Massive BG changes already live

It depends game by game. Sometimes mid-size board is enough to get you to TOP4. Sometimes great board of 70/70s and you still die 6th turn 9-10.

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Are you finding this mode fun at all, the game is so fast now you can’t build anything unless you get the high roll. What’s the point?

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I tied 3/4 on turn 11 in my last lobby.

The guy I lost to had four T6 minions on the board and five triples.

Absolutely dumb.

It’s not even fun right now.

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This was always a case, if you managed to get huge highroll. I had few months back turn 10 golden nomi and golden bran and was called cheater.

And now I ended up 3rd (almost 2nd) with 2 minions above 50/50 (and less than 100/100) and the rest of the board was under 30/30.

Simply yeah, there are tons of highrolls, but as well tons of games, where nobody (or almost nobody) highrolls.

He didn’t just randomly find those in the tavern. Most likely he switched to a new hero power and it was zephyrs. I have done that a couple times where i just dumped the HP and found Zeph and basically tripled all my doubles. Probably also hit the Lost staff and rolled high. The free spell quest might have high rolled on a turn or two as well.

Turn 11 it is doable even without Zephyr HP. And you could have done that before quests as well, you just needed to highroll and level up fast. Before spells it was weird, because you could not level on 9 gold to 5, now you can.

Sometimes I am T6 turn 7 with certain heroes, if I get “godlike” turn 3 and 4 (if I am pretty sure I dont get killed/get tons of damage) and afterwards it is just game on. :slight_smile:

And tripples can be done in different ways - if you have bran, battlecries, spells etc.

Once again I see this bull crap spell comp with tricksters, chickens, and titus giving thousands of health to my opponent’s minions before combat even starts.

The chicken should not exist. It is the single most degerate thing in the game right now.

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My understanding is that BGs is the only format of the game that sees (small) viewership numbers, and therefore maps to basically the only relevant format, in terms of seeing some form of public interest.

Why aren’t they investing more in balancing this format, its a cesspool from what I understand. I myself hate this format so will never play.

I would say they are balancing it as much as standard - there are always couple “big” patches, maybe some smaller ones in between could be added as well.

There was big patch now, there was one in January, 2 in december, one in November… -Every month there is at least one patch trying to balance the game or add features. Most of them quite major.

It was fun.
For one day.

The imbalances and variance are way to big. The differences between the boards you see at 9-10 gold are just massive.

Already do not like it anymore but at least it was fun for one day.


I seriously have no idea why they brought quests back. You either get a quest that wins you the game, or you get a completely useless quest there is no middle ground. Spells are honestly fine as is once Reckless Investment got removed and some other nerfs/adjustments were applied.

Also, can we do something about 3 million health quillboar comps that just spam Moon-Bacon Jazzer’s battlecry 65 million times?

In my limited experience with the current patch, I truly believe the issue is economy.

The spells introduced several means to gain additional gold on your turns, and the quests have amplified this by casting free spells or casting spells additional times.

Terrible update. Even games I get first feels bad. I got the better quest.

Between this and the awful Overwatch update, I feel like the company is tanking itself on purpose. No more money from me.

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The continual removal of scam minions concerns me greatly for the format. So far i have been able to handle this new meta but i am not having a great deal of fun as i was before the patch. Hopefully we see some new changes in a week or so.

And it seems like mid level players fail to understand how this is killing the mode.

It shouldn’t be just scam stats and win. That’s dumb. You take something broken like the chicken and all those buffs happen before any counterplay. It’s not right and it shouldn’t be in the game at all. I don’t care what tier it is on, it’s BAD for the mode.

And there’s just way too much stat scam right now. It’s off the hook and leroy is gone.

I would love to see a silence minion.

Having only really started trying BG’s recently I am at 5k. I know that is probably low for ya’ll. For me getting into the top 4 isn’t hard.

The thing I see is a massive gap from number 1 and everyone else. Who ever takes number 1 usually has a single minion with a higher health and attack pool then the entire rest of the board for everyone else.

I am new enough that I still have lots of different builds to learn and synergies to understand. I can see though there are huge gaps in this mode.

The game doesn’t really start to get competitive until you get clear of the last rank floor at 6000 ranking. Everything below that is pretty much smurfs and noobs.

I got the 50/50, and all I had to do was play 6 Elementals or Pirates. Silly! Nerf it to 5x at 20/20.

Also, there is a quest that requires spending 70 gold. I’ve tried it 3 times at 6k and have yet to complete it! Anyone else have an issue?