Masters Tournament - Embarassing RnG

Literally the most lucked based tournaments of them all.

People running Yogg Sauron? 4 Random spells and pros are now running this in their decks…….

The game is not an esport anymore, it had 17k people watching it on Twitch last night….more people are watching Summit play The Finals.

I really hope that with the Microsoft acquisition the game is drawn away from the utter garbage games have turned into. All the top 8 are as good as each other, it literally just depends who gets what cards from discover, excavate and all the other crap you have added.

I’m watching a Demon Hunter match and a pro is trying to find a sharpshooter…2 discovers and still doesn’t have it and they lose. Imagine the meta being in a pro tournament about who can find one card out of 30 the fastest.

It’s cringe and it’s why nobody watches Hearthstone anymore :frowning:

Oh and this is no disrespect to any of the players, they are all insane Hearthstone players let down by game developers who value ‘gimmicks’ more than well thought out tcg tactics. There are no tactics that get you out of someone having two board clears and you not having any because the computer said ‘No’. The Hearthstone pros deserve better from their time.


Apparently, all those massive numbers of people from plebbit they’re always on about just couldn’t be bothered to show up.

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welcome to card games is always about getting the cards you need asap
some people here havent figured out yet rng been a part of the game for so many years the ones still watching it do it because of the rng plays

didnt you notice on the comments from the streams how people find aggro vs aggro (rng less) boring ?

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RNG is part of every card game.

I don’t know about RNG as it’s a part of the game, but I am very underwhelmed by most of the decks brought to the tournament. It’s not on the players who came to play, tho.

You’ve never seen tournaments with pre-nerf OG Yogg haven’t you ?

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They could just toss the coin to see who wins. Probably even more skill intensive than the current HS meta.


I have it’s just games are supposed to get better as they go on, not get worse.

The final was boring af and was made super boring by two games being literally the best draws someone could get vs the worst.

I just finished a game against a control warrior deck, I’ve had to deal with all the crap, finally get something and then Yogg unleashed and it’s taken away.

The meta is stale, boring and rng has taken its place as the ‘deciding’ factor in games and it is the reason why only 17k people both to tune into Hearthstone championship now. Half the people watching were just farming the two free packs.

It is unbelievable to see Blizzard so in the mud.

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It’s because real blizzard died years ago. Whatever is left after it became actiblizz is only interested in milking franchises of whatever money can be made from them then discarding the useless husk.

Why do you think microsoft was able to get them so cheap?

I’ll admit this made for a boring final game. It lasted 15 minutes or so. I know Pocket or Meati were taking it all the way, but I was hoping no matter the outcome of players it would be a fun match. Pocket just rolled over CJ, who won his own matches with top decks against Meati. -shrug-

Rng in NOT random, rng it’s false random, rng is an algorithm influenced by blizzard parameters and decided at the start of the match differently for the two players, it’s not like when in real life you roll a dice, absolutely different, blizzard obviously never admitted or denied the thing


Reported for trolling and ignored. Laterz!

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Unironically posted.

Is the company just spamming blue foxes at this point to harass forum posters?

Because of these two posts:


the later is actual spam, trolling and off topic. Naturally, the mods will ignore this, because it suits the pro company narrative.

Funny how no one can question RNGstone, even when it’s on full display at their tourneys.

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whole tournament was utterly embarrasing. production quality was like the intern had full control, not even in an arena or on lan, most match ups were 10% skill and 90% rng favor, which decided early on who wins. finals was then just the peak of utter cringe. getting so destroyed as one player takes non stop top draws with every deck, while the other one suffers to get even something playable. really nice job.


Yeah it is a shame because PocketTrain is an awesome player and I’m not saying any of those players didn’t deserve to be there.

Cj had some absolutely crazy rng to even end up in the finals…but the fact he was absolutely crushed by it 3 games in a row was just hard to watch.

Now you could say PocketTrain had the right decks etc….

