspiracy theorists who can’t win games.

You presented the argument, which is the system is rigged, so YOU must provide your proof which can’t be a couple games and definitely not hearsay.

Now, go grab your favorite tin foil cap, and give the next typical conspiracy theorist response. C’mon now. I’m anxiously waiting.


[Win Rate Capture] (

You see there are 8 games with zero loss, 9th game would give me Diamon 5 (second match up vs Druid). The game knows it and it makes me lose. Nothing changed, I play with the same skill level. Then no matter how good I play I will be losing/winning and it could keep going for hours. Instead I waited until the next day, played again and 4 games win streak and I am Diamond 5. It does it every month, the pattern repeats.

Now lets see if you can provide some code evidence of the game NOT being rigged.

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We’ve been over this, too. 8 games is nowhere near enough games to measure your conspiracy theory. You and I have had this conversation, so go ahead and figure it out.

Also, all you’re doing is proving mmr match making is doing it’s job. Apparently your skill level is just below Dia 5, but you can’t accept this. It must be rigged. Lol

The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you can let go of the conspiracy theory and actually put some effort into figuring out what you’re doing wrong, such as deck choice, class choice, how you play them etc etc.

Let me see … so you have no idea how the internal game mechanics actually work, aka literally you are not a developer, no idea what the code is doing but you are THE EXPERT on how this game works! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You called me names, literally started saying “I know you are but what am I”. Guess what, you are looking at the same tool (that I am looking at) that provides statistics and somehow, based on that, I observed a pattern and you observed a pattern, but your conclusion is THE AUTHORITY on how things work?

This month I am already at 4, and I do get legend. I am a bit worn out of this game and there are a lot of things in the game that make me, personally, not happy, not sure how long I will stick it out and used to NOT be like that; but it is what it is.

The scary aspect is the realization that you’re making claims without understanding how the game code works. What basis do you have for asserting such facts? I wouldn’t even consider doing that myself, and yet you labeled me as “typical of conspiracy theorists who can’t win games.” What does that say about you?

This is your assumption, not mine, but I can see what I’m saying is getting to you. Don’t worry. The healing is coming.

The way the game has always done its matchmaking, which you still have yet to refute.

Having talked to you I do feel happy, like you said it does feel a bit like “healing”, I feel even more convinced that this game is rigged since you could not provide any concrete evidence, besides a convoluted misleading conversation and run arounds. Good luck on climbing the ladder.