[Main Thread] Duels not working - Jan 19th 2024

I am having the issue described here: Duels not working
I tried from my Windows PC and from Android phone. The same behavior.
Can anybody help with it?
Also tried to re-install on my phone. Still shows the error.



Duels matchmaking has been disabled until we can hotfix a serious exploit found.

There is no ETA on when it will return, but our team is on the case!

Thank you.


When i want to start a new heroic duel instead of the button its a text with check back later. The casual mode its working.
Does anyone hase the same problem

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habe gerade eine duellrunde erstellt und kann diese nicht starten
dasselbe bei einem freund .
uns wurde empfohlen ein neues deck zu erstellen und es erneut zu versuchen aber dennoch kƶnnen wir nicht spielen
1- woran kann es liegen (zeitproblem ? )
2- jetzt haben wir extra gold zusammen gefarmt und ausgegeben um diese duellrunde zu spielen es wƤre nett wenn wir dieses wenigstens erstattet bekommen wĆ¼rden.


Duelle wurden momentan deaktiviert, weil es einen Bug gibt, der von einigen Spielern direkt ausgenutzt wurde.

Help me I have the same error

Thank you for working on it. I am sad to hear duels will be phased out. For me it is the most challenging and fun mode. Hopefully duels will still be kept. Challenge? :grin:

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A new ā€œstarting errorā€
Seems not possible to start a game in duels on mobile and CPU as well. Please reset my game in duels. it should helps.

seems like this is being done to get rid of Duels sooner. claim there is a problem then just shut it off until the shutdown date.

What do you mean ā€œget rid of duelsā€`? Will there not be a continuation of the mode?

duels in its entirety will be removed in april

I get on the game and for the first time in 5 yrs I donā€™t want to play anything. I only play duels these days. Itā€™s sad Iā€™m to look for another game after all this time.


i canā€™t resume my heroic duel, i click on the button to resume and the message i get is " There was and error starting your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again." iā€™ve waited minutes, hours, and days. iā€™ve rebooted the program, the launcher and even restarted my PC. and i still get the same error

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As if youā€™re going to delete Duels! I alone have spent a fortune on it!

Itā€™s like deleting a massive revenue stream?

Instead of deleting it perhaps I can buy it? Iā€™m happy to get zeh millions!!


is this impacting battlegrounds as well?

Same, all other modes are completely boring and uninteresting to me. Also donā€™t understand why ppl play battlegrounds, there are way better options for auto-chess out there.

Still not fixed, huh?
What do I spend my tavern tickets that I bought for duels on now? Literally all other game modes are trash.


Same, I tried arena and I really wish they would get rid of that instead of duels.

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Developers include heroic duels animals

I donā€™t understandā€¦ Is the duel problem going to be fixed or should we delete Hearthstone?

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