[Main Thread] HS:NGRESULT DB ERROR:303:0 Error

Howdy DerpyTroller,

I deleted your other threads happy to see you found this one. If the latest update didn’t resolve this issue for you, please reach out to us again via ticket. We can verify your account and get this looked into.

Thank you.

I have since day 2 of having the issue MULTIPLE times and they just keep telling me to wait and close the ticket. I never get more info from them or anything. Its now been 26 days…

Howdy Derpytroller,

The issue has been overall resolved, you can now put in a new ticket and it will be handled as a new issue. Before there was no way for us to separate two issues with this error. Feel free to mention this thread as well.

Support ticket

Still no help!!! :grinning::grinning::grinning:

How many more times am i going to have to post here until somebody does something? I already missed an event i was planning on going to because nobody will help. Do i claim fraud through my bank to get my money back??! Just take my money then lock me out of my account

It has now been over a month that I have not been able to open hearthstone. Every time I try opening I just get the same HS:NGRESULT DB ERROR:303:0 Error. Support won’t help, everytime I do what you guys say in these forums they just ignore me. I dont know what to do at this point other than make a fraud claim with my bank. You guys have taken my money, locked me out of my account, and ghosted me. Its just a joke at this point.

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I’ve been having the exact same experience with support, they just keep telling me to wait and link me back to here, but the blue posts in this thread keep telling us to put in a ticket and it becomes an endless cycle. You’d think fixing a bug that doesn’t let you play the game would worth their attention, but I guess not. It’s honestly ridiculous.

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