Man, ranked is in such a horrible state rn

Up in platinum, the flaws of the game show a lot. And it looks abysmal! First off, I am pretty sure large numbers of players are typing their plays into ChatGPT on the side or something.

Second off, what is the point of deck design and mana curve when 95% of it is just playing discovery + cost reduction cards? Discovery is an okay mechanic if you get to do it once or twice per match. Lol, no. It’s every card. Decks sitting there casting 30+ mana of spells they just discovered, with 0 counter play. So, all the high end decks end up not playing the cards they picked, not paying what the cards cost, and not being counter-able.


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Winning more than the rest. Since you’re still in Platinum, I guess you don’t do it that much.

So, you have 0 substance to add? I started playing 6 days ago. I think platinum is good for a guy with school, family, job, other games, etc in a few days.

But seriously, please try to add to discussions when you post. Thanks.

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The phrase “ranked is in such a horrible state rn”, sounds like you knew more than the current patch.

Not saying it isn’t, but I think that the majority of dedicated players finish each month Diamond or higher.

By “dedicated” I mean playing month to month consistently. Technically the majority of players uninstall the same month they install.

I don’t’ think people even play against the other player. They just throw out cards, then Alt-Tab until it’s their turn again.


You’re not going to rank well with that misinformation. There are subtleties about the opponent even when you play the simplest deck.

The only thing real about this subject is that some decks are MORE “non-agency” than others (e.g. a very fast on-hand OTK deck).

There are subtleties about every coin flip too…paying attention to it isn’t going to get you past 50% success +standard deviation. I mean you can, you may be able to eke out 1% increase by really paying attention. Or all that time you spent really paying attention to coin flips to still end up at 50% win/loss regardless, maybe that time is better spend elsewhere…

No. E.g. some opponent decks are extremely fast and some opponent decks are extremely slow so you can play faster or slower against them. E.g. some decks do something specific that is very powerful to them and you can either use a tech card you have against them or shuffle it in your deck for something better etc.

Yes. Some coin flips are extremely fast, some are extremely slow, is there a difference, or does the coin still land 50% heads and 50% tails?

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i find those games really not fun when you just watch someone discover cards every turn for entire timer. i can do that too, but really boring. one giant rng. the card limit is a really fun aspect, infinite cards are not in spirit of the game imo. a lot of wild games do that 40 card start minion, bad design. way more fun when there’s strategic deck and plays. some people pull off neat plays with just cards in deck without that rng.

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I alt-tab all the time and get to legendary without a problem. I Just like my opponents do. I don’t’ see them making any sort of informed decision. It’s the same plays over and over. No matter what cards I put down, it never changes the game play.

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And you play randomly after that?

Me? Heavens no, the game already does that for us.

That’s like saying, if a car moves randomly to a direction, you might as well leave the steering wheel.

??? That’s not like saying that at all :man_facepalming:

Please either be better, or just stop, I feel I’m becoming actively dumber having to reply to you

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You may wish to to take your own advice then. If you actually read what you so (mis)quoted, you would notice you left out the two words coming before my so called bullying, those words being “I feel”. I gave you an opinion. You are free to disagree if you want, but to accuse me of bullying because of expressing myself honestly, is bullying in and of itself. Please try to be a better person before replying to me again, thanks.

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A quote by someone, who seconds ago typed: “I’m becoming actively dumber having to reply to you”.

A misquote, indeed…learn how to quote? :man_facepalming:

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I can’t imagine why. It’s such an engaging and well-designed game that makes lots of people stay long enough to spend money! /s

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