Massive BG changes already live

I did it twice with Mechs and got +54/+54 the first time and +67/+67 the second time. Kangor’s just breaks this quest with mechs. I was beating the horse on it’s first spawn from players. That’s how fast you can get it rolling.

The minion was 100% unplayable as it stood. Far too slow and Mechs were already just bad to begin with. The change is fine especially with Titus. When they finally removed the Titus spell the DR minions went back to more balanced.

I am thoroughly enjoying this new meta. Quests with Spells is a very interesting setup.

No, it’s fine to make 300/300 minions with divine shield on turn 9 in a world without leroy.

I get mechs needed help, this wasn’t the help.

Give it two weeks, you’ll be right where we are.

The power gap on units is just stupid. The mode is toxic right now.

The only part of the new patch i dislike is the change from Mur’Ghoul to Manitd Queen. The ghoul was the superior minion for scam.

The mantid is borderline unplayable. Everything else is fun to me but i also enjoy menagerie builds and most of these quests are great for that style of play.

I don’t consider the scammy bull crap to be menagerie.

Anything involving chickens clucking sucks.

I have been on both sides of this quest.

It is just dumb, imo. Not enjoyable. There’s no way to stop this in the same sense that rest of the game brann or endless timewarp. You got lucky and you won.

I don’t want that game. I don’t need triple digit stats on turn 9.

Not. Fun.

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Mechs needed significant help, this moves them into levels of other tribes.

Regarding powercreeping - yeah, the issue is with spells+elementals, thats where I see the problem. Otherwise I feel like it is in decent spot. Beasts could get another slight nerf/hit , but can be countered. I would buff/rework nagas. Probably few more things.

But otherwise it

But before you had stupid broken things, when there were leapfroggers. There were other stupid broken things before as well.

Without scam the game devolves into just “Who makes more big minions”. That isn’t fun to play at all.

My example of that quest was more to show that it 100% needs changed. It’s not balanced in the least bit and there’s no counter bult into the game to stop it. There are several quests like that that need adjusted and i am sure it will happen soon. They normally adjust new quests that are over or under performing quickly.

Well, you can compare it with another minion - elemental, who has taunt (which is on this deathrattle huge advantage) and spawns those minions actually as well.

From my perspective great change, because mechs were in general unplayable except of DR build, which we have already in undeads and beasts.

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I would LOVE those back. They were so much easier to deal with than the current setup.

I didn’t find those over powered after the change to stop the birds from triggering themselves.

In a game without beasts? Maybe.

When you can chicken them with a titus? It’s insanity.

My biggest issue with beasts is using them with other than beasts, tbh. They ruin lobbies because they enable the most degenerate highroll scams.

Absolutely. It now works kind of like the Djinnin for elementals. The Djinni + Titus combo has always existed and provided the elementals with fuel for their builds. The mech is now providing the fuel for their builds and synergizing with their tier 6. It was a solid way to give Mechs scaling without going too crazy.

How exactly do you think this is a fair or accurate comparison? I get they both give you a minion, but that’s where it ends.

DJinn isn’t a strong minion and is difficult to scale on the board.

Half the magnetic minons scale economy or natively.

Again, I think the chicken is what makes this too much.

It is quite fair comparison.

They are both engines to fuel their tribes, they bring the economy. In elementals you get free rolls, you get more elementals (from token/battlecry), it gives you scaling with party and later rock rock.

Mechs get some economy as well (but endless) and some buffs.

I like the change, as it makes the tribe finally interesting and playable. Not insane, but playable.

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Uh…The Djinn is providing fuel directly to the card that is scaling your entire board. Rock Rock. It’s also providing you with a large chance to triple doubles or even singles of powerful elementals on your board.

The new Mech setup feeding your magnetics increases your economy sometimes but it’s fueling the Beatboxer at the same time.

The real power move for mechs is if they can build a board that is taking advantage of the Laborer on tier 5 as well and providing them with easy big stats and effects.

There are times when the Strider could be good for an end compo and times when it’s not in a Mech build.

I’m okay with the strider existing at 6. Perhaps that’s a crazy take but i am okay with it now and Slamma on 5.

Which is waaaay too slow in the current meta if you don’t have multiples.

And the fact that the magnetic minions scale on their own or drive massive economy makes it a joke.

I played a guy today that was getting a whole hand of magnetic minions each turn. That’s also getting triples that you can still play on the board without selling minions.

It’s totally not the direction they should have taken the tribe at all. At. All. j

I think this is another case of blizzard thinks they know how something will play out and the players just get the game in ways the devs don’t.

It should have been totally removed. It breaks way to many builds.

Rock rock is not that slow, if you can find it early with some engine. It scales quite quickly and has great scaling - and can scale cleave minions, what many tribes have issue with. Probably the highest in the game, if you get free doubleroll.

Elementals are one of my favourite races and I force them whenever I can and funny thing - I ditch Djinni as soon as I run out of slots (bran, rolls, rockrock(s), cleave, trigger battlecry (beast or murloc)…

Usually the eco is not an issue once you have brann and you ditch Djinni.

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It does not. In most builds it takes extra slot for 6/2, which is terrible and will make you die. Yes, it is good for economy early for few turns, but with any class but beasts (and maybe scam/bomb mechs) you will ditch it as soon as you need to.

If you aren’t set into your endgame scaling by turn ten or eleven you’re already dead in this meta. Rock rock is miniscule compared to what other tribes are doing right now.

I agree, because it’s not that good of a minion, but if it gave you magnetic minions that gave you more gold, you’d sure keep it around.

So you haven’t seen it making demons go off or quilboars scams or mech scams? Huh.

Maybe we don’t play in the same lobbies.

Chicken should have been fried, not tiered up.

Try by turn 6, if you don’t your end game set by turn 6 you’re dead for sure. They took all the fun out of this game completely. It just pisses me off.

Every game is massive Boar, Demon or Mechs . . . yawn

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We are playing different game probably, or you are really high MMR. I am 8k and I dont have issue winning game if I find direction turn 8-9.

Or you are just going banana.

Turn ten is the critical turn. If you’re not 20/20+ and climbing on nearly all of your minions the game is done.

It’s typically four or fewer players from turn 13 on every single lobby.

Maybe not. I am at 8k in Europe.

And yeah, there are some certain situations outside mine mechs/beasts she can be abused, but most games you ditch it.