Let's talk about quest hunter

Well; I certainly don’t. I have watched APXVoid win with decks that I couldn’t crack 20% with.
I do question the matching, but I don’t think the game cheats anyone.

I agree. Quest Hunter plays itself with the right draw.
The deck annoys me. Its a better Hp deck than Ping mage could ever hope to be.

It’s probably Tier 1 without Ramp Druid, so pick your poison I guess. Ramp Druid does keep it severely in check though.

You can also counter it by playing Paladin but since when has that been an option that people are enthusiastic about?

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The Brood, initially, has not spoken by our own choice. And then later, it was forbidden, heheh, by the Undertaker. But when the Brood enter this world, we create the guidance. That guiding light to show us the way, and that was the Undertaker. Well, unfortunately, the Undertaker’s thoughts and feelings were not the same as ours, hehehahahahaha. For in the darkness, we seek a much different light. We live our collective lifestyles for who we are, and what we believe in. And this s-s-s-s-s-search, of the mystery, of life, and the year after, and the power is what we seek…and it’s in all of us, and we just have to unleash it hahahahahaha.

Deck skill ratings

#27 out of 30. Bottom 10% of the meta (weighted for popularity). One of the lowest skill cap decks in Standard, which is why it’s Tier 2 almost Tier 1 at low ranks and Tier 3 at top Legend.

Yeah and those figures say all I need to know about hunter.
Team 5 needs to start allowing other classes to have time in the top tiers, like hunter has enjoyed since forever.

I think that Hunter will be hit few weeks after the rotation, as lot of armor gain (for druid) and healing (for Priest) will be gone. Paladin as well is losing his burst healing (while gaining other, less effective heal).

So yeah, I think there will come time, when QH will be hit as it is really fast and bursts out a lot of damage.

That made this matchup playable for those 2 classes. after rotation, this will be gone, so there will be very few classes that can outpace or outarmor the deck.

I like Hunter, and I even play it some, I just think every class should be allowed to play on top once in awhile.
I dont see how that’s posssible with the same three classes on top every expansion.

Any deck that can create consistent minion pressure will bully quest hunter. Q hunter folds under minion pressure. They can’t face you if you face them :wink:

I dont keep track what is good or not that much into history. I just play whatever is fun for me and I dont really care about which class it is.

I have most games on any class on Rogue, but it is all from Espionage/Tess era. I dont think I played maybe 100-150 games this rotation alltogether on Rogue and I have 1800 wins with Rogue. So I almost completely ditched the class.
Similarly with Hunter - 1000 wins, but probably over 950 were on DR Hunter. Maybe 50 games past year (since I dont play aggro) to experiment a bit with questline.

So yeah, play what you have fun with. Dunno why there needs to be rotation between classes on top.

I think that all players prefer some class over others whether they play more or not.
As paying customers, I believe all players should get some time with their favorite class on top of the meta instead of just the same three or four classes every expansion.

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I dont really care which class is on top as long as meta is healthy and I have fun. I played for majority of HS decks, which were in average T3-T4 or were not even on the leaderboard just because I have fun with them.

Is Pirate/Thief rogue going to be good? 99% sure it will not be T1-T2 deck. am I going to play the hell out of it and just have ton of fun stealing your cards and playing them? Heck yea!

Wild secret hunter is pretty dumb to play against too. Spam all your sectets for zero mana then spawn a 3/3 minion for each secret. Hunter is a joke to play against.

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I agree its pretty simple to play.
If mage doesn’t work in the expansion I’m definitely trying Hunter.

Good. The more people that jump on the bandwagon the quicker it might get nerfed. We could always use some more degenerates in this game. There is never enough apparently.


Couldn’t agree more with your analysis, Selwynn.

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Kinda like Druid. Oh wait. I’m sure that’s different somehow.

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It’s his typical “I hate things if they’re popular” nonsense. Quest Hunter is a Tier 2.5 deck by winrate and it shouldn’t be nerfed unless that changes.

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The nonsense is you not understanding why having a varied play experience is integral to maintaining a playerbase.

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I roll my eyes so far back into my head everytime my opponent plays q hunter.

Always the same cards, always the same order. And they rarely get draw starved because of Barak, Tracking, the new Alterac draw 3… to name a few

Was playing agony lock just now and the only way I managed to survive was using Spice Bread Bakers, the Lifesteal Quilboar, and raise dead with those minions being my only dudes in deck