[Main Thread] Android 10 & Samsung A70/A80 - Cannot Login Android app

Same issue galaxy a70
I reinstalled 4 times its not working

Olá, eu tentei este método e não funcionou, então tentei uma solução que encontrei no Reddit:

  • Abra o jogo;
  • Espere abrir o menu que indica as opções “novo” e “conta existente”;
  • Clique na opção “conta existente” e então minimize o jogo e limpe o cache do jogo;
  • Ao voltar ao jogo, ele deve voltar para a tela correta de login de conta.

Mas isso funcionou definitivamente?

Eu já desinstalei o jogo e não deu certo.

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Same problem, and still d’nt work…:rage::rage:

  1. Go to the Hearthstone and wait for 5 seconds at the tavern doors.
  2. Exit the Hearthstone, and clear the game cache.
  3. Go to the Hearthstone, wait another 2-3 seconds.
  4. Minimize the game and clear the game cache again.
  5. Go back into Hearthstone, wait a bit and it should let you back in

Y Small indie company…

I want an answer how can you resolve this, the expansion is out i wanna play, i want to open the packs that i paid for

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so I reinstalled hs on Samsung a70, I choose new player, I got the tutorial until the panda challenger, then click up left to log in with existing account and it worked, so I did it to log in successfully into the game. Although I got the same issue when I exit the game and trying to get back in so I have to do the same everytime I’ll try to play again. That’s all

It’s do not work…:confused::confused::confused:

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I wanna know why i can’t play the game, why do i even bought the new expansion if the game won’t launch it keeps saying “playful sprites have disrupted hearthstone” if somebody please help, tomorrow is the new expansion and i can’t open the packs i even used money on, this is happening since i’ve upgraded my Android softwere


Same here, over a week… i manage to enter, and i stayed like 2 hours for packs opening and 2 matches, but after that i close it and try to enter but still the problem… atleast give us some deck some dust or some gold for those days where we lost missions for gold…

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It plays for me but always when cache is 40,96 KB in the step 4… If it’s other it doesn’t play.

Same here yesterday did the update try everything I read here and nothing…

Same issue for me. Still not able to get in the game. Even the workaround doesnt work… missing the launch of the new expack.

Can somebody from Blizzard give us some update about this problem? We wanna play

Esse método não é definitivo, pelo menos para mim. Tenho que fazê-lo sempre que iniciar o jogo, infelizmente.

so I reinstalled hs on Samsung a70, I choose new player, I got the tutorial until the panda challenger, then click up left to log in with existing account and it worked, so I did it to log in successfully into the game. Although I got the same issue when I exit the game and trying to get back in so I have to do the same everytime I’ll try to play again. That’s all .

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This is not working, i have an Samsung A80

SInce the new andriod version i cant launch the game on my phone. It says playful sprites have disprupted the game. I tried deleting and downloading the game again (Didnt help). Even resetted the phone to factory settings (didnt help either) When will be this issue fixed?

Same problem is here

Same problem here, please fix.