Masters Tournament - Embarassing RnG

climatic necrotic explosion…"strong "??? O_o

not surprised since you think tier 4 (best warrior deck tier) is strong

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that you managed to somehow put all the emphasis on one card. When he was making a larger point about the overall patch. And people make it a point to rant about how I make bad out of context posts!

No wonder the tournament is bad: they can’t even get decent distractions away from how bad it was on the forums by their usual crowd!

The fact that they’re not even DEFENDING it tells you how bad it is!

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Did I mention that card? I said the class itself. And yes, common sense tells you if you give an ALREADY STRONG class more options it becomes stronger.

Don’t cherry pick what people say to fit your narrative. I very much said DK not a specific card.


plague doesnt run blood rune cards (maw and paw) no idea why do yu think it woulb e a buff for it
did you at least check which cards they are buffing?
and warrior isnt a strong class in this meta at all!

how anyone can think a class with all its decks at tier 4 is a “strong class”?

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It’s just going to keep spamming to distract from the tourney dumpster fire. Sadly, you’re wasting your time, because it’s clear that the company has set loose bots on the forums too.

spamming “muh strong deck” will work as a distraction from the actual topic, which is “Master’s Tournament - Embarrassing RnG.”