Some of the casters were really spot on with calls and some legit sounded like they haven’t actually got to Legend rank…I know it sounds elitist but I want the people casting to be really knowledgeable so I learn! Some great parts where casters were calling turns before the pros even made it…but then sometimes it was like Plat player has opinion on Top 0.5% player….why?!

Some of the audio/lag was annoying and not being able to see the secrets from the top player when watching.

It was just a shame to see so much computer controlled rng enable pro players to basically dominate a match.

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people claiming isnt random never proved it so far
if isnt random then there is a patern or can be manipulated by theplayer to get any desired result

or be predicted
but these posters never did
it should be easy to livestream several games predicting every single outcomeif it isnt random
but not single one who claimed isnt random managed to do this so far
they expect us to believe it everything they say without any proof

So much this. Once again, the multibillion dollar company can’t afford better production value and better people running their show.

But, kotic and co gotta line their pockets before their big exit!

And now, DEFENDING trolling, harassing, and flaming other posters…because reasons.

Note, for those paying attention, I pointed out that even QUESTIONING whether it was random, even when the tourney really made a bad show of it, and pointed out which post had more to do with the thread’s topic: “Master’s Tournament - Embarrassing RnG” and one was actual spam, trolling, and of topic.

Naturally, one of the more prolific spam, trolling, and harassing posters will swoop in to defend this…because the company must be sending blue foxes en masse at this point to harass forum goers who ask these questions.

Like, say, a tournament ran by the company itself broadcast in front of the entire internet. Like the one they just had. Like this thread is currently discussing.


What’s embarrassing is the incoming nerf/buffs. They are literally buffing an already strong DK and Warrior. They are nerfing Paladin (which most of the community wants) but they are targeting BOTH of its only viable board clears. If they make both of them useless then Paladin becomes useless.

So this patch could very well be a terrible thing.

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Not saying PocketTrain is bad, but the rng was just awful and it was purely one-sided. Even a gold player would have found the winning moves with this card draw, but it’s over now. Still an absolute shame to watch and remember.

Deck choices were also dumb as everyone just banned paladin (who’d have thought) and most brought the same stuff to the table, with naga priest being some rare exception, but meta like the prior tournament is just bland af.

Casters have been awful since they get onboard. I remember in the early days of HS when they sometimes had other pros in there, who gave their opinion or explained plays and why they work down the line or don’t work, that was actually great. But rather keep the cheap alternative, which was and is in line with production value (just cringe. Even SCII, a dying game some might say, has infinite better set-ups in every regard).

To the other poster claiming CJ got there due to sheer rng and Pocket by skill. There’s only so much rng that can carry you, but he proved it over the recent months many times, so he earned his spot. In the small sample size the tournament is, the rng swings were just completely bonkas and didn’t require more than 2 braincells to take it home. The pathetic acting in the last game when it’s already sealed by turn 4 was just the cherry on top of all this clownfiesta one had to endure.

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It’s what they do: back when pirate warrior was too strong, and they nerfed long after it was no longer relevant, but some still played it (so they could wave their hands frantically and say “LOOK, WE LISTENED”!) they did the nerfs so hard it made it nearly unplayable.

It’s just more proof they have no middle ground: it’s either completely broken, or nerfed into oblivion. Then of course, their defenders will use this as “proof” that “WAHHHH, SEE THEY CAN NEVER MAKE YOU COMPANY HATERS HAPPY! THEY COULD GIVE EVERYONE A TRILLION GOLD AND DUST TOMORROW, WORLD PEACE, AND END SUFFERING AND YOU’D STILL HATE THEM!”

I mean, making good on the dust and packs they owe everyone a a genuine “sorry” for all the crappy things they’ve done over the years would be a good start.


I wonder if it’s because they all know something the rest of the playerbase does?

: D

Yikes, they truly did the community dirty there. It’s just yet another example of how this company treats their customers, and it isn’t pretty.