[Main Thread] Network Problem while Loading Cards

I also have the same issue!

I have the same issue, “We just ran into a network problem as we were loading up all the cards in your collection. Please relaunch Hearthstone to access your collection and resume your duels!”

Windows 10, tried to relaunch at least 5 times, didn’t work

Reporting in with the same problem.

Same here, reseting in game options, scan/repair not helping

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Same issue here. Failed loading collection

same issue here on laptop, phone and pc

I also have the problem pls help

Same issue here thanks

I keep getting the same message…

“Closed - We just ran into A network problem as we were loading Up alle the cards in your Collection. Please relaunch Hearthstone to Access your Collection and resume your duels”

And i really want to tryk dragons!!!

hey having this problem like the rest that posted what the heck going on seems yall sroppede the ball this time but i geuss issue happen like this form some times

I am having the same issues, I have deleted app off my IOS and reinstalled and still not working as soon as I get past the quest screen the error pops up every single time

I’m having the same issues, add me to the list please

I also have the same issue

Facing the same problem with my android phone

Same problem here, on both Windows and Android (moto g6).

Same issue here! I am running Hearthstone on my Samsung Note 9 phone running Android version 10.

Same issue, Android Galaxy s8+

Have same issue here. On windows 10 PC

Having the same issue on my mobile. What I don’t understand is, why is there no response from blizzard.

Same Issue on Windows 10