[Main Thread] Playful sprites error error:303:0

i think its affecting all players who havent played in a few month´s, unfurtunely blizzard is taking so much time to fix it :frowning:

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Same problem here
6 months off and now no way to start the game

HS support plz give some info here i try to back but now i can play :C, its 2 days…

I just cant believe how lazy of a company blizzard is. And the worst point, is that they are not comunicating AT ALL

They have litterally said above that they are working on it

PFFFFFFFF, they dont keep us updated and you think they will compensate us? Nu uh

I wonder how this would settle if Ben Brode was still working with Blizzard.

Howdy Everyone,

We are showing this should be cleared up and working again. Please try the game out and let us know if you continue to have issues.

If you are getting “Closed. The game was unable to log you in through the Blizzard services. Please wait a few minutes and try again” this looks to be a separate issue. Please open a new thread if you do get this error.


omg!!!!cooooooooooooooooool!thank u very

It is resolved for me!! Thank you so much :slight_smile:

its fixed for me! Thank you!

It’s fixed. Thank you support team.

Working for me too now,

The issue is solved, thanks to support and devs. We hope this would never happen again :wink:

Good afternoon, it worked for me on all devices, thank you!