[Main Thread] Network Problem while Loading Cards

every time I launch the game a second or two after I get into the main menu of:
“We just ran into a network problem as we were loading up all the cards in your collection”

reinstall, reboot, relog but nothing works

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Yes, I am also having this issue. Just purchased a pack of 40 Descent of Dragons cards and it crashed. Now it’s displaying the same issues as everyone else is saying. Hopefully they get this fixed and maybe give some kind of compensation for the time we’ve all had to wait.

i’m having this exact same problem. i’ve tried going in 6 times now…still the same error. and that “trick” to wait a minute or two on the daily quest screen. yeah. doesn’t help if you don’t HAVE any daily quests

Over 48 hours and still happening

Same issue here just happened this evening Android OS

3 months and 1 week for the above issue…

having same issue and cant play for the past week

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I missed match Masters Qualifiers for this bug. I’m agree every players have to take responsibility for client side software environment and internet connection. But this bug is so much stressful and irrational.

The number of legally collectible cards of Hearthstone is 8,592 include free/common/rare/epic second copy and each golden cards. These information data could be store in just 1074 bytes. It’s so tiny data for today’s computing. I can not imagine this terrible job was done bye largest MMORPG operating company.

Still having issue playing… Only managed to play when there’s daily quest and waited a minute before playing. After that, unable to play anymore…

This worked for me on PC, and after doing it, iOS started working fine as well:

Try this:

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Im having the problem now for 14 days and none of the no “tricks” work. When logging in, the first screen is the old rank i got last month and after 2 sec (without a click) the error massage shows. Resetting the options didnt help, too. I tried everything on android and on windows desktop.

Same issue. Thanks blizz…

Same here. Need help.

I load into battlenet,then I hit play button for hearthstone, and the game launches,but after the screen comes up for what I want to choose ,the game closes,and says,We just ran into a network problem loading up all the cards in your collection. Please relaunch hearthstone… It does this over and over. I’m playing on a laptop with windows 10, and using hotspot from phone… I’ve done it this was for 2 years with no problems until the last few days.

I tried waiting on the voice-over it still closes,this only happens on my mobile hotspot,not the home wifi.

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I have the same problem but don’t worry. It will probably took blizzard a month or two to fix it since that’s how much they care about us

Blizzard, what are you doing over there? Same problem. All of the fixes work for a little while and then fail again. Can we at least have another update on the status of the proper fix you claim to have found?

I have the same issue but only on the Asia server. My EU and NA work.

same. I could’nt connect to NA server. This solved it.

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Exact same issues on a Mac.