Massive BG changes already live

Before Anomalies, I disliked Quests the most. Essentially, you either get a good quest or you do poorly in the long run. I’m not saying you CAN’T win games, but it will be much much harder to keep up.

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It’s like rocket boosters on an already highroll meta.

Your tavern spells cast twice after you play five battlecry minions is just amazing. You lubber up and have unlimited economy.

They need to rebalance the quest difficulties. That is supposed to determine how hard the quest is to complete, that is a great example of one that is far too easy. Should be 8 or 9 battlecry minions (or spend 40 gold or have 30 minions die, etc. - the numbers have to go way up).
I realize it’s early in this new meta but this was poorly thought out. And in typical blizz fashion, BG finally felt decent before this patch, it took them forever to get it right then they disrupted it just because.

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They need to just get them the f out of the mode. Absolutely broken stupid game.

Day 2 of them being back and I am already 100% done with the mode until they’re gone.

They totally ruined the game mode.


Beasts aren’t as good as they were before this last patch. A bunch of those quests are very good at overcoming beasts. The horse quest is bait unless the other quests are bad. In that case you finish it quick and just hide behind it to tier up quickly.

You do know that the number that you see to complete a quests changes depending on the hero chosen?

Edit: I typed that out wrong. Heroes with more armor have an easier time on quests but only slightly. Those with less armor have it a bit harder. The point is that the target completion on quests is balanced quite well.

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Which is why you pick mid tier heroes in quest metas and roll to the top four every lobby.

Edit: I think you meant less armor is harder… better heroes get harder path.

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Yeah, i typed that out in the reverse of how i had it in my head. Gah.


Actually, no. Which is why I said they needed to rebalance based on the new quest rewards.

From the patch notes:
Quest baseline requirements are modified by several factors (including, primarily, the Reward they are paired with), so actual Quest requirements vary from game to game.

Then it is FURTHER balanced based on the heroes starting armor.

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It’s a good news! We will win! Happy tenth anniversary to Hearthstone everyone! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Sure but if the primary balance is on the reward that should be tweaked first. I think they didn’t know how good/bad the new spell quest rewards would be (as it turns out, mostly very good).
What I said in my original post was based on the patch notes, and I stand by it.

They always do a rebalance on new quests in a week or two. There’s a couple that clearly need addressing up or down.


Tumbling disaster is a disaster in itself.

There are too many token spawns in the game to begin with, but this quest just makes them incredibly oppressive.

I have mostly seen them with undead where the 1/1 token becomes 25/25 or more before attack buffs are applied.

I typically like quests, but they need some significant balance interventions to the current iteration of the game mode.


I really don’t understand what they are thinking when they do these updates and completely destroy the mode of any sense. It’s all high roll crap time after time. Every time I think I am making progress I get destroyed by someone who has some INSANE board by turn 6. All done once again and I really don’t know why I keep thinking they will make the game better.

It’s the same team as standard, so you shouldn’t be shocked.

Everything you hate about standard decks now available in BGs!!!

So exciting!!!

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It’s just so bad, lol.

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It feels like some people never enjoy battlegrounds. :slight_smile:

I think that a lot of BGs players like the mode quite a lot. We just don’t like when it’s constantly powercrept to high heavens .

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This is really it, I really do like the mode but the experience playing it is so toxic at times with the amount of RNG pushed on us. Now with them putting back in quests most of my games are over by turn 6 depending on what quests am I offered. Most of the time I get crap quests and I just leave because I know I will lose.

My other issue is they just keep recycling past ideas with a sprinkling of new minions and spells. Nothing ever is adjusted or fixed, just caked over with more bad ideas.

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They changed scrap scraper to a death rattle…

Now it works with titus and chicken.

That’s just stupid power creep for no good reason.

The whole mode is just bull crap scams at this point. So much scammy crap with that goddam chicken.

It should have been REMOVED from the clucking game. It just ruins the mode.

It scams with mechs, beasts, demons, undead… everyone. It’s bonkers how broken that stupid unit is and it has no counter play at all because it goes off start of combat - before you can attack it.

People who think chicken is good for the mode or want to defend that sort of degeneracy need a good kick in the nether parts.

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