Massive BG changes already live

Seems they brought back quest meta with updated quests and rewards and modified the minion pool substantially.

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Did we know this was coming and I missed it?

I logged in an hour ago and was confused about what was happening.

Yeah I surprised as heck by both the new minions in tier 2 and the quests to pick popup. I honestly thought id fallen asleep and slept-clicked my way thru a match and into a different game mode entirely.

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Usually content patches follow a known pattern:

X.0 is expansion release with Standard-only content

X.2 is a big BGs release that changes the format entirely and brings new season and Rewards track

X.4 is a mini-set (smaller Standard update)

X.6 brings expansion announcement and free legendary for Standard and a smaller mid-season BGs update (usually with a gimmick to shake things up, like quests now)

This is the current content cycle, so we knew BGs was getting a small shake-up update. It just wasn’t as public this time because of all the fuss with the anniversary event and content.

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Played my first game of the new patch. I chose the worst quest I could and still managed 3rd and of course my wife kicked my butt. I’ll take it. Bad quests are fun!

I like the changes so far. Not really sure how I feel about any quests that give more death rattles because beasts are still broken. They should just remove them or rework them completely.


I’m pretty sure this wasn’t small, though. It’s new season sized changes.

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Are you like some professional Hearthstone scientist or historian? perhaps an avid chronicler? President of the Hearthstone Fan Club? lol, im kidding. but for real, your “matter of fact” way you spit off these details and know the order is mesmerizing. Its like watching a math teacher teach Order of Operations to a classroom for their [the kids in the class] first time and Im one of those kids. lol. not exactly the same as far as apples to apples comparison, I know, but its the only concept I can come up with as far as "how’d they know that? how’d they figure it out? " kind of wonder.

Lol idk it’s just general hs knowledge. I tend to get bored of the meta relatively quickly so I am keeping an eye on what is next in the content schedule and when it’s coming. I like hearthstone only when it’s fresh content really.


Putting in Mantid to replace Mur’ghoul is a real downgrade IMO. You need to stick a reborn or the minion is functionally worse all around. I hope this levels out the from those high roll beast builds. Looks good overall. Quests are always fun so should be a good time IMO.

I cant keep up with anything in the game it seems, lol. I first discovered Baku like a year or year and a half ago lol. The only card Ive ever crafted lol. made every class a Baku deck to play. such good good times in that year i focused on Baku. No idea when he was released and then went out of style but that gives you an idea of how disconnected from whatever is current in HS. if it werent for the forums I prolly wouldnt know about 90% of what I know about the game, and Ive only been a visitor here since Aug of 2021. I’ve been exposed to so much here and it seems like so many take it as a given people know so much about the game already because it is the experience they had and its impossible for two people to not have the same experience in today’s internet. lol

Cool info tho. I can barely perceive the passage of time at all usually, and if i do it usually isnt correct even then. lol. SO all the details you provided flew under my radar so far we werent on the same hemisphere.

Thanks for link to the changes.

Had to check if the Tier 6 Graymane Wolf was still in the game, I was playing a game as Beasts and after 6 discovers and several refreshes over multiple turns I never saw one.

Turns out the Wolf is still in the game.


It is hard to tell the difference between terrible luck or non-existence of a minion in a new meta.

I turned Kripp on Twitch last night to see it all happening. Didn’t know until I did. Beasts remain untouched and Quests are back, and it looks like some of the new ones are Anomalies. I have yet to try it out, but I have a feeling the meta won’t fluctuate much. Beasts will still be Tier S.

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Beasts and undead got massive buffs with the quest that has avenge 7 summon a 50/50 amalgam. Complete scam !

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Spell scam is real. Couple of these quests are just force lubbers and lol.

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The bigger issue for me are quests. They feel so OP, pretty much every game somebody has absolutely disguisting highroll by turn 6-7.

They should tone it down or make the impactful ones more challenging, because there are some, which are completely devastating (economy) compared to buffs.

Lubber never should have come back

I’ve yet to read the list. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? They better hard sweep the legs with Beasts and Undead next season, or I will not be playing. I can’t do it anymore.


The whole toke spawn/reborn/from hand stream of units is way too much right now.

Undead spawning stacks of glass cannons is just stupid.

It’s a concept that was fine with me, but it’s been happening for a year now. Nothing new. I thought there’d be some sort of fluctuation with the new DRs for Undead, but it’s just token spam. The Tier 7 Nightmare was the brick wall for me, man.

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I don’t mind the idea, but the execution went off the rails now that everything has reborn and spawns tokens. It’s absurd.

Edit: Also, quest meta sucks. I hate them, so I am prolyl not gonna play
BGs much.

The just make the game so stupid linear and determine the games.

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What I’ve seen is that highroll just got high-rollier. I’m seeing full, well developed T6 boards from folks on T4 in the tavern.
I really love the quest concept but some of the new quest rewards are just insane, especially with token/reborn spam.

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